Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 32

32. Xu Xiyan couldn't help but go to the theater team's registration party to ask. The other party told him that he didn't understand the situation, and asked her to wait until the audition ended.

Xu Xiyan had to continue to wait, the wait for the yellow vegetables are cold.

When the audition is over, she will ask again. As a result, she is directly told that the audition is over. Go back!

What's the matter?

Ming Ming platoon number 222, why not call her number?

Now I brush her directly. I don't even give her the chance to audition. How could that be true?

Isn't this audition the most fair, fair, open and transparent audition facing the whole country?

Xu Xiyan is full of depression. She thinks about the reason why she will be brushed off. After thinking about Xu xinrou's face, she suddenly seems to understand everything.

Is Xu xinrou making trouble in the dark?

On the surface, she said that she would recommend it to her. In fact, she must find the person in charge of the production team, and directly assigned her quota, right?

It must be!

With her understanding of Xu xinrou, it is impossible for Xu xinrou to allow her to enter the entertainment circle and compete with her for resources.

After trying to understand the original reason, Xu Xiyan was just unwilling to prepare for such a long time and wait for such a long time, but he was disqualified by the insider.

With a trace of discontent, she chased the crew members to the outside of the building and continued to pester the staff to ask,

"brother, help me, can you let me meet the crew leader and give me another chance?"

"No way! The audition is over. You'd better wait for the chance later! "

The staff shook off Xu Xiyan. Maybe to make him die, they pointed to a car about to start in the distance and said, "look, the directors and producers have all left by car."

Xu Xiyan noticed that the black nanny car had turned its tires and was ready to leave the parking space.

Thinking of meeting the person in charge, she ran straight to the car without thinking. Unfortunately, the nanny car has already left the parking lot.

Xu Xiyan sees a delivery boy park the battery car on the side of the road. In a hurry, she directly rides the battery car to chase the director's car.

On the road, there is a stable nanny car ahead, and a battery car with full power behind.

Xu Xiyan adds horsepower to the end, and finally catches up with the nanny car. But the car is about to turn around, and she can't care too much. She directly discards the battery car and flies to the nanny car.

Stick your body to the top of the car and fasten your fingers to the edge to prevent it from being thrown down.

Because the sudden object hit the roof, the driver immediately bent and slammed on the brake.

Xu Xiyan was thrown in front of the car and his cheek was brushed off the windshield.

Seeing a person flying by the car, the driver is not good at all. He is scared to death, "Guide Director, I think I hit someone

"Damn it."

Huang Guoqiang, wearing a mask, can't help bursting out. There are too many things that he doesn't like recently. Now it's better to spread another one.

If you hit a bad person, it's probably a criminal case.

All the people in the car were scared out of cold sweat. Just then, it was very dangerous. They saw a man fly into his car and get thrown out.

I don't know how people were hit. Huang Guoqiang asked the driver to get out of the car and have a look. As a result, a face with delicate features suddenly appeared in front of the car. He bared his teeth and smiled at several people inside.

Several people in the car: "..."

No one dares to believe that such a beautiful girl finished the thrilling actions just now.

Xu Xiyan finally intercepted successfully. He ran to the car window panting and slapped it,

"Huang Dao! Huang Dao! Can you give me a chance? I'm here to audition
