Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 31

31. "As you say, Xu family will always be your family."

Xu xinrou naturally wants to keep a caring attitude in front of people. "Anyway, you should at least go back to see grandparents and dad. They miss you very much. "

"Yes, I'll go when I have time."

The only person she wants to see is Grandpa, but she can't go for the time being. She wants to wait for stability.

"Do you have a place to live now?" She asked again.

"Stay with my friend."

Xu Xiyan looks away from her eyes, and has no intention of talking with her.

She would rather live in a friend's place than go home. Just like Xu xinrou's heart, she would rather she didn't go home all her life.

Xu xinrou noticed the number plate on her chest and said, "Jing Xi? Have you changed your name now? 222, are you here for audition, too?

"Want to be an actor? What role would you like to audition for? I can recommend you to the crew.

"You're my sister anyway, and they'll give me that face."

"No need. What I want now, I don't need any of your help. "

Xu refused directly.

When Xu xinrou wanted to say something else, her assistant Wenli reminded her, "xinrou, it's almost time for your audition. Let's go!"

"Yan Yan, what do you need in the future, just talk to your sister. My number hasn't changed. "

Xu xinrou sighed, put on sunglasses again, and walked to the audition hall with Wenli.

Before entering the audition hall, she lowered her voice and said to Wenli, "go to the cast to get some help. In any case, Jingxi, No. 222, can't pass the audition."

Xu xinrou asked Wenli to do something to kill Xu Xiyan's actor dream at the source. She was afraid that Xu Xiyan would be better than her in the future.

Because Xu Xiyan, who hasn't been seen for five years, is so outstanding in appearance that once he starts his career, he is bound to become a hot new comer.

Now, Xu xinrou is the first sister of star gathering, a first-line star. They can become famous with her. She will never allow Xu Xiyan to join the entertainment circle to rob her resources.

Xu xinrou has the priority of audition because the audition is for female one. She enters the audition hall and comes out about 10 minutes later.

After she came out, her face was not very good-looking, because she was not selected as the first girl, and the first girl was robbed by qilia. She just managed to get the role of the second girl, which was too unwillingness.

Every time qilia plays in a movie, she can't beat her. This qilia is a really annoying stumbling block.

Because qilia comes from Yunhai entertainment and Xu xinrou comes from star gathering entertainment, she always feels inferior to qilia.

Although Xu xinrou is the first sister of Juxing, compared with an ordinary actor in Yunhai entertainment, her treatment is much worse.

Xu xinrou's ultimate goal is Yunhai entertainment, because Yunhai entertainment has a more promising future than justar, and can connect with the international community. Her future goal is to go global and become an international movie queen.

Just don't nest in the second and third class small company like Juxing all her life, she is ready to let her father help her to enter the cloud sea entertainment development.

Hum, at that time, qilia will have to make way for her, no matter how good she is.

Xu xinrou is in a bad mood and takes people away from the audition. Xu Xiyan has been waiting quietly, watching a lot of people take part in the audition and leave, but she has never heard her number and name.

It's over 300. Did she call her number just now, and she didn't hear it or something?
