Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 29

29. It's really nothing. Her most serious injury was that she broke three ribs, but all survived. Now it's just a scratch.

For her, it's common.

"Can you stop acting as a double? The double is too dangerous. " Fang Xiaocheng suggested.

"Yes! There is an audition for a supporting role in the afternoon. If I can be selected, I can officially participate in the performance. "

Well The goods are just desperate.

Seeing her face excited, Fang Xiaocheng couldn't bear to pour cold water on her face. "OK, good luck."


When the stunt is over, they take Yingbao to a quiet restaurant in the city.

Xu Xiyan went to the bathroom halfway, but when he came back, he misread the box number.

Push open the box, there are two people in it, a middle-aged man with beard and a beautiful woman, two people sit in the box to eat.

Men and women are more intimate, see Xu Xiyan come in, two people quickly flick open, resume serious.

I'm rough. What's the situation?

Xu Xiyan realizes that he went to the wrong box and says sorry, but he accidentally recognizes the woman in the box. She is Qi Liya, the rightful star of Z country.

Xu Xiyan has seen several palace dramas performed by qilia, praised her acting skills, and learned a lot from her. Today, she seldom meets an actress she likes, and of course, she won't miss the chance to ask for her autograph.

"Hello! Are you qilia, please? I've seen some of your plays. I really appreciate your acting skills. You're very good. I like you very much. Can Mr. Qi sign for me? "

Xu Xiyan, like a fanatical Star chaser, came to qilia with a smile.

Qilia was recognized by the fans, but she couldn't help it. So she took out her signature pen and agreed to sign for her.

After signing, Xu Xiyan asked for a group photo. "Mr. Qi, you look better in reality than in the play. Can I have a picture with you? "

Although qilia is reluctant, she still agrees to take a group photo. After the group photo, she does not forget to tell her, "I hope our group photo will not be sent to the Internet. I do not want to cause unnecessary misunderstanding."

"No problem. No, I won't. I'll keep it. '

Xu Xiyan put away his mobile phone and looked at the beard beside him when he left.

I only think he is familiar, but I don't think of who he is.

Mr. beard's face was cold all the time. He was probably destroyed by Xu Xiyan, which made him very unhappy.

After all, as a director dating the actress alone, it may cause trouble to be caught accidentally.

How could Xu Xiyan think of Mr. beard's identity as a director? What's more, a chance encounter would bring her unexpected surprise.

After dinner, Xu Xiyan rushed to the audition site and asked Fang Xiaocheng to take Yingbao back first.

The play to be auditioned is called "the tea falls to the sky", which is a new ancient costume palace play created by Huang Guoqiang, a well-known director in the industry, with his professional team.

It's said that Qi Liya is the heroine of Huang Guoqiang. I don't know if Qi Liya will play in this play.

No matter who plays the leading role, it seems that Xu Xiyan has nothing to do with her, because what she wants to audition for is only a very small role, and one line is not too many palace maids.

Although the play is very few, but grasshopper legs are also meat!

What she sees is not the role, but the strength of director Huang Guoqiang.

He is a wizard in the field of director. Any actor who plays in his play, even a dragon suit, has the possibility of becoming popular.

So, this is a very important opportunity, if Xu Xiyan can seize it, it is likely to bring her unexpected harvest.
