Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 28

28. The criminal drama business expressed doubts. When contacting at that time, she read that she could chant spring boxing, fight freely and fight sparingly. She had a strong foundation in Kung Fu, so she agreed to let her try.

Xu Xiyan knew that the other side doubted her ability because she dressed too much as a lady today.

However, when she comes, she will never give the other party a chance to refuse her.

She didn't say a word, but she took a sharp capture action, put the criminal drama on the table, and then she asked with a smile, "criminal drama, do you think I can do it?"

"OK! OK, OK! Great! "

He didn't respond to the surprise that her actions were so crisp.

After Xu Xiyan released him, the criminal drama officer said, "fill in a form first. Then change your clothes and get ready. "

Xu Xiyan gets the form and fills in his name: Jing Xi.

This is the stage name she gave herself. She changed her mother's surname. From now on, in the entertainment circle, this is the name she used.

-- Jingxi.

No longer with the Xu family, she will be her later. Her success or failure has nothing to do with the Xu family. Similarly, whether the Xu family is brilliant or decadent has nothing to do with her.

After filling in the form, Xu Xiyan put on a dark uniform of the policewoman, and the aura immediately changed. A heroic temperament was displayed incisively and vividly.

After seeing it, the criminal drama manager was stunned again. He couldn't help thinking, how can a good young man like her still be a double? It's a pity!

In the next stunt, the heroine chases the murderer, jumps off the roof of an abandoned house and rolls off the ground.

In order to highlight the effect, the director of this scene asked the actors not to use Weiya, so the heroine Huang Yanran proposed to use a double.

After playing the board, Xu Xiyan started from one end of the house, ran to the eaves, jumped directly, fell on the car, and then rolled to the ground, in one go.

However, her face appeared in the plane frame, which was the failure of the double. According to the requirements, she should not show her face.

The director asked to come again. Xu Xiyan finished the action smoothly again. However, he was pointed out that he was wrong and asked to come again.

The third time, Xu Xiyan controlled the angle and position, and smoothly completed the thrilling action again, the director finally shouted "cut" with satisfaction.

There are only two stunts. Xu Xiyan returns to Fang Xiaocheng's car with a bottle of mineral water and his due reward, only to find his daughter Yingbao crying.

"What's the matter? Sakura? " Xu Xiyan put down the mineral water and quickly picked up his daughter.

Sakura Bao's little hand kept wiping away tears. The tearful man cried and said vaguely,

"weeping Xibao is too hard Xibao falls from such a high place. What if it breaks?

"Hee baby is so pitiful. Hee baby has no double......"

It turns out that the little girl just saw her stunt and saw her wrestling all the time, so she was heartbroken.

Xu Xiyan wipes tears for Yingbao and coaxes, "Xibao is a double. And Xibao is superman. Have you forgotten? Babe, there's nothing

"I said it's OK. You're bleeding."

Fang Xiaocheng sighs, grabs Xu Xiyan's arm, wipes the dust off the wound near her elbow with a clean wet towel, and then pastes two bandages for her, "go back and do another disinfection treatment!"

Xu Xiyan is used to being a woman man. He is not coquettish at all. Dala said, "it's OK. It's nothing to scratch the skin. It'll be fine soon. "
