Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 265

266. Huo Jingtang sneered, "Professor Qin, don't be so excited! Don't worry, your wife and children are in a safe place now. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I promise to reunite your family as soon as possible. "

Qin Kun stops talking. He is in a dilemma at this time. To help him is tantamount to aiding the tyranny and harming the nature. If he does not help him, his family will be in danger.

What to do?

"Here is the medicine. I can give you enough time to think about it. Don't worry too much."

Hearing the sound of chairs moving and footsteps, Xu Xiyan knew that huojingtang was about to come out, so she dodged in the corner as fast as she could.

Sure enough, the office door opened, Huo Jingtang came out of it and left here triumphantly.

Xu Xiyan stares at Huo Jingtang's back, and his eyes get colder and sharper. Unexpectedly, Huo Jingtang is such a person!

He looks like he cares about Huo Yunshen on the surface. In fact, he hurts Huo Yunshen and wants to do something in his medicine.

Alas, thinking of Huo Yunshen, Xu Xiyan can't help sighing. Huo Yunshen is really miserable.

He always worshipped Huo Jingtang as a hero. He said that he was grateful to brother Huo Jingtang for saving him when he was a child.

However, he regards Huo Jingtang as his brother, but Huo Jingtang regards him as his eyesore.

I don't know. How sad would Huo Yunshen feel if he knew Huo Jingtang's character?

At the same time of sighing, Xu Xiyan also couldn't help but rejoice that she came here today and broke in directly. She overheard such a big news by accident.

She thought calmly for a while in the dark. After having a detailed plan in mind, she went out and knocked on Professor Qin's office door.

In the office, Qin Kun is sitting on the chair decadent. He doesn't know what he's thinking. Xu Xiyan comes in and says, "Hello, Professor Qin! I've come to get Mr. Huo's medicine. "

Huo Yunshen has contacted Professor Qin in advance. Xu Xiyan will take the medicine today and she will take it later.

At this moment, Qin Kun sees Xu Xiyan, can barely say, "Miss Jingxi!"

After Xu Xiyan entered the room, his eyes fell on the white medicine bottle on the table, pretending not to know, "Professor Qin, is this Mr. Huo's medicine? Are you all ready? I took it. Thank you! "

Qin Kun didn't speak. Xu Xiyan took a look at him. When he acquiesced, he picked up the medicine bottle and left.

Turning the door handle to open the door to leave, Xu Xiyan suddenly heard Qin Kun behind her shouting, "wait! The medicine is wrong. It's not cloudy. "

Xu Xiyan was relieved. She understood that Professor Qin must have made a very painful decision to make this decision.

Indeed, Professor Qin did not lose his humanity. Even when his family's life was threatened, he did not lose his integrity and virtue.

He did not know that it was his words that saved himself and his family.

From the moment he said that the medicine was wrong, Xu Xiyan decided to help Professor Qin to solve the problem.

She turned around, walked back to Qin Kun, put the medicine bottle in front of him, and said with a smile,

"if I'm not wrong, the medicine in this bottle, if taken by a normal person for a long time, will produce nerve paralysis, resulting in muscle weakness. If taken by a paralyzed person, it will never be possible to stand up again, is it Professor Qin?"

Qin Kun's face changed so much that he didn't know how to answer for a while.
