Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 264

265. Yingbao is relieved and smiles again. Now in her heart, she thinks uncle dimple is better.

Uncle dimple is so brave. He is a super hero.

In order not to spoil the children's fun and disturb Xu Xiyan's filming, Huo Yunshen continues to visit the zoo with Yingbao in pain.

At noon, let Yi Xiao prepare for a happy picnic on the grassland of the zoo.

On the other hand, it's the noon break for the "sin source" crew.

Xu Xiyan has seen the schedule of the two groups. It's full in the morning, and it's full from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

She had only 2 hours of rest at noon. Thinking of helping Huo Yunshen get the medicine, she couldn't care about the rest. After finishing work, she immediately drove to the rehabilitation center of the first people's Hospital in Beijing.

She took the elevator to go upstairs, didn't call Professor Qin in advance, didn't even go through the nurse's desk to deliver an appointment, and killed Professor Qin's office directly.

Standing at the door of the office, Xu Xi promised to stop, adjust his breath, and prepare to knock on the door.

However, before his hands fell, he heard the voice of conversation coming from the office. It is likely that Professor Qin would have any friends or patients here!

Xu Xiyan didn't want to disturb the conversation of the people in the room. He planned to sit on the chair in the corridor outside and wait for the people inside to come out and enter again.

But just after the steps were lifted up, I heard the voice of the people inside. Why is the voice so familiar?

Out of curiosity, Xu Xiyan can't help but stop and close his ear to hear who is in it.

"I don't need you to do anything for me, you just need to change his medicine into this kind of medicine."

Xu Xiyan is very sensitive to the voice. She remembers that it's Huo Jingtang's voice.

What did he come to see Professor Qin for?

Whose medicine have you changed?

Xu Xiyan listened to the confused, strong curiosity driven, she continued to stay in situ eavesdropping.

"President Huo, what you said about this kind of medicine is that normal people will have nerve palsy and muscle weakness when they take it for a long time. What's more, people with poor legs and feet? I'm sorry, Qin Kun will never do such a thing. Take away the five million cards! "

It's Professor Qin who talks. He's a man with a bottom line. He's a doctor. He's kind-hearted and not driven by money.

"How few are you?"

"No, it's nothing to do with money. I, Qin, want to be worthy of my heart."

Maybe Qin Kun didn't cooperate with him. He angered Huo Jingtang, and his voice became cold obviously.

"Now that he has been paralyzed for many years, it's hopeless to stand up again. I will be in charge of the cloud sea in the future.

"If you are willing to help me with my work, your benefits will be indispensable in the future.

"But if you don't want to, then I think no one can save your wife and children."

Xu Xiyan outside the door has understood. Huo Jingtang wants to buy Professor Qin with 5 million yuan and let him change Huo Yunshen's medicine.

Want to make Huo Yunshen never stand up!

It's too vicious!

Huo Yunshen respects his elder brother very much. Why does Huo Jingtang harm his younger brother?

Is it to get the inheritance of the Huo family?

I can't bear to think about it more. The man in the room plays an audio. There are boys and girls crying in the audio. They are all calling for Dad.

Qin Kun heard the voice of his children and knew that Huo Jingtang threatened him with the life of his family. He was angry and anxious. He asked angrily, "Huo Jingtang, what did you do to my family?"
