Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 24

24. "I can't walk, I can't get a wife. My family expects me to carry on the family line, but I can only live alone. Can you understand my mood? "

Huo Yunshen's words are sincere and full of sadness. Xu Xiyan's heart is very bad. She didn't mean it. Wasn't it special at that time.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it would be like this. But it's not all my fault. You went into the room blind. "

Xu Xiyan felt guilty, but he never regretted sleeping that night.

But for him, she would not have Sakura.

Thank you very much.

Listen to him, his family all expect him to inherit the family. Xu Xiyan has a little trouble and worry in his heart.

But don't let him know, Sakura treasure is his kind, otherwise if the Huo family recapture the child, she is not finished!?

Huo Yun raised his eyebrows deeply. "You mean, I went into the wrong room blind and deserved your sleep. My physical and mental disability is my own misfortune, right?"

"No, it's not That's not what I mean. I am

Xu Xiyan hurriedly waved his hand. He could not explain the feeling clearly. Finally, he just shook his hand. "Well, it's my fault. What do you want?"

"Very simple. You have to pay for my loss. No more mental loss for you. Let's just talk about economic loss. In terms of the annual income of at least 200 million yuan, you will pay me at least 1 billion yuan in five years. "

"One billion!!!"

Xu Xiyan exclaimed, only thinking that the thunder was rolling on her head, and she was scorched and tender inside.

Ah Ah ah ah Just returned to China, I was carrying a billion yuan of foreign debt!?

Heaven, earth, can we give a way

Now Xu Xiyan deeply doubts that she has also met a swindler!?

"One billion is less. In terms of my annual value increase, one billion is really not much."

Huo Yunshen's face was sincere, but there was a shred of sophistication in his eyes.

"I have no money. If you want me to pay 1 billion yuan, it's better to take my life directly. "

Xu Xiyan really wants to beat herself to death with bricks. How big a basket did she stab in her last life? How much retribution will she bring in this life?

"What do I want your life to do?"

Huo Yun's deep lips curved a beautiful arc and gave her advice. "If you can't afford it, I have another way to solve it."

"What method?"

Huo Yunshen reached out and stroked the hair on his forehead, hooked his lips and chuckled, "to be my life assistant. Move to me and take care of me. "

If taking care of his daily life and being able to pay his debts, this method is a very good way to try.

It's just

"It's not impossible to take care of you. It's just that it's not convenient for me to live with you as a single woman. I don't want to be talked about, let alone accused of borrowing your position."

Xu Xiyan is for future consideration. If she wants to make a living in the entertainment circle, how can she have an unclear relationship with Huo Yunshen?

"It's easy, too. You can move in next door."

When Huo Yunshen bought this place quietly, he bought the next door and the opposite door together in order to be clean.

He gave a compromise, and pressed her to make a choice immediately, "either pay me 1 billion, or live next to me, you can choose one of the two ways."

"Next door! Next door! "

Of course, Xu won't choose to pay a billion yuan.
