Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 23

23. When the fork fell on the table, Xu Xiyan's whole feeling was not good. He felt like hitting the muzzle of the gun.

No wonder the first thing he said when he got up early was whether she remembered who he was!

When it's over, it's true that sentence has been fulfilled. If you come out and mix, you'll have to pay it back sooner or later.

"At last?"

Huo Yun leers at her deeply. Her face is clear and handsome. It's nice to be remembered.

"500 yuan, not much. You see other love stories, the hostess sleeps and the hostess only gives 100 yuan. I'm generous enough.

"Besides, what do you have to lie to. You're a man, I'm a woman. I didn't say that I suffered losses. I gave it to you for the first time. It's you who earned it, big brother. "

Xu Xiyan is eager to get rid of the suspicion of "swindler". If the man really cares and asks her to compensate for the loss, what should she do?

Have you read too many romance novels?

Huo Yun sees her anxiously and teases her deliberately and says, "is that right? I have the feeling of being cheated. Would you know my identity in advance, deliberately design to have an affair with me and then use me to get on top

Xu Xiyan immediately put up three fingers, "I swear! At that time, I didn't know you at all, and I didn't want to use you.

"That night was really just an accident. Did you make it cheap?

"Besides, if I really want to take advantage of you, I've been angry for a long time, and I won't be a nobody until now."

Xu Xiyan felt that he was unlucky. How could it be him?

Now she was full of doubt. He was kind enough to help her go home. He must have found her to settle accounts.

Huo Yun looked at her face, which was in a hurry to cry. He smiled and continued,

"but how can I feel that I have suffered a loss?

"I am the movie emperor, the current president of Yunhai entertainment, and you are just a cipher.

"And you know what? The reason why I have an accident is all because of you. "


It's all about her?

Does his car accident have anything to do with her?

She's gone abroad. I don't know about it at all.

Xu Xiyan's face was unbelievable, "because of me? How could it be? "

Huo Yunshen continued, "I asked you to come to me later, but you forgot everything. If it wasn't for your irresponsibility, I wouldn't have a car accident on the way to the airport. You said, is it because of you? "

Xu Xi's words are speechless and choking: "..."

His subtext is clear enough. If he didn't run because she slept, he would not have to look for her. If he didn't look for her, he would not have an accident.

It's all because of her that he's in trouble.

So It's really because of her.

After a few seconds of silence, Huo Yun asked sadly, "you left that year. Do you know how much the crash hit me?"

“……” Xu Xi said nothing powerful.

I remember five years ago when he was proud, confident, domineering and strong. Now because of this wheelchair, he has honed his pride.

In desperation, it is inevitable to breed inferiority.

Huo Yunshen's pride was destroyed by the accident.

She has heard Fang Xiaocheng say that even after his severe paralysis, his function in that area has been lost, which means that he is the last.

For a prosperous man, it is no doubt that he has been sentenced to death.

It's cruel.

Xu Xiyan can't even imagine if she was the one who had an accident, would she want to commit suicide in despair?
