President's fake girlfriend

Chapter 152

I want to eat the food she cooked for him all my life!

"However, I screwed up your birthday. You pushed off the invitation of your family and friends and celebrated my birthday alone, but I broke the cake... Ruined your mood..."

It is said that birthday is the most important day of the year, and happiness on this day is the most important

As a child, before her birthday, Xiuer's mother always told her the night before: "tomorrow is your birthday. You should be happy on your birthday. Don't cry! If you are unhappy on your birthday, you will be unhappy all year! "

She always remembered what Xiuer's mother said

However, today is Ruan Lingyun's birthday, but she cried... Although she tried hard not to cry

Le Yutong bit her lips and cried so hard that she couldn't say it - she screwed up her poor birthday. She was really useless.

Sure enough, as mu Jifei said, she is the unlucky ghost, broom star. Whoever follows her will be unlucky!

"How can I blame you? This cake was deliberately broken by others. How did you break it? " Ruan Lingyun couldn't help but hold back when she took all the responsibility on herself——

Is that why she is often bullied?

"But it's my bad luck... It's my existence that makes your birthday so bad... Unhappy... If you don't stay with me, you now..." Le Yutong choked and blamed himself.

"Who said I was unhappy?"

Suddenly, Ruan Lingyun didn't allow her to go on, and made an amazing move——

He pulled the cake on her lap, lifted the lid, grabbed it, and put it directly into his mouth.

Le Yutong looked at him in amazement

"Delicious!" Ruan Lingyun swallowed the cake and said, "it's really delicious!"

His tone is girlish.

It's hard for him, a mighty man, to pretend to be so stunned!

"Yutong, I want to tell you that I am very happy to spend my birthday with you, even if there is no birthday cake, no birthday party, no compliments and blessings from others. This is my happiest and happiest birthday in 29 years! "


Seeing that he was going to grab the cake again, Le Yutong shouted with fear and reached out to grab the cake: "the cake has fallen to the ground, dirty, can't eat!"

Ruan Lingyun stood up first, held the cake high and said, "is this the cake you gave me?"

"Yes! But the cake is dirty! " Due to her height, Le Yutong jumped to grab it, but after jumping several times, she still couldn't touch Ruan Lingyun's hand.

Ruan Lingyun is so tall!

Finally, she glanced at the bench and climbed up to grab it.

"Since it's for me, it's mine. You should have no problem with how I deal with it!" Ruan Lingyun couldn't help grinning when she saw that she was worried.

"But the cake has fallen to the ground! Very dirty! " Le Yutong was in a hurry when she saw that she couldn't grab the cake.

Dirty cakes like this are food that people like them can't avoid!

In the past, when mu Jifei was around, mu Jifei was harsh on food hygiene. If anyone breathed at his food, the food would be thrown into the dustbin.

Aren't they all such virtuous friends who grew up in the rich and powerful courtyard?

However, Ruan Lingyun didn't listen to her at all. He turned around, stuffed another mouthful of cake in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it: "it's not dirty, it's not dirty, it's delicious! Yutong, this is the best cake I've ever eaten! "

After listening to Ruan Lingyun's words, Le Yutong stood on the bench and froze. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer him. He just looked at him, and his heart was moved like a surging river.

After a while, she asked in a low voice, "why? In fact, it's just a cake. Now you can buy a new one! "


Crying again

Seeing her expression, Ruan Lingyun paused and suddenly asked seriously, "as long as I finish eating it, you won't love it anymore. Won't you cry?"

So... So!

Le Yutong was suddenly stunned and stared at Ruan Lingyun - God! There are such good people in the world!

It really refreshed her understanding of the rich childe.

Ruan Lingyun grabbed the cake when she was stunned, took a hard bite, smiled and said, "I don't like watching you cry, don't like watching you cry, don't like watching you sad. Your eyes are beautiful and clear. Such beautiful eyes are used to laugh, not cry! "

"Well, now I'm making a wish..." swallowed the cake in my mouth, and Ruan Lingyun began to put his hands together——

"My birthday wish... Is... I hope Le Yutong will be happy in the future and don't cry again... Yutong, you will promise me, won't you?"


"Why don't you make a wish? Let's go! " Ruan Lingyun proposed and stood with her.

I don't know why, Le Yutong suddenly had an illusion that it was someone else's birthday, but it felt like her birthday.

Yes, she's so big that she hasn't had a decent birthday.

Actually... She doesn't even know the exact date of her birthday.

Xiuer's mother set the date when she went to the orphanage as her birthday; In the United States, the date of her visit to the operating room was changed by doctors and nurses to her rebirth birthday.

In fact... She really doesn't know when her birthday is, let alone how it feels.

After listening to Ruan Lingyun's words, Le Yutong was inexplicably moved and wanted to shed tears.

How could he make a wish for her on his birthday?

Ruan Lingyun saw Le Yutong crying again. He walked forward a few steps, wiped the tears off her face gently with the clean skin on the back of his hand, and said, "I said, my birthday wish is that you should be happy in the future, can't cry, can't shed tears. Give me face, will you? Will you stop crying? "

Yes, today is his birthday. How can she always cry?

Le Yutong bit her lips apologetically, and then focused on her head: "... OK!"

As soon as the voice fell, she raised a bright smile.

As soon as she smiled, Ruan Lingyun thought that there was a clear sky in her heart. She also laughed and praised, "it's so beautiful!"

When he praised her, Le Yutong was a little embarrassed. She smiled and looked at Ruan Lingyun reaching out to grab the cake. She was in a hurry and stopped loudly: "don't eat. If you eat dirty, you will have diarrhea!"

But Ruan Lingyun didn't care at all: "it's a pity to throw away such a delicious cake. Do you want to eat it? It's a big deal. We're poisoned and have diarrhea together! "

With that, Ruan Lingyun picked his eyebrow at Le Yutong.

Dare you? Huh?