President's fake girlfriend

Chapter 151

Fu Yuncong sat beside him. Seeing his appearance, he couldn't help persuading him: "Mr. mu, aren't you afraid to force general Ruan into a hurry? At least, you are brothers, and he is a dignified figure in Pakistan. Are you not afraid of his retaliation? "

After listening to Fu Yuncong's words, mu Jifei looked disdainful and sneered: "I'm really worried that he won't retaliate!"

Fu Yuncong silently nodded his head and sighed silently - alas, those who offended Mr. Mu generally ended up miserable. I don't know if these two people will have a little luck, so... A little bit!


The cake in Le Yutong's hand was snatched and smashed on the ground. She was immediately dumbfounded.

And to her stupidity, there were six big men standing in front of them.

Ruan Lingyun was so angry that he only hated why he didn't take a team of guards when he went out, but he didn't want to suffer such a dumb loss. He was so big

He was about to go up and teach them a lesson——

"Mr. Ruan, I'm sorry. It's the urgent notice given to me. Let's... We..."

Six burly Biaohan stopped Ruan Lingyun and Le Yutong outside the hotel, and the hotel lobby manager looked at Ruan Lingyun's appearance to rush into the hotel theory, so he squeezed out from behind Biaohan and made a careful apology.

Although Ruan Lingyun is also a big man, he is still a little shorter than the overlord, so the hotel can't help it.

Mu Jifei and Ruan Lingyun don't need to weigh. As long as they are normal people, they will know who to please and offend.

"Forget it... Forget it..." Le Yutong blankly pulled Ruan Lingyun's clothes.

The other party is six big men. They can't beat each other!

Ruan Lingyun accidentally glanced at several mysterious luxury cars passing by the gate. He clearly saw mu Jifei sitting in the first black car.

He knew at once who directed it.

He really wanted to rush over in anger, catch him and have a hard fight with him.

Mu Jifei, you've gone too far!

He retreated step by step, but he intensified.

I can't bear it anymore!

"Mu Jifei, do you think I'm afraid of you so I can tolerate it everywhere?" Ruan Lingyun gritted his teeth in his heart and said, "because you are the president and my superior, I just don't want people who don't know the truth to misunderstand that we are politically divided."

This is not conducive to national unity.

Seeing that Ruan Lingyun didn't speak, the hotel lobby manager just stared angrily at the road, so he carefully apologized: "Mr. Ruan, I've set a place for you in Ligang Hotel, or I'll have someone send you there now? I'm sorry I broke your cake accidentally! I'm told to make you a big and beautiful cake?... "

Ligang hotel is also a five-star or above senior hotel. Its grade is not worse than that of Dihao hotel. It's just a new hotel.

Then the lobby manager asked someone to help drive, but Ruan Lingyun coldly refused: "no!"

Then she took Le Yutong and turned to her car.

He was kicked out for the first time. It's so angry

However, this account must be reckoned with mu Jifei.

Imperial Hotel, he will never visit again.

At the moment, Le Yutong broke free of his hand and squatted on the ground, carefully trying to pick up the flattened cake.

However, even if she picked it up, the cake could not be eaten, because it had fallen in pieces.

Looking at the cake he has carefully made all day, Le Yutong is very sad——

Her work has been destroyed by those people, almost in the blink of an eye. All the cartoon animal signs she carefully carved with white chocolate and black chocolate have been broken.

Le Yutong bit her lips and tears rolled in her eyes

She sorted out the deformed box and put it on the ground. Then she put the cake in the box and put the broken chocolate in it. Finally, she picked up the cake on the ground and covered the severely deformed box.

Then the tears couldn't help falling down.

Seeing Le Yutong's tears drop by drop, the lobby manager was inexplicably flustered and hurriedly said, "Miss, this cake has broken. Don't ask for it. We'll compensate you for a new one and a one ten times bigger than this, okay?"

Ruan Lingyun looked at him and couldn't care about his demeanor any more. He roared at him: "go away!! Don't let me see you again, or... "He pinched his fist and said," get out!!! "

The lobby manager and six young men saw Ruan Lingyun looking like a man to eat. They were shocked and stunned for a moment. Finally, "brush ~ BRUSH ~ BRUSH ~", disappeared.

After all, this man is not easy to provoke. If he stimulates him again, he will call a team of people and smash the hotel, which will be a bad cake!

Ruan Lingyun looked at the woman whose head was buried low, took a breath and whispered, "Yutong, or let's..."

Le Yutong didn't allow him to finish his words, picked up the unrecognized cake on the ground and left.

Ruan Lingyun saw it, hurried to catch up and said carefully, "in fact, it's just a cake. Don't be sad. Otherwise, let's make another one?"


Although they suffered an unfair blow, God gave them a very clear night sky.

Tonight's sky is not only dotted with stars, but also a bright moon hanging high in the air, sprinkling silver afterglow, like filling the warehouse. These two people's injured little hearts.

Without going to the hotel and other places, they walked slowly under the starry sky

They came to the roadside park not far from the hotel. Le Yutong sat on the bench, holding the cake and biting his lips. Without saying a word, he stared at the cake that had been thrown out of shape, and the hot tears hit the box cover one by one.

Ruan Lingyun sat beside her. By the moonlight and the dim road light projected from the distance, he clearly saw crystal clear tears hanging on her long curly eyelashes, one falling and another hanging.

He was in a panic, but he didn't know how to comfort her, let alone how to make her happy.

He knew that she had put a lot of effort into this cake.

"... brother Ruan, am I particularly useless?" Le Yutong's voice cried, "today is your birthday. I can't give you a good gift. Even a cake was broken by someone. I'm sorry --!"

At this point, Le Yutong cried even more sadly.

Ruan Lingyun thought she loved the cake, but unexpectedly, she was sad because she didn't have a good gift for him

He grinned and comforted her: "a cake. Anyway, we live together. You can cook it for me every day!"

Hehe, how beautiful he thought! I want to eat the cake she made for him all my life!

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