President love his wife ardently

Chapter 488

"Achoo! Achoo! "

In the hotel, Gu jiuci sneezed several times.

"What's the matter? A cold? "

A quietly hurried to find the cold medicine in the drawer, and Gu jiuci waved his hand.

"Maybe someone said something bad about me."

She wondered if she was too tired these two days. At the same time, she took out a white medicine box filled with the medicine Dr. Allen gave her.

It's full of a box, half of vitamins and half of memory restoring drugs.

"If I say, it must be the whole crew of Qingyun is saying bad things about you. Yang Xiuwen must have said the worst! He smashed so much money to try to prevent the explosion of "the story of Langya". As a result, the story of Langya was still on fire. "

Ah whispered, pouring out a glass of water and handing it to her.

"Defending the people is like defending Sichuan, which is the stupidest way I have ever seen."

Gu jiuci looks up and takes a lot of medicine. It's rare that she doesn't need to make a film tomorrow. She simply picks up the remote control on the sofa and turns on the TV while continuing to take out her mobile phone to contact Zhan Ying.

Only this time, her news has been sent for half an hour, and Zhan Ying still hasn't replied.

Gu jiuci frowned fiercely.

Can Zhan Ying also go to the kandala mining area?

At this time, the TV was inadvertently pressed to the financial channel, the host is broadcasting an international financial news.

"We report that Huo group has found a huge gem mine in kandalla, Africa, months ago. Huo Mingche, President of Huo group, and Lin Shujing, vice president of Huo group, have signed a cooperative development agreement with the President..."

when the screen turns, a video pops up. In the video, Huo Mingche is signing an agreement with the president at a press conference, while Lin Shujing stands beside him and hands him a pen.

They are very close, very close.

Gu jiuci narrowed her eyes slightly. She found that when Lin Shujing handed over her pen, she met the arm of the great devil, but a man who was a purist didn't respond at all!

Men are big pig hooves!

Another voice over from the host came in the news.

"It has always been said that the reason why Huo Mingche went to kandala is to discover the largest gem in the world. As a gift to propose to Lin Shujing, I don't know if they are close to each other."

Hearing this, Gu jiuci's face became more ugly.

A quietly saw, while swearing, while picking up the remote control ready to turn off the TV.

"How can financial news be broadcast as entertainment news now!? Damn it! Let's not watch it! "

Gu jiuci didn't intend to see it again, but she inadvertently glanced across the screen and saw a huge and bright gem. Without waiting for her to have any thoughts, some fragments suddenly burst into her mind!

A little girl, a teenager, and an African star...


The picture in her mind suddenly twisted, and she immediately fell on the sofa with her head in her arms, vaguely hearing the gradually blurred sound from the TV.

"It is reported that the queen is willing to exchange the world's largest gem with the African star. It is said that Huo Mingche has a great obsession with the African star, but no one knows the reason behind it..."

"ah CI! Are you ok? Don't scare me! "

The voice of ajin comes from his ear. Gu jiuci opens his eyes in a daze and bumps into ajin's worried face.

She smiled weakly.

"It's OK. I didn't have supper. I just had a little hypoglycemia. Just have a rest."