President love his wife ardently

Chapter 487

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. They also invited top post production companies to make clips."

Pujingzhi opens the picture of Qingyun on his notebook while telling the truth.

At the beginning, it is a grand scene in the background of fantasy. The production level is comparable to that of foreign blockbusters, which can shake people completely at the first sight.

Gu jiuci leaned forward slightly and watched the flowers attentively.

If you despise your opponent, you are the most cruel to yourself. As expected, the level of "Qingyun Ji" is beyond the average.

The whole grand background scene is ten million special effects, which is very tall. The makeup and hair of the actors have all learned the lesson of fixed makeup, and replaced with a set of very beautiful costumes that are very in line with the aesthetic of the audience.

"Their flowers are not bad..." said Tong Yu, who was sitting beside Gu jiuci.

"After all, they have invested 100 million yuan, and they are also famous directors. Where can they go? It seems that we can't win the first place in hot search this time. "

Pujingzhi sighed.

Gu jiuci can understand his mood very well. As a new director, this is his first TV play. Of course, he values it.

"Don't be so discouraged, haven't you found a problem?"

Gu jiuci reached for the mouse and dragged the progress bar to the beginning.

"What's the problem?" All the people looked at Gu jiuci, full of question marks.

"I admit that their later stage is indeed horizontal online, but... Don't you find the whole flower very empty? In addition to the grand background, there are all kinds of roles appearing, there is no plot and main line in the whole article. "

Gu jiuci said this, especially emphasized the last sentence, glancing at all.

"Yes! They didn't mention the story of Qingyun at all! But our movie flower is almost an attractive micro movie. It can be seen much more than them

One of Pujing claps his thigh, showing a sudden awakening.

"Don't worry too much. There will be reversals."

Gu jiuci curved his lips and said firmly.

In the afternoon, things happened as Gu jiuci expected...

at the beginning, netizens were attracted by the amazing scene of Qingyun Ji. In the comments on Weibo and Douban's posts, they all praised how grand the play was and how beautiful the actors were.

However, apart from these two adjectives, there is no other words to describe the story of Qingyun. Many viewers just glanced at it and closed it without leaving a deep impression.

On the contrary, it's the flower of the story of Langya. The plot conflict is intense. The story line of the male and female is full and very abusive, so that there are even more comments under the microblog than they are forwarded.

[@ biggest book fan]: ah Xuan, who loves me so much, why did the screenwriter write my ah Xuan!

[@ a CI's little eyelashes]: seeing my words spit blood, I cried...

the book fans and the leading fans even spontaneously set up a micro blog super talk, a group and a post bar. The play hasn't started to broadcast yet. However, the discussion about the plot has formed a lot of enthusiasm, even some handy fans have made a meal video and an expression pack, in order to And other peripheral derivatives.

This makes the topic of "Langya biography" more rich, and the heat also directly replaces the empty "Qingyun Ji", and the whole network platform directly takes the first place.

On the top floor of Huayue president's office,

Yang Xiuwen stared at the hot search on the computer screen. His face was extremely ugly.

"Gu jiuci, it seems that you can't use dirty means..."