President love his wife ardently

Chapter 477

"No, our crew has never been an outsider's thing. It's afraid of food poisoning. Don't bother yourself. Take it back."

An unkind, cold voice of the young security guard.


Xu yun'er can't even maintain the basic illusion this time. She's just a little security guard. She's the No.2 girl in Qingyun!

"Miss Xu, let's go quickly. Someone seems to recognize us?"

At this time, the little assistant took her arm and hurried awkwardly. At this time, tourists gathered around and some people picked up their mobile phones.

Xu yun'er is in a panic. She just plays haha and takes the assistant to run away.

Several security personnel shouted: "I didn't expect to be a double faced man, what!"


in the "story of Langya".

Gu jiuci just finished filming a scene and went back to the nanny's car to have a rest. Ah Yi couldn't wait to tell her what happened at the gate of the city, and even recorded a video for her.

"A CI, did you expect Xu yun'er to come out so early, so you have to find someone to clear the venue? What character does Xu yun'er think he is? As a result, he can't even enter the theater

Assistant a Jing looks at Gu jiuci with adoration.

"There are also reasons for this, but more of them are to make the crew feel at ease." Gu jiuci has scanned the video and Xu yun'er is in it. It's a big joke.

"I guess, she must have seen Huo's overwhelming advertisement for you. She thought that Huo would come to visit the class and pretend to meet you again!"

A quietly instantly incarnate Sherlock Holmes, full face disdain of say.

"Then she won't have the chance. The great devil is in Africa."

Gu jiuci sneers and remembers that he didn't thank someone for yesterday's event. She took out her mobile phone, and calculated that it should be the evening of kandalla at this time, not to disturb him.

Across half of the earth's radio waves, the frequency is like a person's heart beat.

Gu jiuci pinched his cell phone tightly. In less than a minute, a man's deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Little nine."

Every time he called her name, he was deeply attached to her, which made her heart speed up uncontrollably.

A quietly very eye-catching out of the RV, but also close the door and window.

In the closed space, the sound of Huo Mingche is more amplified and clearer.

"Brother Che, I have seen all those advertisements." the story of Langya "has attracted more and more attention. Thank you."

Gu jiuci's voice was unconsciously stained with a trace of soft waxy. Now when facing the big devil, she even pretended to be coquettish subconsciously.

On the other end of the phone, the dark eyes of the man flashed and shrank suddenly. Her voice was poison, making his missing more crazy...

"don't say thank you to me."

Gu jiuci murmured. He really felt that he was too polite to the big devil. He asked after him in a comfortable position.

"Then when are you going to come back?"

Without him for several days, she suddenly felt not used to it.

"Miss me?"

The man's magnetic ending is rising, and there is a clear smile wrapped around it. It's clear that it's to tease her deliberately. In the past, she must be like a rabbit with fried fur. She will not admit it.

And this time --

"well, I miss you."

Gu jiuci admitted that she knew more and more that her feelings for him had not been for the first time to repay her debt.

Because... She's starting to get jealous.

"One more thing."

After all, the answer to this question may be that she is not willing to bear it.