President love his wife ardently

Chapter 478

"I saw on the news that Shu Jing... Sister was kidnapped. Is that why you are going to kandala a long distance?"

Gu jiuci's voice dropped. There was a long silence at the other end of the phone. Suddenly, she was a little uneasy.

Is this question really that hard to answer? Or... The answer is really what she thinks, so the great devil can't talk?

Just as Gu jiuci's heart sank little by little, the man's deep voice wrapped in the unknown loneliness sounded slowly in her ear.

"You really don't remember anything about your childhood?"

"Ah? When? "

Gu jiuci's face is muddled. Didn't they just say something about Lin Shujing? How did you jump to childhood?

Then, she heard the voice that the grass leaves were crushed from the other end of the phone. Was the big devil in the wild?

"She wasn't kidnapped, and it wasn't for her."

After a few seconds, she heard the man's slightly lonely voice.

Gu jiuci understood that Lin Shujing had not been kidnapped, and the great devil did not go to kandala for Lin Shujing. She misunderstood her from the beginning to the end.

There was a surge of happiness in her heart, but it was soon replaced by sour apology. She should not doubt him.

Is it not enough to prove everything?

"Sorry, brother Che, I..."

"African star, I will bring it back to you."

Gu jiuci was interrupted by the man's low voice before he had finished speaking completely.

She frowned suspiciously, and was about to ask him what the star of Africa was doing. At that time, there was a knock at the door.

"AKI, the director told you to do the film."

Gu jiuci is trying to delay for a while and ask about the African star. The big devil at the other end of the phone has heard the news.


"Brother Che, if I forget something, don't worry, I will try to remember it and call you tomorrow. I'll go first. "

A quietly knocked on the door outside very anxious, no way, Gu jiuci hurriedly said two sentences and hung up the phone.

At this time, in the Savannah of kandalla, Africa.

Huo Mingche lies on the vast dead grass. He looks up at the stars in the sky. He can reach for them. Compared with the vast grassland, his figure is so lonely.

In the fairy tale, the little prince lives alone on his own planet. He watches the rising and setting of the sun hundreds of times a day. Just like now, he lies alone under the sky and stars, but he can't tell his little nine about the beauty of this moment.

The prince's rose has lost her memory. How can I remind her of the past?

"Ah Che, how can I lie here alone?"

A female voice sounded. With the sound of seeing the grass falling, Lin Shujing sat on the ground not far from Huo Mingche, not so elegant, like a man.

Maybe it's just because in front of him, she looks like a straight steel man, so she can get close to him.

The man is silent, deep eyes are like the calm lake, reflecting the quiet starry sky.

Lin Shujing is used to the cold of the man, used to his silence, and continues to talk about himself.

"Our experts have explored a huge gem mine 500 meters deep. According to their calculation, 99% of the gems will be bigger than the African star. Now, can you go back safely?

Xiang Heng and ye Kan are worried about you. "

"No hurry."