President love his wife ardently

Chapter 1905

"Well... Everything is predestined."

There was a flash of embarrassment on Vincent's face.

"It's you who let me understand that it's really cool to protect a person, so I'm going to continue this cool thing."

Speaking of which, Vincent looks at the boy in the corner.

"What do you think, Davis?"

The young man's eyes swept over. He couldn't see the expression clearly on his face with a mask, but sichen saw the light in his eyes.

"I'll follow you."

"I guessed you would say that."

Vincent had expected a smile.

"So you are planning to set up a private four person security company?"

Si Chen speculated.

"I'm sure the business will be very hot when someone with your background is the boss."

"Of course, our boss is the best mercenary."

Raffi couldn't help boasting about Vincent.

"I am good at sorting out data and information, and I will continue to be the Secretary of the boss."

One side of Johnson also said: "I'm still the boss's solid backing."

"My brothers and sisters!"

Vincent crooked his lips and laughed, as if everything was moving in the direction we expected, happily.

At this time, Davis suddenly rushed to the door, caught a document flying fast, Johnson face changed, immediately vigilant chase out.

"What's the matter?"

Sichen did not react, Vincent had got up like a leopard and protected her behind.

A few minutes later, Johnson came back in vain and shook his head at Vincent.

"The other side's skill is equal to mine. He doesn't intend to entangle with me. His purpose is just to send this thing."

Davis immediately closed the door and handed the document to Vincent.

It was a thick letter. Vincent opened it and sichen looked at it. There were two pieces of paper in it.

At this time, Raffi's mobile phone rang, she quickly connected, but heard a shocking news.

"What did you say? Do you have dry food in American CIA? So many people can't see one person? "

"Raffi, what happened?"

Sichen's heart leaped and something bad happened.

Raffi hung up with an ugly face.

"The CIA of the United States called. Angu escaped. Let's pay attention. If we have any news, let them know in time."

"These idiots!"

The first time the boy spoke, he gave a cold scold.

"The United States is a rotten country. What can we expect their CIA to do?"

Johnson sneered coldly. Suddenly he thought of something and looked at the boy and asked.

"But I haven't seen angel before, Davis. Is this man dangerous?"