President love his wife ardently

Chapter 1904

"Ah, the boss and miss sichen are so sweet ~"

as soon as sichen looks up, he sees Raffi and Johnson enter the VIP terminal. Raffi stares at her and Vincent with a smile on his face, while Johnson follows Raffi with their luggage.

"Please let me go ~"

sichen blushed awkwardly and struggled to get out of Vincent's arms. He was sitting in the next seat. Vincent had no choice but to pet her, but his bottom line could not give up. He still stretched out a hand and held her hand tightly, as if afraid that she would run away in the next second.

"Tut Tut, sure enough, the soon to be married couple is so sweet ~"

Raffi covered his mouth and continued to tease the two of them. Sichen was unwilling to show his weakness. He caught a glimpse of the ring on Raffi's ring finger and saw Johnson close to Raffi. He also narrowed his eyes and stared at Raffi meaningfully.

"It seems that Raffi has some good news in the past five years, but it's wrong to keep it from me ~"

"I didn't intend to keep it from you ~"

Raffi raised her eyebrow, took Johnson's arm and showed her love.

"Johnson has proposed to me. We are going to have a wedding next month. When you are invited to our wedding, you must come ~"

"of course, we will prepare a large red envelope for your wedding."

Si Chen eyebrows pick, sincerely happy for two people.

"By the way, where are you going next?"

Gordon has died, that terrible organization has disappeared in the world since then. Theoretically, everyone can pursue his new life.

Thinking of this, sichen looked back at the blonde man beside him.

The comrades in arms who have been together for a long time will be separated overnight. Maybe he will be very lonely.

"Is that a question?"

Raffi grinned, and Johnson continued.

"We're going to China, of course. We'll be there where the boss is."

"Yes, we are family."

Rafael laughs as she should. At this time, several other handsome foreign boys and beautiful women walk into the waiting room one after another. Sichen looks up and sees many familiar faces, as well as the boy who walked to Vincent yesterday.

But the boy was dressed in black, wearing headphones and masks. When he came in, he just signed with Vincent and stood in the corner, as if he had nothing to do with other people.

Si Chen looked around, we are used to the behavior of young people, very calm.

"Gaia is more introverted and only speaks to people he trusts. He grew up in that environment. This is his way to protect himself. You don't mind."

Before she asked, Vincent immediately came to her and explained.

Sichen nodded and couldn't help looking at the boy more. It seemed that although everyone was free, they still chose to live together. Everyone trusted Vincent most, so they were ready to settle in China.

"What are your plans next? Sanmu is developing well now. You can take over directly."

Sichen quickly thought about the livelihood of the family, but Vincent shook his head with a smile.

"No, Sanmu company is the betrothal gift I gave you. What if you don't marry me without the betrothal gift?"

"What are you talking about?"

Sichen gave Vincent a push, but the man's expression became serious.

"Now everyone is free, so everyone wants to do what they like."

Sichen understood that in the past, acting as a company was just a disguised way of life for them. Now they can engage in their favorite industries.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Me... Do you remember Sri Lanka?"

Vincent raises his eyebrows and suddenly talks about memories.

Si Chen nodded: "it's only recently that I suddenly remembered that I had known you so early. I don't know why. It was an impressive thing, but I didn't have too many images."