Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 433: Bet! Fight against the captain of the giant clan

"Bai Yu, with the current situation, we should not argue with Elbaf\'s giants anymore."

  Under the roar of the giant warriors, Aokiji reminded Bai Yu in a low voice with a serious face.

"I know."

  Bai Yu nodded in agreement.

   Thinking quickly in the brain.

  Thinking about whether to forcibly take away the text of the landmark history from the giants under this situation.


   At this moment, a giant warrior stepped on the ground shaking the ground.

   Arrived here from the direction of the town.

   moved to the ear of the leader of the giant clan, and spoke quickly.

  After hearing what the visitor said, the leader of the giant clan frowned, and glanced at Bai Yu intentionally or unintentionally.

   Finally understood and nodded with the visitor.

   "You are the admiral, Bai Yu, right?"

  The leader of the giant tribe changed the subject and asked Bai Yu.

"it\'s me."

   Not knowing what the other party was up to, Bai Yu nodded suspiciously.

   "It\'s not impossible to bring the text of the landmark history."

   "As long as you can defeat me, we will offer the historical text of the signpost."

   "And hold all damages free."

  The leader of the giant tribe said.

   "Of course, if you lose."

   "You must stay and join our Elbaf Kingdom."

  The leader of the giant tribe continued.

  As soon as these words came out, Bai Yu was completely stunned.

   I really don\'t understand why the opponent has changed so much before and after.

   Even wanted to win Bai Yu into Elbaf.

   "Prince Loki of our country, confirmed your relationship with Murloc Island."

   "Knowing the historical text of this road sign, it was indeed brought here by Whitebeard from Fishman Island."

   Seems to have seen Bai Yu\'s confusion.

  The leader of the giant clan immediately explained.

   "Also, one of the kings you saved in the World Conference had a deep friendship with Prince Loki."

   "Prince Loki personally ordered to give you such a chance."

   After listening to the explanation of the leader of the giant tribe, Bai Yu suddenly realized.

   It turned out to be one of the kings who was rescued unintentionally in the original World Conference, and had a deep relationship with the giant prince Loki.

  The prince personally ordered, no wonder the other party let go.

   It\'s just that Bai Yu still doesn\'t understand why the other party wants to keep him and join Elbaf.

   Bai Yu didn\'t pursue this point.

  With Bai Yu, there is no possibility of losing and staying to join Elbaf.

   "Then offend."

   Bai Yu said.

  Afterwards, he clenched the double knives in his hands, and nodded to Smoker and the others behind him.

  Received Bai Yu\'s instructions, Smoker and the others tactfully retreated to a distance.

  Everyone knows that the next fight will be very intense.

   It is not an exaggeration to describe it as destroying the world.


  The leader of the giant tribe also gave his subordinates a look.

  A group of giant warriors who appeared retreated to a certain range.

  For a while, the two sides gave up a large area for Bai Yu and the leader of the giant clan.

   "My name is Lorsa."

   "Affiliated to the commander of the army of the Kingdom of Elbaf."

   After everyone backed away, the leader of the giant clan introduced himself to Bai Yu.

  Hearing this, Bai Yu\'s eyes lit up immediately.

  It turned out to be the army commander of the Kingdom of Elbaf.

   No wonder the aura it emits is so much stronger than ordinary giants.

   No need to think about it, Lorsa must also be proficient in the use of domineering.

  The giant warriors that appeared outside could only be regarded as low-level warriors.

   Didn\'t even master domineering.

   Fight purely by relying on natural strength.

   And once the giants have mastered domineering, the situation is completely different.

  Bai Yu also finally understood why Elbaf was called the number one power.

  The giant warriors who master domineering power are comparable to super large warships that can move flexibly.

   Every gesture is the ultimate power to destroy everything.

   There are such soldiers, far better than a million soldiers.

   "Admiral White Feather."

  After hearing Lorsa\'s self-reported name, Bai Yu also replied politely.

   "White Feather, the person that even Prince Loki attaches great importance to."

   "Let me, Lorsa, give it a try, how good is your strength!"

  After the two parties reported their names, Lorsa spoke again.

  Tom, tom, tom!

  The voice fell.

  Lorsa immediately stepped forward and rushed towards Bai Yu.


   While moving, Lorsa pulled out the giant knife and shield behind him.

  Holding a knife in his right hand and a shield in his left.

   Completed the domineering winding of the armed color in an instant very skillfully.

  Also, don\'t look at Lorsa\'s tall body of more than 20 meters.

   Move, the speed is not slow at all.

   After just a few steps, he came to Bai Yu\'s body.

  Raising the giant knife high, he slashed at Huashan toward Bai Yu below.

   "The same moves are useless to me."

   Seeing this, Bai Yu also wanted to test the opponent\'s strength.

   After saying that, he neither dodges nor rushes forward.

  Stand in place and wait for the opponent\'s giant knife to fall.

   Huh boom!

   Before the huge knife fell completely, an extremely strong wind of the knife roared all around.

  The biting wind of the knife instantly lifted all the surrounding plants and animals into the air.

  Even the sturdy Supertree was knocked to the side by the impact.

   Look at Bai Yu again.

   It is completely in a posture of parrying and defending.

  The double knives were crossed above the head, and the feet stood firmly on the ground.

next moment.

  Lorsa\'s giant knife was completely chopped off.

  The landing point of the giant sword happened to be on the crossed swords of Bai Yu.


  In an instant, the power of terror exploded completely.

   Only the moment of contact with the block.

  The entire island seemed to tremble violently.

  The location where the giant knife fell was even more exaggerated, directly breaking a large area of ​​land under the depression.

  White Feather under the sword couldn\'t see what it looked like at all.

   After a while.

  The giant knife stopped at exhaustion.

   Around the huge pit, thick smoke and dust filled the air.

   Look around again.

   It has already been completely destroyed by the impact force that erupted.

  Big trees were uprooted one by one by the impact, and fell to pieces.

   As far as the eye can see, there is a mess.

   "Is this the power of the top fighters of the giant race?!"

   "What a terrifying strength!"

   "General Bai Yu, is he alright?"

  On the other side, Smoker and the others, who had a panoramic view of this scene, were all amazed.

  Just one knife, the damage caused, that is the level that no number of pirates can do with all their strength.

  Even Smoker was a little worried about Bai Yu.

   After all, Bai Yu chose to take the opponent\'s heavy knife hard.


   At this moment, Lorsa, who swung his knife and fell, suddenly became suspicious.

   "Dual Sword Style·Blue Dragon·Extreme·Million Blade Scroll!"

next moment.

  Bai Yu\'s very familiar voice suddenly came out.

  Hoo hoo, hoo hoo!

   Following Bai Yu\'s voice came out.

  Two large blade tornadoes roared from the bottom of the giant knife!