Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 432: Refuse to negotiate! The giant's voice shook the earth

On the ruins.

   Smoker and Jiudao stood at the top.

  Looking at the giant sword that fell from the sky, his expression changed instantly.

   "You guys!"

   "Isn\'t it alright?!"

  Smog immediately asked the moon wolves in the ruins loudly.

  In the ruins at this time, the Moon Wolf people are trying their best to dig out the historical text of the road signs hidden in it.

   Smoker and the others who came to the ruins at the beginning, quickly found the historical text of the road sign under the guidance of Violet.

  However, the historical text of the road sign is buried deep in the ground.

   In desperation, everyone had no choice but to dig up the soil on the spot.

   Seeing that most of the historical text of the road sign has been exposed, it can be taken out soon.

   Just then, the giants in Elbaf town arrived.

  The giant race that rushed over immediately surrounded the ruins.

   And fought with Smoker and other cadres.

  The giant race already has the advantage of strength, and some of them have learned domineering.

  Even Smoker fought very hard.

  As more and more giants came, Smoker and the others were completely defeated.

  The current situation is that Moon Wolf has separated some people to continue digging.

  Another group of people resisted the giant warriors with all their strength.

   Who knows, a giant warrior just caught the gap.

  Aim at the ruins and strike with a sword.

   Completely want to destroy even the ruins.

   "Not so far!"

  Hearing Smoker\'s words, the moon wolf members in the ruins quickly agreed.


  Hearing this, Smoker gritted his teeth and began to activate his devil fruit ability with all his strength.

   Wisps of white smoke continuously drifted out from Smoker\'s body.

  In a blink of an eye, the house was above the ruins, forming a smoke shield.

  Almost at the moment when the smoke shield was formed, the giant sword of the giant warrior fell down completely.


  Incomparably powerful power burst out instantly.

   Let the already heavy giant sword become even more terrifying.

  The moment he touched the smoke protection cover, he split the smoke abruptly.

  Judging from the black metallic luster of the giant sword, it is obvious that it is also wrapped in armed domineering color.

   After splitting the smoke shield, the giant sword continued to cut down.

  Smogg and the others could only watch the giant sword, zooming in and out of sight.


   At the critical moment.

   A piercing thunder suddenly sounded.

   The next second.

  A flash came, and it slammed upwards into the giant sword that fell from the giant warrior.



  In an instant, the thunder light violently hit the giant sword.

  An astonishing scene happened.

  The huge and heavy giant sword was actually cracked all over after being struck by lightning.

   Then, he couldn\'t bear the power that erupted from the thunder anymore.

   Shattered into countless fragments scattered.

  Everyone looked at the thunder light in surprise.

  The thunder light gradually solidified.

   Faintly turned into a figure.

   After the thunder light gradually dissipated, one person stepped on the air and appeared in the sight of everyone.

   "General Bai Yu!"

  After seeing clearly the appearance of the person coming, Smoker and the others shouted excitedly.

   The person who came was none other than Bai Yu who arrived in time from another battlefield!

   "You guys, aren\'t you too single-minded?"

   "It\'s all cut off on the head, don\'t you know how to back away first?"

  High in the sky, Bai Yu who appeared angrily complained about Smoker and the others.

  Bai Yu just asked them to take down the text of the road sign history first.

   I didn\'t expect to be deadlocked here.

   There are giants participating in the battle, so it\'s good to retreat for a while.

   "We\'re just... worried that the signpost history text is damaged or they take it first."

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s words, Smoker scratched his head in embarrassment and explained.


  Smogg\'s explanation instantly left Bai Yu speechless.

  You must know that the historical text is an indestructible stone specially cast by the Kozuki clan of Wano Country.

  The text of the signpost history is even more indestructible.

   Not to mention the attack of an ordinary giant, even the siege of a group of giants may be difficult to destroy.

   Worrying about the destruction of the signpost history text is completely redundant.

   As for another point.

   It was taken away by the giants because of the evasion, so it’s just a matter of finding a way to get it back.

  It\'s better than losing your life!

  Thinking of this, Bai Yu shook his head helplessly.


   "Aren\'t you guys taking us too seriously!"

  At this time, the giant warrior who was shocked by the destruction of the giant sword also came back to his senses.

  One of the leader-like giant warriors said loudly immediately.

  Hearing what the other party said, Bai Yu looked at the giant warrior leader.

   "I am Admiral Shiraha of the Navy Headquarters."

   "It\'s here to retrieve the lost historical text for Murloc Island."

   "We don\'t mean to be hostile to the giants."

   Bai Yu said to the other party.

  The tone is obviously milder.

  As Bai Yu said, Bai Yu didn\'t mean to be hostile to the giants.

   Would even like to hook up if possible.

   With the support of the world\'s most powerful country, it will undoubtedly become a force that no one can underestimate.

  But Bai Yu thought so, but the other party didn\'t.

   "Since this piece of historical text appears in the territory of Elbaf, it belongs to our giants!"

   "You take people away now, I don\'t need to hold you responsible for the destruction of the island!"

  The leader of the giant tribe said.


  At this time, it seems that Aokiji\'s side also stopped fighting because of the appearance of a more senior leader of the giant clan.

  Aokiji returned to Bai Yu\'s side.

  The giant warriors who fought against Aokiji also joined the giants who had just arrived.

   Both sides occupy one side.

   "This piece of historical text is originally an item from Murloc Island."

   "It\'s just that White Beard took it away back then."

   "Moreover, keeping this piece of historical text will bring unimaginable disaster to you Elbaf."

   Seeing that the other party was unwilling to give up the historical text, Bai Yu continued.

   "You should have heard of the recent Rocks Pirates."

   "It\'s the historical text they sent people to grab."

  When Bai Yu mentioned the Rocks Pirates, the faces of the giant warriors could be clearly seen.

   All of them showed an imperceptible fear.

  The giant family probably suffered persecution when Lockes dominated them.


   "Our warriors of Elbaf are never afraid of fighting!"

   "Even the Rocks Pirates, it\'s the same!"

  Seeing his subordinates all look serious.

  The leader of the giant clan said immediately.



   "Get out of Elbaf!"

   "Otherwise, don\'t blame us for attacking you!"


  The words of the leader suddenly aroused the fighting spirit of the giant warriors.

   One by one, they raised their weapons high and roared loudly.

The sound from    even caused the island to vibrate.