Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 429: Can't be shaken! rare joint



  In an instant, Bai Yu\'s double knives and Kaido\'s Bajiezhai collided violently.

  In an instant, the power of the weapons of the two men shattered the surrounding ground.

  The powerful armed domineering entwined on the weapon even soars straight into the sky, breaking through the clouds.

  It seems that even the sky has been torn apart.

   "Dragon Power!"

at this time.

  Bai Yu let out a soft drink.

   Ka Ka Ka!

  As Bai Yu\'s voice fell, the skin on both arms quickly grew dragon scales.

  In the blink of an eye, Bai Yu\'s arms changed into dragon arms.

  The strength of both arms is instantly improved explosively.

   Then, Bai Yu exerted his strength again.


  Suddenly soaring power, even Kaido couldn\'t recover.

   There was a loud bang.

  Kaido\'s body was instantly blown away by Bai Yu\'s amazing slashing force.

  The whole person left his feet off the ground and flew backwards with all his strength.

   Bang, bang, bang.

   Along the way, Kaido smashed boulders one after another with amazing power.

  Finally, it hit the wall of a mountain in an exaggerated manner.

  The body was completely sunk in, and there was a layer of sand and dust on the spot.

   In the blink of an eye, Kaido was repelled with a slash, and Bai Yu immediately looked away.

   Instead, he looked at BIGMOM.

   Bang bang bang bang bang.

   BIGMOM, who was locked by the slash, stopped.

   BIGMOM wrapped his fists around in an instant, armed with a domineering look, and smashed through the slashes released by Bai Yu with one punch after another.

  But while blasting and slashing, BIGMOM\'s body was constantly retreated by the shock.

   BIGMOM’s body shape in his youth was not as exaggerated as in his later years.

   Even, very slim.

   Compared with the later BIGMOM, the current strength is undoubtedly weaker.

  Buzz, buzz!

  Watching BIGMOM continue to attack the green dragon, Bai Yu\'s eyes became sharper.

   With a thought.

   A strange spatial force lingered on the twin knives.

   Immediately after.

   Watch for the moment when BIGMOM\'s last punch will dissolve all the slashes.

  Bai Yu moved towards BIGMOM from the air, crossed her swords and slashed.


  In an instant, a strange energy radiance erupted from the dual knives.

   The slash from the double sabers disappeared strangely after leaving behind the sabers.

   "Dual Swordsmanship · Wushuang · Slash through the air!"

next moment.

  In front of BIGMOM\'s body, the space suddenly distorted and deformed.

   A cross slash, quickly slashed out from the distorted space.

   Didn\'t give BIGMOM time to react at all.

  Cross slash, and then fell on BIGMOM.


  The power of the slash completely exploded on the front of BIGMOM\'s body.

   There was a bang.

   BIGMOM was also blown out by the slash.

   Knocked down towering trees one after another, and finally stopped.

   Seeing this, Bai Yu flicked the blade gracefully.

  In just one face-to-face effort, both Kaido and BIGMOM were cut off by Bai Yu and injured.

   Aside, Aokiji, who had been paying attention to Bai Yu\'s battlefield all the time, suddenly looked surprised.

  Aokiji doesn\'t doubt that Shiraha can deal with Kaido and BIGMOM.

   After all, they were the two who became the Four Emperors, and both of them were beheaded by Bai Yulian.

   What\'s more, Kaido and BIGMOM were not fully \'developed\' when they were young.

  But what Aokiji didn\'t expect was.

  When Bai Yu dealt with two people at the same time, he achieved such a suppressive effect from the very beginning.

   "Sure enough."

   "Bai Yu\'s strength has long surpassed that of the general."

   Qingzhi sighed inwardly.

   After that, he stopped distracting and focused on the giant warriors.

  Looking back to Bai Yu.

   Bang, bang!

  At the location where Kaido and BIGMOM were knocked down, there was a sudden explosion.


   Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed out from among the many collapsed trees.

  Another figure emerged from the pile of broken rocks.

  The two figures finally joined together.

   appeared in front of Bai Yu.

   It\'s Kaido and BIGMOM.

  Look at the two of them again.

  Two shallow cuts were left on the front of the body.

  Although the flesh and blood on the surface of his body was not completely broken, it obviously made a deep depression in the flesh and blood.

  Traces of fresh blood can be seen on the corners of their mouths.

   "What an amazing power!"

   "What a powerful slash!"

   Kaido said in surprise one after another.

  Kaido thinks that among the Rocks Pirates, strength and defense are top-notch existences.

   You can only understand after fighting Bai Yu with Kaido.

  The ultimate power.

  Bai Yu\'s slash was extremely sharp.

  If it weren\'t for his body being hard enough, coupled with the last-minute armed domineering winding defense.

   I\'m afraid the slash just now was enough to kill him.

  Hearing this, BIGMOM on the side also had a serious expression.

  Compared to Kaido\'s frontal retreat, BIGMOM is even more embarrassed.

   It was completely cut and wounded by the space beyond comprehension.

  That kind of slash, even the young BIGMOM couldn\'t dodge it.

   "I\'ve said it before, you don\'t want to get under my nose."

"leave here."

  Hearing Kaido\'s words, the corners of Bai Yu\'s mouth raised even more.

  From the fight just now, Bai Yu also roughly grasped the strength of Kaido and BIGMOM when they were young.

   It is not as strong as Kaido and BIGMOM who are the four emperors in modern times.

  After thinking about it carefully, this is also understandable.

  First of all, BIGMOM.

  The strength of the body has not been improved to the extreme.

  The development of its devil fruit ability is also not to the extreme.

  Even the three most powerful Homiz—Napoleon, Zeus, and Prometheus—were not created.

  The overall strength is naturally much weaker.

   Then there is Kaido.

   Not to mention Kaido.

  Kaido’s strength was already very strong when he was young, that’s right.

  However, it lacks the key power assistance-the ability of Yuyu fruit.

  The current Kaido is simply a weakened version of ‘Karp’.

   Simply strong with physical strength.

   Has not yet reached the peak level.

  Facing Bai Yu at this time, of course he will be at a disadvantage.

   "Kaido, we can\'t delay any longer."

   "Once the elite of the giant race arrives, we will be held back!"

   "Let\'s work together and get rid of him!"

   After thinking about it, BIGMOM said to Kaido.

  BIGMOM quickly judged that Bai Yu\'s strength is indeed so strong that no matter she or Kaido.

  One-on-one can\'t win the point.

  In the current situation, only the two of them joined forces.

   Otherwise, when the elite giants arrive, no one will be able to escape.

   Moreover, the task that Rocks gave them this time was not a battle at all.

   Instead, he successfully brought back the fourth road sign history text.

"I see."

  Hearing what BIGMOM said, Kaido clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

  As strong as Kaido, he is required to join forces to deal with an enemy.

   Undoubtedly hurt Kaido\'s dignity.

  Kaido also understands that Bai Yu\'s strength cannot be shaken by him now.

  Buzz, buzz!

   Wait until Kaido\'s voice falls.

   BIGMOM and Kaido looked at each other.

  The two unreservedly burst out with arrogance and physical strength at the same time.