Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 428: One against two! goodbye young emperor

"Kaido, BIGMOM, and giant warriors."

   "Aokiji and I will be responsible for attracting their attention."

   "Smogg and Moon Wolf, follow Violet, find a way to get the text of the road sign history first."

  After listening to Violet\'s description, Bai Yu immediately ordered.


  Smogg and Moon Wolf quickly agreed.

   Whoo, whoo!

   Then, Bai Yu and Aokiji looked at each other and nodded.

  The two immediately speeded up and rushed forward, opening a gap with Smoker and others.

   After a while.

  Bai Yu and Aokiji came to the frontal battlefield.

   Bang, bang, bang.

  The battle between the giants and Kaido, BIGMOM can be described as earth-shattering.

  The fierce confrontation between the two sides even caused the earth to vibrate continuously.

  In this case, neither side noticed the arrival of Bai Yu and Aokiji.

   Seeing this, Bai Yu and Qingzhi jumped to the top of a mountain.

   "It\'s so lively."

   Afterwards, Bai Yu took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

  The sudden sound made Kaido, BIGMOM, and the warriors of the giant tribe stop fighting.

   Both sides looked in the direction of the sound.

   Suddenly found the white feather and the blue pheasant on the top of the mountain.

   "White Feather!"

   Seeing Bai Yu\'s figure, Kaido suddenly became energetic.


   "I remember you, it seems to be the admiral named Bai Yu!"

   "You navy, what are you doing in Elbaf?!"

  Among the giant warriors, the first giant who looked like a leader asked Bai Yu in a cold voice.

   "I\'m here to get back what should have been placed on Murloc Island."

   Bai Yu said lightly.

   Hearing this, the faces of the giant warrior and Kaido both changed.

   Obviously they all know what Bai Yu said, what it is.


   "What is in our Elbaf belongs to us."

   "Even the navy has no right to take it away!"

  The leader of the giant clan said immediately.


  Following the voice of the leader of the giant clan, it fell.

  A giant warrior immediately surrounded Bai Yu and Qingzhi.

   Seeing the actions of the giant warriors, Bai Yu looked around.

  In addition to Kaido and BIGMOM, there are twelve giant warriors on the scene.

   There are not many of them, but they are all giants of the sky.

  Bai Yu knew that this was just a giant in a small village of giants.

  In Albaf, there are villages and towns.

  The real giants\' top combat power all stay in the town area.

  Once even the giants in the town are attracted, it will be a little troublesome.

  Elbaf can be called the world\'s most powerful country, even a country like Wano country can\'t compare, obviously it has a certain background.

  As for how strong it will be, Bai Yu doesn\'t know yet.

  Adult giants of the giant family are mostly 20 meters tall.

   Doesn\'t need any domineering blessing, the burst of power is enough to shake the world.

   This is the inherent advantage of the giant race.


  At this time, the domineering arrogance that Bai Yu had released earlier also sent back feedback.

   Smoker, Violet, and all members of Moon Wolf have already taken action secretly.

   "The warriors of the giant race, I\'ll leave it to you to delay."

   "I\'m going to meet the two four emperors in their youth."

   Seeing this, Bai Yu knew that he had to make some noise to distract the attention of the giants and Kaido.

   Immediately said to Aokiji next to him.

"no problem?"

  Aokiji looked at Bai Yu in surprise and confirmed.

  Although there are twelve giant warriors, in terms of combat effectiveness, they are still far behind Kaido and BIGMOM.

   Moreover, Kaido and BIGMOM are still young, no one knows how strong the two are.

   "How about we switch?"

   Bai Yu said half-jokingly.

  The next second, Aokiji scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard Bai Yu\'s words.

   "Let\'s leave it to you."

  Aokiji said very self-aware.

   Whoo, whoo!

   After Aokiji\'s answer.

  Bai Yu and Aokiji looked at each other tacitly.

   Rush out to the left and right respectively.

  Fight against giant warrior and Kaido, BIGMOM.

   Bang, bang, bang.


   Without further ado, as soon as Aokiji confronted the giant warriors, he launched an earth-shattering and fierce battle.

   Instead, it was Bai Yu, Kaido, and BIGMOM who did not make a move for a long time.

   "Unexpectedly, Lingling and I will be killed by you in the future."

   Kaido stared at Bai Yu, and said.

   "Although Captain Lockes warned us, it\'s the current situation."

   "I don\'t seem to have any reason not to try your strength."

   "Lingling, you go get the text of the road sign history first, this guy, leave it to me to deal with."

   Kaido immediately confessed to BIGMOM.

   Whoops, whoops!

  However, Kaido had just finished speaking.

  Bai Yu drew out the double knives at his waist.

  With a thought, the ultimate flame of sword intent instantly condensed and burned on the blade.

  The double knives were raised, making a move to shoot at any time.

   "Both of you, don\'t even think about leaving here."

  Bai Yu\'s voice reached the ears of the two of them.

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s words, both Kaido and BIGMOM were obviously taken aback.

   Then, Kaido laughed.


   "It\'s up to you, want to stop the two of us at once?"

   "It\'s too condescending for us!"

   Kaido said with a smile.

   However, in the face of Kaido\'s disdainful laughter, the expression on Bai Yu\'s face remained calm.

   Didn\'t make any waves because of this.

  Suddenly, Kaido\'s laughter stopped abruptly.

   His eyes instantly became sharp.

   Immediately, slowly drew out the weapon Ba Jie Zhai.


  In an instant, the domineering winding of the armed color is completed.

   "Then let me see if your strength matches your arrogance."


  The voice fell.

   Kaido stomped on the ground with both feet.

  The instantaneous burst of power from both feet shattered the ground.

  Kaido\'s figure also rushed towards Bai Yu violently.


at the same time.

  BIGMOM is also a step forward.

  The figure moved to the side, and the target pointed directly at the ruins not far away.

  Seeing the scene where the two of them dispersed, the corner of Bai Yu\'s mouth suddenly curled up in a disdainful arc.


  The next moment, Bai Yu dashed out.

  The stature did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to meet Kaido.

   "Dual Swordsmanship · Blue Dragon · Thousand Cut Valley!"

  While his figure was moving, Bai Yu quickly swung the double knives.

   In the direction of BIGMOM\'s sprint, he slashed several times in succession.

  Hoo hoo, hoo hoo!

  In an instant, a series of half-moon-shaped flame slashes were released from Shuang Dao Dao, and slashed towards BIGMOM.

  After releasing the slash.

  Bai Yu quickly retracted the knife and came back.

   The two sabers slashed straight ahead.

   Just cut at Kaido who had already rushed in front of him.

   "Thunder gossip!"

   "Double Swordsmanship·Blue Dragon Slash!"

  In an instant, Bai Yu and Kaido attacked each other with all their might.