Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 424: Dragon-shaped overlord color! Slash the Golden Lion


  A huge explosion sound came out immediately.

  Crosscut fell on the boulder.

  The burst of slashing power presents a completely crushing destruction.

   The speed of the slash was not affected at all, and it penetrated through the boulder in an instant.

   Forcibly chopped the boulder into four pieces.

  The boulder that split into four pieces immediately deviated from the original falling track and fell to the houses on both sides of the street.

  Boom, boom...

  The four boulders fell, and the heavy impact instantly smashed the houses on both sides to pieces and collapsed.

   Just right, avoiding all the marines.


at the same time.

  Bai Yu stepped on the air again with both feet.

  The stature rushed towards the golden lion in an instant.


  Seeing Bai Yu rushing towards him, the Golden Lion hastily activated Piao Piao Guo\'s ability.

   controls the body to fly upwards continuously.

  At the same time, two famous knives were drawn.

   "Lion Chikiriya!"

  The next moment, the golden lion condenses and wraps around the double swords with a powerful armed domineering color.

   Quickly slashed at Bai Yu one after another.

   A series of piercing golden slashes immediately slashed towards Bai Yu.

   Seeing the Golden Lion use Chikiriya, the corner of Bai Yu\'s mouth suddenly raised a playful arc.

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu made almost the same starting gesture.

   "Dual Swordsmanship · Blue Dragon · Thousand Cut Valley!"

   Whoo, whoo, whoo!

   The next second.

  Bai Yu also quickly swung his two knives.

   A series of half-moon-shaped flame slashes met the golden lion\'s slash.

   bang bang bang bang bang...

  In an instant, the slashes released by the two collided and exploded in mid-air.

  The sound of violent explosions is endless.

   Wait until all the slashing strikes smash each other.

  Bai Yu\'s figure rushed out of the smoke and dust of the explosion in an instant.

  Looking at the Golden Lion again, I was surprised to find that extremely shocked emoji.

  My jaw dropped in shock.

   "How did you..."

  The golden lion looked at everything that happened in front of him in disbelief.

  Golden Lion didn\'t understand how Bai Yu could use his original swordsmanship.

   Moreover, the power is even stronger!

   The number of slashes released by Bai Yu is not too many.

  Just a few lines.

   However, the dozen or so slashes from the golden lion were smashed and resolved.

   It is enough to see that in the same move, Bai Yu\'s slash is undoubtedly much stronger.

   But before the golden lion could react.

  Bai Yu suddenly accelerated and came in front of the Golden Lion.

  The double swords suddenly cut left and right.

   Seeing Bai Yu\'s double swords slashing, the Golden Lion had no time to retreat, so he was forced to use his two swords to parry.

  The armed color is domineering, and he keeps strengthening and wrapping around the double swords.

  Clang, clang!

  In an instant, Bai Yu\'s double swords slashed on the golden lion\'s double swords.

  Two intense sparks suddenly exploded.

   What followed was the powerful collision of the armed colors of the four knives.


  The powerful armed domineering, spread out like thunder and lightning.

  The shocking space was slightly deformed.

  Finally, Bai Yu\'s double swords stopped on the golden lion\'s double swords.

  The two sides are now completely competing for strength.

"damn it!"

   "How could this guy be so powerful!"

   After feeling the pressure exerted by the white feather swords, the golden lion\'s face changed drastically.

   There was a curse in my heart.

  The power that Bai Yu erupted was also far beyond the imagination of the golden lion.

   "If you don\'t engage in scientific research, concentrate on swordsmanship and devil fruit ability development."

   "Perhaps the future you will be different."

  Bai Yu said suddenly.

   "It\'s a pity that you are still too weak now."

   Overlord color domineering!


  The moment the voice fell.

  Bai Yu\'s thoughts quickly activated the domineering look.

  Cohesion wrapped around Shuang Dao Dao.

   "Overlord color change."

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu said softly.

  The domineering arrogance wrapped around the blade suddenly changed its shape.


  A low-pitched dragon roar echoed from the twin sabers in an instant.

  The cohesive overlord-like arrogance instantly transformed into a green dragon.

  Two knives, two swimming green dragons emerge.


at the same time.

  Bai Yu received a passive trigger prompt in his mind.

  The sixteen times critical strike with the lowest trigger probability was successfully triggered at this time!

  The twin knives, which were already shining brightly, were suddenly covered with a hazy white light.

  Double-knife slashing power, obtained an indescribable explosive increase.

  Bai Yu immediately exerted all her strength.

  Clang, clang!

  Under the force of both hands, the dual knives burst out with the power contained in them.

   Under one blow, the two famous knives of Golden Lion were shattered on the spot.

  Golden Lion\'s eyes immediately widened to an exaggerated degree.

  But I couldn\'t react at all.

   He could only watch helplessly as Bai Yu\'s swords fell down.

  Puff, puff!

  The golden lion without the protection of weapons, how can it block Bai Yu\'s double knives with its physical body alone.

   Only two puffs were heard, the sound of flesh and blood being completely cut.

  The two arms of the golden lion snapped off.


  Receiving the force of the slash, the golden lion\'s body immediately fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.


   What\'s more terrible.

  On the knife edge where both arms were broken, a blazing flame of sword intent burned, burning the body of the golden lion.

   One time.

  The golden lion falling from a height seemed to have turned into a fireball.

  The golden lion, which was already seriously injured, fell at this speed.

   With his last breath, I am afraid that he will die on the spot.


   But at this moment.

   On the roof of a house on the ground.

  Suddenly there was a strange buzzing sound in space.

   Immediately after.

  A space gate suddenly opened and appeared.


next moment.

  A figure rushed out from the opened space gate.

   After a few dodges, he came right under the place where the golden lion fell.

  The visitor jumped up with both feet, perfectly catching the falling golden lion.

   Then he hugged the golden lion in a hurry, and kept slapping the flames on the golden lion with arms wrapped around him.

   After finishing all this, the visitor barely stopped for a moment.

   Then he rushed towards the space gate again.

   This scene was fully seen by Bai Yu from high above.

   "Finally willing to show up."

   Looking at the person coming, Bai Yu secretly said.

   Obviously, this pirate who appeared in time to save the golden lion.

   is the devil fruit capable user with space transfer ability.

   "Come as soon as you say, leave as soon as you say, and don\'t take me seriously."

   Bai Yu sneered.

   Run Thunder!


  The next moment, Bai Yu\'s thoughts moved.

   Ben Lei immediately used it.

   A series of violent lightning arcs instantly condensed and moved on Bai Yu\'s feet.

  The moving lightning arc continuously stimulated the cells on Bai Yu\'s feet, bursting into potential activity.

  Bai Yu\'s speed has been explosively improved.


   But this is not the end.

  As Bai Yu\'s thoughts continued to control.

   There are more and more lightning arcs condensed.

   already completely covers the feet.