Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 423: Fight again! heyday golden lion

Om, Om, Om!

   Waves of devil fruit energy fluctuations continuously spread from Violet\'s body.

   The scope of the fruit\'s ability to stare is also continuously expanding.


  After the ability was released to a certain extent, Violet moved again.

  In order to be capable, he added a domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge.

   This move will undoubtedly cause an unimaginably huge consumption of knowledge and domineering.

   After adding knowledge and domineering, Violet can sense more subtle breaths.

   It’s hard to find out where the Golden Lion is right away on the large Murloc Island just by looking at it.

  After integrating the domineering color of knowledge, it will be easier to find the golden lion whose breath is different from that of ordinary people.

   This method is also Violet\'s hard work according to the systematic training manual that Bai Yu gave her.

   Soon, Violet seemed to notice something.

   Immediately withdrew the staring fruit ability, and stopped the release of knowledge-colored domineering.

   "At Coral Hill!"

   "I feel a strong breath!"

   "In one of the taverns, there is a man in black sitting."

   "That breath came from him!"

  Violet quickly told Bai Yu the information she sensed.

   Coral Hill, located in the southeast of Fishman Island.

  There is the bustling port town of Fishman Island.

  Nepton and others never dreamed that they were the culprit who controlled the Murloc Island crashing into Noah.

   Actually, they don’t even carry Tibetans.

   It is in the densely populated and prosperous Coral Hill.

   "Some people went to inform Neptune."

   "The rest follow us."

   "Violet, you will lead the way."

  Hearing that the golden lion had been found, Bai Yu gave orders immediately.

   Then, headed by Violet, everyone hurried to the Coral Hill.

   After a while.

  Bai Yu and his party came to the place where Violet sensed a powerful aura.

  Outside a tavern in the town of Coral Hill.

   "Try to evacuate the surrounding people."

   "Give me the golden lion."

   Bai Yu said immediately.

  Following Bai Yu\'s voice fell.

   Bai Yu brought a number of naval soldiers divided into two teams.

   One left and one right began to evacuate the surrounding murlocs.

   Soon, with the Marines causing as little commotion as possible.

  The originally lively street became quiet in an instant.

  All the navy soldiers immediately surrounded the tavern.

  In the quiet atmosphere around, it seems that even a slight breathing sound can be heard.


   available for the next second.

  The whole tavern suddenly exploded.

   The shattered bricks and stones shot at the surrounding naval soldiers at an extremely fast speed.

  clang clang clang...

   Fortunately, the navy soldiers have long obeyed Bai Yu\'s orders.

   He found a metal shield and immediately blocked it in front of him.

  The bricks, tiles and stones shot out all hit the shield, making a clanging sound.

the other side.

  Bai Yu was even more relaxed.

  The keen sensor has captured the movement tracks of all the tavern fragments.

  The stature is very dexterous and moves small left and right.

   Dodge all the incoming debris.


at this time.

  A figure jumped up from the broken tavern.

  The body instantly floated high in the air.

   "Golden Lion, it really is you!"

   After waiting to see the other party clearly, Bai Yu said in a cold voice.

  The person who appeared was none other than the young Golden Lion!

   "Jie hahaha..."

   "You came in time."

   "White Feather!"

  The golden lion laughed loudly.

   At this time, the golden lion\'s feet are still healthy.

   Coupled with youth, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to deal with than the "modern golden lion" who was beheaded by Bai Yu once.

   "Captain Lockes repeatedly told us not to fight you in private."

   "The current situation, but you delivered it yourself."

   "I have long wanted to meet you, the number one swordsman in the world, for a while."

  The golden lion continued.

  Bai Yu doesn\'t know, Lockes has a clear rule that the crew is not allowed to fight with Bai Yu in private.

   No other.

   Knowing Bai Yu\'s strength, Lockes doesn\'t want to lose any strong man before the world war begins.

  The cadre-level strongmen in the Rocks Pirates have long intended to fight Bai Yu.

  This is especially true for pirates like Golden Lion who are very confident in their own strength.

   "I heard that you also beheaded the future \'me\' with your own hands."

  Golden Lion\'s expression turned cold suddenly, and he fixed his eyes on Bai Yu and said.


   "But the performance of \'you\' is weaker than I imagined."

  Bai Yu shrugged and said mockingly.


   Hear Bai Yu\'s words again.

  The golden lion suddenly became furious.

  The strong murderous aura burst out uncontrollably.

   "The entire Murloc Island is under my control."

   "What are you fighting me with?"


   The golden lion said it again.

  The next moment, I saw the golden lion lift his right hand.

  Piao Piao fruit ability to activate.

  The ground where everyone was standing suddenly shook violently.

  Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka...

  The ground uncontrollably shattered and opened huge cracks.

   Huge boulders immediately floated up from the broken ground and surrounded the golden lion.

  In just one thought, the footholds of all the navies were destroyed.

   One by one, they staggered and leaned together.

   It is no longer possible to form a complete formation.

   Look at Bai Yu again.

   At the moment when the golden lion\'s ability was activated.

   has jumped to the top of a house.

  Hands rested on the handles of the double knives around his waist.

   "You all, first find a way to retreat."

  Bai Yu glanced at the naval soldiers on the ground and gave orders.

  Golden Lion\'s ability, one-on-one output may not be the ultimate.

  Can attack in a large area, it is a good hand.

  The navy soldiers stay here again, and Bai Yu is still distracted to take care of them.


  Hearing this, a group of naval soldiers agreed.

   Assisting each other, they left the broken ground and kept retreating.


   Seeing a group of naval soldiers back away, the golden lion snorted coldly.

  The raised right hand clenched tightly.

   Ka Ka Ka!


  In an instant, the ground gravel surrounding the golden lion.

  Under the influence of the ability of the golden lion fluttering fruit, they quickly gathered together.

   In a blink of an eye, they gathered into a huge stone.

   Then, the super huge stone boomed.

   Vibrating the air, it crashed down towards the navy soldiers.

   "Moon step!"


   Seeing this, Bai Yu immediately used the moon step.

   Stepping on the air, he dodged and rushed towards the huge stone.

  The two knives in his hand were pulled out suddenly.

   Whoops, whoops!

  With a single thought, the Qinglong Sword Intent quickly wrapped around Shuangdaodao and burned.

   "Dual Sword Style · Qinglong Slash!"

   Bai Yu, who rushed in front of the boulder, immediately swung his knives and slashed out.

   Huh boom!

   A criss-crossing flame slash was released from the double knives immediately, and slashed towards the huge stone.

  The next moment, the chop fell on the surface of the boulder.