Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 343: Increased strength! world government bows

Following the sound of the system reward prompt.

   A large amount of information about new moves and new passives was continuously introduced into Bai Yu\'s mind.

  First of all, the new move Sakura·Thousand Falling Feather Zan.

  The move is as its name suggests.

   It is activated by Sakura Fudu Yuhun.

   Once released, the slash hits the sky.

   Afterwards, the slash will turn into countless feather-like sharp attacks and fall.

It is worth mentioning that.

  Every feather cut contains the power of soul trauma.

   Has both lethality and soul trauma.

   It can attack in a large area, or it can kill thousands of feathers by one person.

   Then there is the new passive.

  Double recovery.

   As the name suggests.

   It is to let Bai Yu have twice the recovery power of the current body.

  Passive effect, although proficiency improvement will be more obvious.

  The difference is that there is no trigger probability, proficiency determines the degree and speed of recovery.

   Not only the recovery of injuries, but also the recovery of three-color arrogance and sword intent.

   In this way, after the weapon is awakened, the expanded domain will have a huge consumption impact on the three-color domineering and sword intent.

   will undoubtedly be well filled.

  Stay passive fully raised.

  Bai Yu can even open the domain to fight the enemy all the time.

   Undoubtedly another huge improvement.

  Finally, the proficiency of any one of the moves obtained in the past has been increased to 100%.

   "Just fully upgrade Qian Luo Yu Zhan directly."

   After a little thought.

   Bai Yu thought to himself.

  The proficiency of other moves is small, and it is a bit wasteful to use it to improve.

  As for Bai Yu\'s strongest combo move.

  At the moment, no one can completely take over Bai Yu\'s Ninety-six Slashes, and there is no need to upgrade for the time being.

   It is Sakura · Budu Yuhun, after all, it has just been fused and forged, so it needs to have an exclusive skill to set off the card.

   "System, consume rewards, and upgrade Sakura Qianluoyu to full proficiency."

  Do as soon as you think of it, Bai Yu immediately gave instructions to the system.

【Ding! Consumption reward, Sakura · Thousand Falling Feather Slash proficiency increased to: 100%]

  The system prompt sounded immediately.

   Afterwards, Bai Yu glanced at the system panel, and exited hastily.

   This time the mission not only received generous rewards.

   More importantly, let Bai Yu leave an indelible position in the hearts of all countries.

   In the future.

  Even if the world government wants to make trouble secretly, it will be difficult to work.

  No words all the way.

  Bai Yu and his party returned to the G5 branch smoothly.

  Bai Yu immediately began to plan the next plan.

  Fight the Four Emperors Kaido!

   The grievances between Kaido and Bai Yu are not even a single star now.

  Bai Yu couldn\'t feel relieved that such an enemy had not been eliminated.

   Especially, at the end when Kaido leaves Cake Island.

   It seems that he intends to join forces with Blackbeard.

  Although Blackbeard has not fully grown up at this time, his fruit ability alone is enough to gain a firm foothold in the world.

   Time flashed to the next day.

  Bai Yu started to let Smoker go, and began to intensify the training of recruits.

  Kaido\'s power is only stronger than BIGMOM\'s.

  The pirates under him are even more capable and powerful.

  Although most of the top Fei Liubao and the Three Calamities were killed by Bai Yu.

   But the overall strength is still there.

  The strength of the Kaido Hundred Beasts Pirates is also far superior to other pirates.

   Wants to crusade against Kaido and attack Wano Country (Ghost Island).

   It is necessary to ensure sufficient troops.


   Otherwise, if you haven\'t seen Kaido yet, dealing with shrimp soldiers and crab generals will be enough for Bai Yu to die of exhaustion.

  In addition to instructing Smoker to conduct strict training for the newly joined navy.

  Bai Yu is also preparing to personally enhance the strength of Moon Wolf, Maya, Keby, Beru Meber and others.

  These people today have a certain degree of control and understanding of their fruit abilities.

  The next thing is to study domineeringly and master it.

   As for the fruit ability awakening, it all depends on personal talent.


  Bai Yu returned to the office in time after personally guiding the Moon Wolf members.

  At this moment in the office, Da Siqi is helping Bai Yu with the documents.

   "This is the latest announcement from the World Government."

  As soon as he took his seat, Da Siqi handed Bai Yu a document.

   "Oh? World government?"

  Hearing this, Bai Yu suddenly became interested.

   took the file and quickly looked it up.

  As Da Siqi introduced, this document is simply an apology notice from the World Government.

  Under pressure from the major allies, the world government admitted for the first time that it had mismanaged.

   Leading to the fall of Tianlongmen, a large number of revolutionary troops broke in.

   Almost endangered the lives of the kings.

  Of course, in the notice, all the crimes were blamed on the massive invasion of the revolutionary army.

   As for Bai Yu.

   Uncharacteristically, they were commended.

   After reading the notice, Bai Yu smiled knowingly.

  This world government is really forced to help.

   Countless subordinates died in Bai Yu\'s hands, and a book had to be issued to commend Bai Yu.

  Bai Yu could even imagine Im\'s exasperated expression.

   "It seems that the world government has bowed its head, and you are very satisfied."

  Noticing the change in Bai Yu\'s expression, Da Siqi whispered.

"Of course."

   "Otherwise, let them think that I, Bai Yu, framed it if I wanted to."

  Bai Yu shrugged as if it should be taken for granted.

   "By the way, King Riku, Neptune, and Cobra all came to fight."

   "It\'s just that in the morning, you just went to train the moon wolf."

  Da Siqi suddenly remembered something, and said to Bai Yu.

"I see."

  Hearing this, Bai Yu nodded.

   Then, he took out the exclusive phone bugs that contacted the three kings respectively, and dialed them at the same time.

   "Mr. Bai Yu, I have some very good news for you!"

  As soon as the phone was connected, the three of them spoke almost simultaneously.

   They all came to announce the good news.

   "Because it\'s too troublesome to call one by one, the three of you should not mind talking like this."

   Bai Yu explained with a smile.

   "Never mind not mind."

   "King Neptune, King Riku, what you want to say should be the same as me."

   "Just let you talk."

   "Hahaha we thought of going together."

   "Let King Neptune speak."

  The three chatted on their own.

  Finally, Neptune decided to tell Bai Yu the good news they said.

   "Mr. Bai Yu, you probably don\'t know yet?"

   "This time the world government has caused such a big scandal."

   "Has already shaken the hearts of many Allies."

   "In order to maintain the relationship between the Allies."

   "The tax increase proposed by the Five Old Stars at this world conference is not only cancelled."

   "It also indicated that the taxes of the allied countries will be appropriately reduced for one to two years!"

   "The world government, this is going to bleed and bring back people\'s hearts!"

   Neptune immediately explained.

  Hearing this, Bai Yu was taken aback for a moment.

   Immediately afterwards, he also laughed out loud.