Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 342: Harvest people's hearts! end of task

in the domain space.

   Earth-shattering explosions continue to happen.


  The explosion evolved to the end, and it turned into a storm that wanted to destroy everything.

  Anyone involved will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

   Even the domain barrier, which has always been stable, has experienced violent fluctuations.

   This devastating explosion storm lasted for quite a while.

   gradually showed signs of exhaustion dissipating.

  Stay last.

  The explosion storm dissipated completely.

  A burst of thick explosion black smoke was set off on the spot.

   Block the line of sight so that people can\'t see the scene clearly.


  Seeing this, Bai Yu waved his hand casually.

   Released a gust of knife wind, blowing away the black smoke from the explosion.

  After the black smoke from the explosion dissipated, it revealed what it looked like.

   As far as the eye can see, there is only a piece of burnt blackened ground.

  The ground was shattered into countless pieces due to the destructive force of the explosion.

   What\'s more exaggerated, there is an extremely huge pit in the most central position.

  The three CP0 people who were originally in it, and thousands of soldiers.

   Did not leave any traces.

   Directly in the ruthless destruction of the explosion, all the scum left was obliterated.

   Seeing this, Bai Yu landed back to the ground.

   Shaking his head.

   "Unfortunately, this can\'t last anymore."

   Bai Yu muttered to himself.

   Originally, Bai Yu thought that the three of CP0 could hold on for a while longer.

  Bai Yu has also explained the raging explosion in advance.

  The purpose is to keep the three of CP0 alive so that they can be arrested.

   After that, let Violet check the information about the top three players in CP0 strength.

   Moreover, with the status of these three people, it is possible to find out a lot of information about Im.


  The three of CP0 did not persevere.

  Actually, it cannot be blamed that the three of them are too weak.

   Rather, in this domain space, the strength is inherently weakened.

  In addition to CP0-4, CP0-5, the domineering self-protection has been consumed to a large extent before.

   Then want to resist the subsequent explosive power of the Flame Burst Airflow Slash.

   Already powerless.


   Seeing this, Bai Yu immediately withdrew her double swords.

  Removed the awakening and domain of Sakura · Fudu Yuhun.


   A moment.

   Domain lifted.

   A gust of fresh wind suddenly blows head-on.

  The kings who were outside the domain just now showed surprises one by one.

  The entire process of fighting is complicated to say the least.

   In fact, it didn\'t take long.

  Thousands of soldiers, together with three strong CP0.

   Just disappeared out of thin air!

   How could the kings not be surprised.

   "Mr. Shiraha, those people.?"

   Seeing this, Neptune, who was still familiar with Bai Yu, asked.

  Hearing this, Bai Yu looked at the huge scorched pit on the ground, and nunuzui signaled.


  Everyone was silent for a moment.

  Everyone was sweating like raindrops.

  Bai Yu\'s display of strength is too appalling.

  Especially the king who mentioned Bai Yu at the beginning, now he can\'t wait to find a hole in the ground and get into it.

  Bai Yu\'s strength is a good proof.

   If Bai Yu really wanted to kill them, there was no need to engage in so many bells and whistles.

   It\'s just a knife up and down.

   "Mr. Baiyu!"

   "Today\'s life-saving grace, I, Dalton, wrote it down!"

   "In the future, there will be a place where my drum kingdom will be useful, and I will definitely not have any shirk!"

   Immediately afterwards, King Dalton of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom expressed his position immediately.

   "So do I, the Kingdom of Ilucia!"

   "And my country of flowers!"

   "I am the Kingdom of Mahalo!"


   With someone taking the lead, the kings expressed their opinions one by one.

   not only expressed great gratitude to Bai Yu.

   also promised that if there is a need in the future, he will never shirk.

  Only in this battle, more than half of the kings and monarchs of the fifty allied countries.

   Not only did he not blame Bai Yu, but he also established a certain friendship with Bai Yu.

   This is the instigator of the whole thing, Im, who can never think of it.

   "The kings and monarchs are serious."

   "I just hope that after the matter is over, everyone can give me a personal certificate."

   "It is pure slander to prove that rumor."

   "After all the enemy"

   Talking, Bai Yu looked at the destroyed pit again.

"no problem!"

   "Who dares to say that Mr. Bai Yu has rebelled, I will be the first to be anxious with him!"

   "Mr. Bai Yu, don\'t worry!"

   "We will not only prove your innocence, but also spread today\'s events!"


  After hearing Bai Yu\'s words, all the kings said one after another.

  If Bai Yu hadn\'t appeared in time, I\'m afraid they would have become dead souls under the knife.

  How can I stay here.

  In the eyes of everyone, this is nothing more than a trivial matter.

   "Then thank you all."

   Bai Yu laughed.

   I was also secretly happy in my heart.

  Im, this is lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot, right?

  Bai Yu also wants to see what kind of explanation the world government will give in the end.

   Shortly after Bai Yu finished solving CP0 and the soldiers it brought.

  The royal armies of the major kingdoms also arrived one after another.

   After seeing that their respective kings were safe and sound, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

   Followed by Karp, Maya and others.

   Karp, Maya, Kebi, and Beru Meber are not idle.

  On the one hand, spread the news.

   On the one hand, he assisted Garp to encircle and suppress the revolutionary army that appeared.

  In the end, the revolutionary army was defeated and suffered numerous casualties.

   Chief of Staff Sabo was seriously injured.

  Finally, he escaped from the scene with his special tunnel-digging ability.

   After Garp and others, Aokiji also came.

   After repeatedly confirming that things have been suppressed.

  Aokiji also asked Bai Yu to notify Hancock, who was guarding Mariejoa, to leave first.

  The World Conference ended in such a chaotic situation.

   Only those who know the details will understand how serious the involvement is.

  The kings left Mariejoia directly and returned to the countries.

   And before leaving, they denounced the ‘incompetence’ of the world government together.

   And ask the world government to give them a reasonable explanation and corresponding compensation.

   Otherwise, they will collectively consider whether to withdraw from the alliance.

  As for Bai Yu and his party, after sending away the kings safely, they also boarded the G5 warship and returned to the G5 branch.

   On the way back, Bai Yu also received the reward for this mission.

【Ding! The host completes the main task - World Conference]

  【Mission final rating: S rank】

   Not surprisingly, the rating task finally got an S-level evaluation.

   Of all the kings present, none was injured.

   It can be said that the task was completed perfectly.

   Immediately afterwards, the reward sound continued to sound.

【Ding! Obtain rewards: Sakura·Thousand Falling Feather Slash (10%), Passive—Double Recovery (10%)]

  【You can choose one of the moves to upgrade to full proficiency】

  The system\'s reward notification sounds came one after another.

  New move, Sakura·Thousand Falling Feather Slash!

  New Passive—Double Recovery!

   There are additional rewards.

  You can choose one of the moves to directly increase to 100% full proficiency!