Pirate's General Tiger

v2 Chapter 2: The power of thunder

After waiting for the warships in the Warring States period and preparing for the handover, the two parties stopped chatting and said goodbye to each other.

"Then, I'll leave now, and we will see you at this headquarters after the end of this era!"

Kuzan smiled and waved.

Don nodded and separated from them.

They are all well aware that it is not far away from the end of this era. Today's trend is already obvious, and Roger's general trend has been established, it is difficult to stop.

Leadfield was shackled, shackled, and shoved into the warships of the Warring States. After Tang En saw the other party on board, he was locked in a steel cage and surrounded by naval guards.

"Ledefield, you are powerful, I am afraid that you will not think of this day?"

There was a deep voice from the Navy.

Ledfield slowly raised his head, and he sat in the cage, his eyes looking directly at the opposite Don.

His mouth opened and closed, his lips collided, but no words came out.

But Tang En's complexion was instantly dignified, clenching his fists.

The warships of the Warring States slowly drove away, and Tang En stood side by side with the air, looking at the sea.

"He is very confident."

The air said suddenly.

"I will be ready to wait for him."

Tang En said in a deep voice.

Kong Wei stunned: "Do you believe him?"

Tang En turned his head and did not answer.

Only when Ledfield opened his mouth, although there was no voice, both of them could distinguish and judge what they meant to express.

"I will come back to find you!"

Ledfield stared at Dunn and said this, apparently resentful of what happened.

The warship was moving forward at full speed, and Tang En also contacted the 7158 troops through the phone bug on the empty ship.

"Don is not dead yet!"

"He is still alive!"

At a small military base, Ruilong and others heard the sound of the phone bug and jumped up in surprise.

The navy behind them was stunned for a while, and then the whole body boiled, and tears burst out when someone was excited.

"Great, not only did the lieutenant general die, he has also been appointed as the new general by Marshal Kong."

"What? Don is already a general!"

"They are now heading to the waters of Ait Wall, meeting with Lieutenant General Cap and others to start the final battle."

Opposite the phone bug, Tang En's words came one after another, making the major-general face change.

"Now, as a general, I order seven of you and six of Cyrus and Dorons to take the Clippers and come towards me."

"I need your strength in the next war!"

Until the end, Tang En's words made them stagnate as a whole, and then his face became serious.

"Comply with the general order!"

After the First World War, they left the original route and came to a small naval military base to take a break. Tang En's death caused these people to lose their spirits, without pillars and motivation, and they didn't even know how to live next.

Until this time, Tang En's call, only to let them resurrect.

"This time, he called only fourteen of us!"

"That sea area is not a strong man and has no qualification to enter at all. Tang En is right."

"I've prepared everything so that I won't make him think we are any more cumbersome!"

The fourteen men looked firm, then set off quickly and drove towards the sea where Tangen was.

Empty warship.

"Have you summoned the boys back?"

"Yes, I am not strong enough for the next battle."

Don nodded.

"The enemy we are about to face, is that group of guys OK?"

Empty frowned.

"I believe them."

Tang En said in a deep voice.

Every battle, every defeat, every tear, every bloodshed, will be a transformation! Tang En firmly believes this, no one will stand still, the reliability of that group of guys, he has seen a lot.

A person, in the next battle, is not far away!

"I will not assign you redundant candidates. After entering the sea, you should be careful!"

Empty passage.

"I know!"

Don nodded.

In the second half of the day, the sun was dazzling and hot, and the sea surface was evaporating into white mist due to the high temperature. Numerous bubbles tumbling, which surprised the navy.

There is no doubt that this sea area has become hot, like boiling hot water. What's even more weird is that some areas are hot and bubbling, while others are cold and icy. The white fog enveloped the sea and affected the line of sight.

"Rare scenery, but also very dangerous."

Tang En sighed.

On the third day, that is, today, above the sea, it was already shrouded in white mist and could not see anything.

"After passing through this dense fog area, we reached the sea area of ​​Ait Wall!"

"When you get there, you are on the verge of this war and you have reached the apex of the times!"

Looking at the sea ahead, he said softly.

Tang En is silent, he knows that the sea is the real danger. In just ten years, I don’t know how many famous pirates and how many potential navies have been buried.

"Be careful!"

Kong Changsheng said.

After a brief conversation between the two, Tang En found a few corners and sat down cross-legged.

Since the power of the Thunder Fruit has been obtained, he has not seriously understood it. In the past few days, it was only at night, and consciously controlled and hone during the rest.

But for a while, he also made a comprehensive understanding of the ability of this fruit.

Thunder and lightning is the most destructive force in nature. It was the first day of the sun. In some novels of the previous life, it even represented the punishment of the sky. It is the ability of the gods to control it.

The means of attack are not as numerous as the fruits of the explosion, but appear very simple.

"The most intuitive is discharge!"

"The lightning in the body will be released in an instant, forming a great destructive power!"

The Zeus of Bigumam is a thundercloud with terrifying destructive power, but it is naturally inferior to the orthodox pure thunder fruit.

"Then it is to control its shape change, outline the shape, and give the lightning the spirituality."

Tang En narrowed his eyes and held out his palm.

In the sizzling sound, a small thunder tiger appeared in his palm, his mouth growled, his hand held, and then opened, another thunder dragon appeared.

For him, this can be done easily.

The development of the explosive fruit has accumulated a lot of experience for him during the practice. It is quite easy to use the thunder fruit again.

"Then, then, a derivative of Thunderbolt."

"Magnetism, there is no clue at the moment, it can't be done."

"However, I have to say that this fruit is really the most compatible with knowledge."

Tang En smiled.

As long as he exerts the ability of thundering fruit, his sight will be radiated, the fusion of the two, and the range he can perceive will be huge and terrifying.

"30,000 meters!!"

"I'm sitting here now and I can feel everything in the nearby 30,000-meter square!"

"Similarly, all places within 30,000 meters are within the range that my attack can cover!"

Tang En extended his index finger and pointed forward.


A thunderbolt rushed out in an instant, and disappeared into the sky.

A fish just leaped on the sea in the thick fog northwest of him.

Suddenly, a thunder column roared down and quickly hit its body. It's just a flash of kung fu. When the fish falls into the sea again, it has become scorched black, exuding the smell of meat.

The attack range is extremely wide, this is the ability that Thunder Fruit gives him.

"Even, this is just my initial grasp of its capabilities. With familiarity, my attack range will increase at a terrible rate!"


Thunder flashed suddenly on Tang En.

The next second, his body disappeared in place, and a loud sound appeared three feet away.

His body appeared in the thunder, suspended in the air.

"With elementalization, my speed will become extremely fast!"