Pirate's General Tiger

v2 Chapter 1: Meet again

The visibility of the sea under the white fog is very low. Two days ago, the empty warship had already entered this unpredictable climate.

Regarding the world's reaction to Tang En becoming a general, the people on this ship have no interest to care.

The climate in the second half of the channel is crazy, and it is even more difficult to understand than the emotion of the madman.

Tang En clearly remembered that when they entered the sea on the first day, they were greeted by a storm. By the afternoon, the big storm was spinning and appeared in front of them, which shocked everyone. In the gray storm, the sky was rolled up, driving the sparkling electric flower.

The reaction of the outside world, the joy of the new general, has long been left behind.

Fighting against the sea and fighting against nature are their next themes.

Fortunately, the ships were all strong men in the navy. They thrilled through the storm and weathered the storm. On the second day, they ushered in the fine weather.

On this day, the Warring States, Kuzan, and Polusalino came here on a boat and met them.

"The weather is so bad, I almost thought I was going to die."

Polusalino mumbled and complained about the waters they passed by.

"Come on, others are afraid of the weather, you are afraid, I will never believe it."

Kuzan said lazily.

As a part of nature, they are even above the sea, but in the face of such crises as natural storms, they also have ways to deal with it. The magical effect of elementalization is more than immunity to physical attacks.

The two came to Donn together, Kuzan shrugged, but Polusalino congratulated with a smile on his face.

"Unexpectedly, you are a step ahead of us."

"Lieutenant General Tang En was promoted to general, which really surprised me."

Tang En looked at the different expressions of the two men, and the corner of his mouth bent: "I'm sorry, I ran faster than the two.

"I suddenly felt that your kid was very punished."

Borusalino muttered.

"I feel the same way."

Kuzan agreed.


Tang En laughed and stepped forward to hug Cuzan.

Borusalino stepped back consciously, looking at the two narratives with a smile.

He turned his attention to other places, such as Lederfield sitting on the deck, awkward, silent with his eyes closed.

This big pirate, he has naturally seen in the Navy database. The Navy's evaluation of it is extremely high. In terms of personal combat power, it is better than Roger, White Beard, Golden Lion and other famous people. Unexpectedly, even today he became a prisoner of the rank of the navy, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he was still a little shocked.

"It's actually true."

Borusalino murmured.

"Of course it is! The arrest of this guy cost me and Mr. Tang En a lot of effort."

"It's almost dead!"

Bandages were still tied to the empty body, the previous injuries were not healed, and they sighed to the Warring States with a smile.

"But no matter what you say, being able to win him is a powerful help to our situation at this moment and the situation of the navy."

The Warring States stared at Redfield, Shen Sheng said.

"It was completely lucky."

"If it weren't for Tangen just arrived."

Speaking of which, shook his head empty.

In a sudden encounter, he didn't have time to arrange an ambush of the strong. Both of them were fighting hard, but he lost to the other.

"What do you mean by making Tang En a general?"

In parallel with the air, the two walked to an unmanned corner, and the Warring States asked seriously.

He is clearly aware of Tang En's strength. Not long ago he also tried it out. The attack power is very strong, but there are serious deficiencies in other areas. The strength of the general only touches the edge, at best it can be considered as an alternative, that is, a candidate for quasi-general.

"This kid is growing fast, and his current strength is afraid to be beyond your expectations."

Empty smile, said so.

This shocked the Warring States slightly.

If the other party said this, isn't it saying that Tang En already has the strength of a real big boss.

"He was able to fight with Redfield after me and showed great combat effectiveness. Even if he was hit hard and his physical fitness reached its limit, it was extremely incredible."

"Know that trapped beasts, beasts facing the limit, are the most terrifying!"

The air pressure was low and he said deeply.

The pupils of the Warring States contracted and immediately understood.

Down defeated and won the Redfield facing the limit. In a sense, this kid faced almost the most terrible moment in the Redfield.

"What shocked me even more was that the kid's strength in that short time of about 40 seconds completely crushed the other party."

"This terrible explosive power, even a person who really has the strength of a general, can't have it!"

The air took a breath and recalled the amazing battle not long ago.

The time was short, but the strongest power of the two of them broke out.

"His ability to develop fruits has reached an unimaginable level!"

In the end, Kong said.


Speaking of this, the air suddenly stopped, he remembered the last moment, the flash of lightning.

It was that electro-optic that determined the outcome.

On the other side, Don and Cuzan and Polusalino talked to each other about their latest affairs.

They were shocked, excited, and amazed. They could see that the things they encountered were extremely rare and thrilling.

Traveling by the navy, in a way, is even more thrilling than the pirates.

"A long rainbow runs through the sky and lasts three days and three nights."

"At night, there is a brilliant stream of light flashing in the north, like a thick fog, with a glorious glory, very beautiful."

"I saw an island, but not just an island, but a giant beast. It swims in the sea and can't see the edge at a glance. Every movement can drive a tsunami."

These scenes sound like fairy tales, but they are real, and Tang En opened his eyes.

"What about you, Dunn, what kind of guy is Bigumum? I heard that you almost died from the war."

Kuzan suddenly asked, curious in his eyes.

"Very powerful! Her power and the ability of the devil's fruit have reached an incredible level. It is very difficult to control the soul at will, plunder or endow."

Tang En said solemnly.

"If you meet, run as far as you can."

With the strength of the two men in front of him, the young general, Bigu Mamu is not an opponent at this moment, he solemnly warned.

"Is that so? That's really terrible!"

Polusalino nodded, his eyes gleaming.

Although the three did not fight each other, but standing together, the special feeling they produced between each other, they can detect the size of the breath.

Among them, Tang En's breath is far more than theirs.