Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 164: Current status of Guina and Sauron

In Donghai, Orange Town, in a restaurant, two young people sat facing each other, one was a woman dressed as a man, and the other was a man with green hair.

The woman pinched her waist and cursed loudly: "Green Zaotou, that guy is now the Five Emperors! How dare you lose your way!"

Sauron\'s face was blushing, but of course he would not admit that it was his mistake. After his face rose slightly, he said suddenly: "Baga! You must have lost your way!"

These two people are Sauron and Guina who went to sea together, and they are now bounty hunters, constantly sharpening their swordsmanship with the help of those star-like pirates on the sea.

Not long after going to sea, he won the title of a double hero of the East China Sea.

But regarding this title, the two of them were embarrassed to death. Don\'t be too shy about the two heroes of the East China Sea.

The current strength of the two is very extraordinary. Kuina now has the strength of a lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters, and Sauron is not bad, almost the same as her.

Perhaps the two of them wanted to walk the path that Dongze had walked, instead of going directly to the new world, they wandered around the East China Sea, which made the pirates in the East China Sea suffer.

They couldn\'t help but remind them of the fear of being dominated by someone two years ago, but whoever they met, they were sent to the Navy branch and replaced by Bailey.

Then they were replaced by two weapons. Sauron now has a famous knife in his hand, it is a Wugongliang sharp knife called Liu Guang, which cost him 500,000 Baileys.

In Kuina\'s hand is the knife that grew up with her, the big sharp knife of twenty-one workers-He Dao Yiwen.

Originally, this operation went very smoothly. They defeated a group of pirates named Roco, replaced them with Baileys, and got a bounty of 300,000 Baileys. But at this moment, Sauron\'s road idiot attribute broke out.

Then I\'m sorry, Kuina waited for three and a half days, but didn\'t see anyone. As soon as she went out, she saw Sauron running past the door in panic. What a place, it\'s really abominable, what kind of broken place did that female tyrannosaurus find.

Nima, this is absolutely outrageous, the three words Orange Fort Store are almost as tall as a person, and the guy in front of him didn\'t see it.

She was still jumping around repeatedly in front of the store, so angry that she almost exploded her head.

"Boss, serve dinner! I\'m starving to death!"

Sauron slapped the table and shouted loudly.

Seeing Sauron\'s actions, Kuina\'s forehead was full of hash marks, and she wished to pull out the word "Hedao" in her hand, and tear the person in front of her into pieces.

"Green algae head, don\'t you have anything to say? I have been waiting for you here for three and a half days for nothing!!"

Sauron\'s eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he said with some guilt: "Isn\'t it only three days? I don\'t want the bounty I get next time, that\'s not enough!!"

Hearing this, Kuina almost jumped. The guy in front of him is a big eater. The Baileys he earned just happened to buy him some food, and there was not much left for him to buy some wine. She still uses her share of Ganliang Kuaidao!

"You bastard! If you have the ability, you should eat less!"

Sauron scratched his head, "That\'s not okay, if I don\'t have enough food, I will have no strength, and if I don\'t have strength, I won\'t be able to swing my sword, and if I encounter pirates again, I won\'t be able to fight!"

"Does my mother use you to fight? I can kill those minions with one blow!"

"That can\'t be done, I still have to hone my sword skills! That **** Dongze is now the King of Swords!"

"You **** know about this! You bastard!"

Speaking of this Kuina got angry, looking at Sauron who was cooking rice, Kuina punched him **** the head.

Sauron had a big bump on his head that was visible to the naked eye. Seeing the diners around him, his heart trembled. They said whatever they said, and scolded them, but they didn\'t expect the girl in front of them to be so aggressive, so they immediately started up.

Sauron\'s whole body was buried in the food in front of him by this punch. In the next moment, Sauron\'s snoring sound came out, and the people around were stunned.

Kuina also had no choice, for her, Sauron had always been like her younger brother, irritating everyone, but she didn\'t think about throwing him away.

She was really afraid of Sauron, an idiot, and starved to death outside for no apparent reason.

Seeing this situation, the crowd couldn\'t help but start talking about whether the person in front of him might have become a Tengu, who was clearly asleep and still eating.

He also asked whether the little girl in front of her could be possessed by a female tyrannosaurus, so violent that she would not be able to marry when she grew up.

In this life, because of Dongze, Koshiro Shimotsuki did not deliberately hide his clumsiness. When Kuina and Zoro went to sea, they had already achieved a lot in terms of knowledge and weapons. For those whispering around, Kuina I heard it in my ears without leaking.

Looking at the diners around, she slammed the table and shouted angrily: "What are you looking at! I will kill you!!"

"Hmm! What\'s the matter? Is dinner ready?"

Then Sauron opened his eyes blankly, and said blankly, then he looked at the food under him, and started to eat and drink again.

Seeing it, Kuina had a stomachache, and finally sat down on the seat again helplessly, took out the small white wooden sword hanging on her chest, and stroked it gently.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and only the sound of bowls and plates clashing from Saurona was left in the whole restaurant, and one piece of food was wiped out by him, just like a starving ghost.

After a long time, when his abdomen was slightly swollen, he put down the knives, forks, bowls and chopsticks in his hands contentedly, UU reading www. uukanshu.com burped and took a sip of water.

Just seeing his abdomen deflated again, as if the food he ate was digested in an instant, the scalps of the people watching felt numb, is this still a person?

"Hey! Female Tyrannosaurus, where are we going next?"

"Let\'s go to Rogge Town! I heard that it is adjacent to the great sea route, and the strength of the pirates is much stronger than that of the East China Sea. If my expectations are correct, our swordsmanship will improve there!"

"By the way! How is your sword intent comprehension? I always feel vaguely here, as if someone has covered a layer of tulle. Although I feel a little bit, I can\'t pierce the thin layer. yarn!"

"I\'m still a little bit close. Although I was touched by the previous battle, it was not obvious. I guess we can only understand it if our opponent is strong enough!"

"Yeah! I feel the same way!"

Speaking of which, the expressions of the two of them couldn\'t help changing slightly, and they looked at the door at the same time!
