Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 163: Know the truth, go back to the East China Sea

, the fastest update of Pirates: I Became a Legend, the latest chapter after seeing my proficiency!

"In the year 784 of the lunar calendar of the sea, we fought against it under the leadership of Joey Boy..."

Robin\'s voice echoed under the small dome, Dong Ze gently closed his eyes, and his thoughts began to collide in his mind, exploring the truth of history through some fragments of historical texts.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Dongze\'s expression remained unchanged. Only the few defensive flying swords released by him, which were connected to his mind, trembled slightly from time to time, so that people could know his innermost feelings. Not so peaceful.

Shi Xuan was not interested in these things, ever since he met Dong Ze and Robin, his gaze had been on Dong Ze, with a deep attachment hidden deep in his eyes, but with a trace of helplessness.

But Dongze didn\'t see these things. As Robin\'s words stopped abruptly, Dongze frowned slightly.

"World Will Unlock 6/10, Sword Drawing (Sword Intent can be activated), (Tai Chi Sword Intent can be activated

There were two more sword intents, and a strange color flashed in Dongze\'s eyes. It seemed that the sword moves he had comprehended before were being activated one by one.

Then he looked at his panel again.

Most of the data has not changed, just a few more lines of small words, and the color of the line of small words after the combat power assessment has changed to light yellow, and the light yellow made him suddenly feel vigilant.

Rating of combat power: SS level (approximately equal to a Karp, under suppression!)

Common Skills: Basic Swordsmanship: (max) (If the foundation is weak, the ground will shake!)

Abdominal breathing (max) (Murlocs are not as smooth as you!)

Fly on water (max) (You can\'t sink unless you don\'t run!)

Swordsmithing (max) (Forging Master!)

Steering a boat (max) (you can make waves without a rudder!)

Advanced Meditation: 500w/1000w

Marksmanship: 70w/100w

Bloodline inheritance: 1/20

Sixth Form: max (You are no longer a person, big animal!)

Domineering: armed color domineering (activated): max (flowing cherry blossoms) (Now you can also be like Karp, urinating against the wind.)

Knowledge-colored domineering (activated): 99w/100w (listen to everything)

Bawang color domineering (activated): 90w/100w

Sword skill: Hundred Steps Flying Sword: max (sword intent activated: 65w/100w)

Across all directions: max (sword intent activated: 50w/100w)

Sword drawing: max (sword intent activated: 0/100w)

Flying Immortal: max (Sword Intent activated: 42w/120w)

Sitting with light and forgetting: max Wuzheng sword intent (activated): 50w/100w

One Sword: Max (Time Sword Intent: 10w/5999w)

Taiji swordsmanship: max (sword intent activated: 0/100w)

Yujianshu: (activated): 40w/1000w

Two-sleeved green snake: (activated): 70w/399w

Sword opens the gate of heaven: (to be activated)

Sword Intent (Unlocked): 11/100

Corn stalk/span corrodes sword intent (activated): 72w/100w

Thunder Sword Intent (activated): 55w/100w

Cracking Sword Intent (Activated): 65w/100w

Moon sunset flower morning (activated): 10w/100w

Infinite Sword Intent (activated): 10w/100w

World Will (Unlocked): 6/10

Unrivaled sword box (unlocked) 8:/13 (Long River, Thunder, Water Cold, Vertical, Horizontal, Flying Immortal, Split Sky, Glacier, Peach Blossom)

Special Skill: Sword Intent Domain: 50w/100w

Mieshihai: 50w/100w

Passive skill: Wizard of the Sword (Sword proficiency increase speed x10)

Kendo: (Heaven did not give birth to me, Li Chungang, the way of sword is eternal like a long night! Converging all kinds of methods into one, condensing hundreds of sword intentions, you can get the way of sword, and the road to longevity!) (Sword Intent Perfection: 1/10, Shuihan)

I don\'t know what he thought of, and immediately he looked at Shi Xuan, and asked softly: "Shi Xuan, do you know what will happen to me during this period of time?"

Shi Xuan was awakened by Dongze\'s voice, quickly put away the helplessness in his eyes, and then replied softly: "Dongze, what did you say?"

Because of his sword intent and meditation, Dongze\'s mental strength was already different from that of ordinary people, so he just swept away in a hurry, and he took the helplessness in Shixuan\'s eyes into his heart.

Seeing Shi Xuan\'s appearance, he frowned slightly.

"What, something on your mind?"

Shi Xuan sighed softly, neither denied nor agreed, but slowly lowered his head, looked at his toes, and slowly wandered.

She is an ability user of the fruit of time, and can travel in the long river of time, but according to An\'s rules, she can only go to the future, and now she can come to this time because of some reason.

Thinking of what that person said to her before, she said softly: "There are some reasons, some things I can\'t say, and they will change history! This is the case now, and it will be the same in the future. In fact, I can come here because of you in the future. You are useless." It took a lot of effort to bring me back!"

"If I can say it, I have already said it now. If I say something, it will attract those giant eyes. You can\'t stop it now. There is only one consequence, which is death! So I can\'t say it! But there is one thing, I can tell you that you are only qualified to pursue the truth of this world if you start the path of swordsmanship, and this is what you told me to entrust to you!"

Hearing this, Dongze fell silent for an instant, Shi Xuan\'s words didn\'t seem to be a joke, which meant that there was really a big secret hidden in this world, and there was a terrifying existence that could obliterate the current self.

Don\'t know what came to mind, Dongze whispered softly: "Is it Im?"

He seemed to hear Dong Ze\'s murmur, but Shi Xuan showed a hint of sarcasm, "Just him? He doesn\'t deserve it! An old **** who has lived for countless years, even if you are now, you can have a 50/50 relationship with him!"

The corner of Dongze\'s mouth twitched, this kind of Shi Xuan really surprised him, but such a lovely beauty said such words, it seems that she will really be led astray by him in the future.

Then Dongze stood up and looked towards the exit along the ladder, as if looking through the vast land, seeing his future self, and what kind of existence his future will be.

Suddenly he said softly: "The battle in the Wano country~www.novelhall.com~ Is it okay for you to reveal it?"

When Shi Xuan heard this, Shi Xuan was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "It\'s just a small fight! Although it is the Four Emperors, how many great heroes are there in this sea, Edward Newgate, brother Erd Roger, and even Lockes, are just a drop in the ocean! They are just a wave in the long river of time, and they will not affect the development of this long river of history at all!"

"So regarding their matters, the will of the world has very few restrictions!"

"But you are different. You are the most special. Whether it is that brand-new sword or that thought, it can affect the direction of the entire time, so I can\'t say anything about you. The will of the world is against you. I have already noticed it! Presumably you should have noticed it too!"

Dongze hummed lightly, stopped discussing this topic, took a deep breath, and said to the two people behind him: "I haven\'t returned to Donghai for a long time! I don\'t know how she is. I want to go back and see her today." Look! Are you going?"

