Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 109: fight

"Don\'t you want to take a look at the end of this road that you have been pursuing for more than ten years??"

Seeing Gion\'s intentions move, Dongze couldn\'t help saying that full of temptation.

Obviously, he hasn\'t given up on the surprise reward hidden in Gion until now.

"Can I~~??"

Before he finished speaking, Gion couldn\'t help changing his words and said, "You really want to beat me up that much?"

After she finished speaking, she couldn\'t help but glanced at Dong Ze, and showed her little canine teeth, making a small expression of gnashing her teeth.

"Generally speaking, I\'m not interested in a rookie like you, but female swordsmen are relatively rare in the sea, and she is a navy who has awakened the domineering look, so I will reluctantly give you some pointers! "

Hearing Dongze\'s words, Gion couldn\'t help being taken aback, with a ghostly expression on his face, "How do you know?"

As soon as the words came out, she couldn\'t help covering her mouth again. Her sister, He, had warned her not to tell anyone about the domineering look.

So since she awakened, she has never used it in front of people, even Sengoku and Garp don\'t know about her dominance.

It is really too eye-catching to have such a domineering and domineering owner in the navy.

And she is still a woman, He is also worried, if Yiyuan is targeted by the Tianlong people, it will be difficult to do it at that time, who made her worry-free younger sister have such a beautiful face.

That\'s why she kept letting Taotu hide her strength and kept a low profile. As the chief of staff of the navy, she knew nothing about those Tianlong people.

The tricks between the navy and the world government are really not suitable to be put on the table, especially those Tianlong people who are known as the descendants of the world\'s creator, are even more dirty.

"Jinpira told me!"

Thinking of Jinpira\'s changes before, Gion felt numb, didn\'t he also know about his own private affairs.

"Can you really communicate with Kimpiro?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Dong Ze with a serious face, not taking his eyes off it.

"Listen to the voice of all things, I don\'t know if you have heard it!"

Dongze didn\'t think about that, he didn\'t deny it, and he didn\'t think it was a big deal.

Isn\'t it just a first love? It\'s not a big deal, and besides, he doesn\'t know where that person is now, anyway, he doesn\'t have the impression of that person among the lieutenant generals and above in the navy.

"You know everything?"

"It\'s nothing..."

"You bastard, you voyeur, scoundrel!"

Hearing Dongze\'s words, Gion only felt that his little secret was suddenly known, and the defense line in his heart was suddenly breached.

So in the next moment, she blew up.

Dongze didn\'t expect that the surprise would come so suddenly, and Gion suddenly pulled up Jinpira and rushed towards him.

However, his reaction was faster, Wang Chen lay in front of him, firmly blocking Gion\'s blow.

"You bastard!!"

The armed color is domineering, and Jin Piluo becomes extremely dark in the next moment, but it does not turn into the color of the streamer. Obviously, Gion\'s current armed color has not reached the Liuying level. Of course, this may also be her own hiding. , but this possibility is not high.

Because people who are in a rage usually don\'t keep their hole cards, but if she can keep her hole cards in a blow in a rage, then her strength is not a general backup, but a general.

Slash came out through the air, and her slash was peachy, which was similar to her nickname, Taotu.

The swordsmanship is also very delicate, unlike the Hawkeye\'s, which is wide open and wide. In terms of moves, Hawkeye\'s swordsmanship pursues one-hit kills, so there is really not much difference between his big move and A. big.

But as far as the gorgeousness of the moves is concerned, even a female swordsman can\'t be a tough opponent like Dongze.

"Long River!"

Dong Ze slapped the sword box, a pale yellow streamer flew up, and an arc-moon-shaped slash came out in response, and Dong Ze kept his hand from this blow.

In other words, he let go of the water. During the fight, the time was too short, and he was not sure if he could get that special reward.

In case Taotu couldn\'t catch even one move, the reward might be for naught.

The other party is a beautiful woman, and with He\'s relationship, it\'s not a big problem to beat her up, but if she wants to kill her, I\'m afraid it\'s really troublesome.

This is also the reason why Dongze could bear it before and did not directly carry out humanitarian eradication.


The slash came through the air and collided with her slash. As soon as the two slashes collided, Taotu knew the gap between the two sides.

There are no fancy moves in the swordsman\'s fight, of course Dongze is an exception.

Ninety-nine percent of the people are hacking and killing with real swords and guns, and there will not be many collisions between the slashes, because they also know that as swordsmen, their movements are generally very fast, and although the speed of slashing is very fast Fast, but still not as good.

Therefore, the slash will fail under normal circumstances, unless the unconventional slash can really be effective.

Watching Dongze fall onto the glacier in a relay, Momotu gritted his teeth, and couldn\'t help but rushed over to see that sneering face.


In an instant, Taotu\'s figure flashed and disappeared directly on the deck. The next moment, a black shadow flashed across the eyes, and a pitch-black slash bloomed from a few centimeters in front of Dongze\'s chest.

Feeling the trajectory and power of this attack~www.novelhall.com~, Dongze couldn\'t help but raise his eyebrows. This kind of power is really not inferior to the level of an ordinary general.

The girl in front of me may really have the strength of a general.

In the process of performing shaving, she stepped on the air fifty-three feet in a flash, and her speed was much higher than that of ordinary shaving, and even more than doubled, so in the short-distance burst, the speed was outrageous.

As soon as Dongze\'s knowledgable arrogance caught her figure, the next moment, the slash broke out.

"It seems that she can\'t be treated as a reserve!"

To be honest, Dongze didn\'t expect Momotu\'s attack to be so fierce, and the fighting power that broke out in an instant was almost comparable to Leili\'s general attack.

At this time, he also understood what happened before, no wonder she would compete with Rayleigh before!

And this unconventional speed reminded him of Raleigh\'s outrageous speed before, which was almost the same as him.

Suddenly such an idea appeared in his mind, dammit, this girl has nothing to do with that old rascal Lei Li, right?

If it is just about age, let alone, it is really possible.

After the blow, Momotu took two deep breaths. This kind of high-speed explosive move consumes a lot of energy.

But at this moment, Taotu has been staring at Dongze, her eyes have not moved, and the anger in her eyes has subsided a little, but she can still see that she is still very angry.

Looking at the other person\'s eyes, Dong Ze waved his hands in embarrassment. He realized later that it didn\'t seem very good to tell their secrets in front of a woman.

"Ale! Isn\'t it yellow hair~"

"Shut up~~"

