Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 108: Does the sword cry?

"Will Kimpiro cry?"

After hearing Dongze\'s words, Taotu was stunned. To be honest, she was actually very touched by Dongze\'s words.

In fact, for swordsmen, especially for those great swordsmen, the long knife in their hands is what accompany them the longest.

Jinpiro is the famous sword that has always been with her.


The next moment, Dongze yelled at the long knife on Taotu\'s waist.

At the same time, the ability to listen to all things was activated, and the sword intent was concealed, and he waved at it.

"Want to fight?"

Seeing Dongze\'s neurotic scene, Momotu gave him a surprised look, this was the first time she saw someone communicating with a knife!

Although she has some understanding of those rumors on the sea, she doesn\'t really believe them, just like the ability of Pirate King Gol D Roger to listen to all things, if she hadn\'t really seen it, no one would believe it!

But even though she didn\'t believe it, Jinpiro began to tremble slightly under her surprised gaze, and the amplitude became bigger and bigger, and finally he took off the sheath directly.

When he came to Dongze, pointed the tip of the knife at Dongze and then began to circle from top to bottom, looking at that appearance as if he was looking at Dongze.

Even Momotu could see what Jinpira meant. At this moment, the supreme sword on his body - the famous sword of the Twelve Craftsmen seemed to be given life.

Seeing this situation, Momotu couldn\'t help covering her mouth in surprise.

"how can that be??"

However, seeing this situation, Dongze was not very surprised. He possessed sword intent, and to a large extent, he was fatally tempted by these swords.

Especially for those famous knives, in the long-term holding process, they have been impregnated with personal will, and it can almost be said that spirituality has been born.

To a certain extent, Sword Intent is their upper level, the realm they are striving for, so they are happy to get close to Dongze.

Dongze flipped his wrist and opened his palm, only to see Jin Piluo obediently put his sword hilt into Dongze\'s palm.

With a light grip, Dongze picked up the Golden Piro, and gently swept the sword with his left hand, feeling its casting process. joys and sorrows.

Slowly, he was infected by Jinpira unconsciously. Since the sword was made, he and its previous masters have been growing silently. During the period, there were victories and failures, but they never gave up.

Then the current master got it when he was very young, and went to practice without hesitation, and then when the girl\'s heart sprouted, she secretly fell in love with someone, but it\'s a pity, that person is a person who only has a sword in his heart People, in the end of this period of germination, there is only Luo Hua\'s intention, and the flowing water is ruthless.

Later, the girl grew up slowly, and devoted all her attention to the way of swordsmanship. Under the guidance of her sister, she began to advance by leaps and bounds.

In a very short period of time, he has achieved the realm of the swordsman, able to cut through steel, then the flying slash, then the armed domineering, and finally the overlord\'s entanglement.

"Overlord color entanglement?"

Seeing this, Dongze couldn\'t help being taken aback, the little girl in front of him, oh no, is it a big girl who can be domineering?

This was really beyond his expectations. A domineering man in the navy is as outrageous as a white man among blacks.

Just like Karp and Warring States, there are probably only the two of them in that generation!

They can be said to be the representatives of the navy in that era. One is the admiral of the navy. His status advantage allows him to control the domineering look, and the ruthless man who chases Roger all over the world is also worthy of the domineering look.

But what about the other generals! I have never heard of anyone awakening at all, even if Red Dog served as the admiral of the navy later, he has not been seen awakening the overlord color.

But the little girl in front of her has awakened her domineering aura, and it\'s no wonder that she was able to maintain consciousness under the pressure of that kind of domineering color before.

If you think about it from another angle, it can be said that this era is not friendly to women. Although there are women among the top powerhouses in the sea, the number is extremely rare.

Not to mention women\'s great swordsmen, being able to become a great swordsman at such an age shows one thing in itself.

She is a free person who is not bound by dogma, a dream chaser, and a brave man who dares to wave a knife to the times. How can such a person not awaken the domineering look!

Thinking of this, the corners of Dongze\'s mouth couldn\'t help but twitch, Donghai, that little girl in the Yixin Dojo has a great chance of awakening the domineering look in the future!

The next moment, Feixian Sword Intent spewed out, instantly covering the famous sword Jinpira in his hand, and then covering it with domineering armed color, and the dazzling light wrapped Jinpira, which is the symbol of domineering armed color of Liuying level.

Then there was the purple-black electric light, which was entangled in the overlord color.

Seeing this heavy package, seeing Taotu\'s mouth twitching, this guy in front of him is definitely more dangerous than the Four Emperors.


A huge slash flew out, sweeping everything with a destructive aura~www.novelhall.com~, as soon as the slash touched the glacier, it instantly transformed into countless to tiny sword aura.

A flash of lightning turned the glacier into ice shards in an instant. It was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped into the calm windless belt suddenly, and a magnitude 120 earthquake occurred.

As the slash continued to spread, the terrifying aura directly dispersed all living beings within a radius of a hundred miles.

This sword seemed to break through the whole world. In Taotu\'s eyes, it seemed that there was only this sword left in front of her eyes. The scene of a sword opening the sky was imprinted deep in her mind.

She could no longer feel the final whereabouts of the chop, and it even exceeded the range of her knowledge perception.

This sword was more amazing than any sword she had seen before.

This sword gave her an indescribable feeling, she just felt a shiver all over her body, a tremor started from the soles of her feet to her forehead, making the hairs all over her body stand on end.

"Does this sword have a name?"

At some point, Taotu came to the side of the boat, looked at the calm windless belt again, and asked softly involuntarily.

"No, it\'s just a simple slash!"

"But it contains my sword intent. That sword intent has a very beautiful name. I call it: Feixian!"

"Feixian? What a beautiful name! This sword can be recorded in the history of our sea!"

"Do you have any dreams? With your current strength, I\'m afraid there is nothing you can\'t do, right?"

"What is it like to see the pinnacle of swordsmanship! I think this is also the wish of every swordsman!"

"What is the situation at the end of the way of the sword, can you split the road of life and death, can you reverse this time, can you reach the other side of your dream~~"