Phone App: Portable Armory

221 Ambrosia Cartel: Part 28

There was usually an assault rifle for emergency use at the back of the car. It was usually a para variant of an assault rifle, but it would get the job done. However, Patrick still had no luck in finding the assault rifle that was in the back of the car. Patrick didn't have any clue where the assault rifle was.

"Lima, where the bloody hell did the other operators put their assault rifle? It is usually in the back of the car, but I couldn't fucking find it," Patrick shouted as he searched for the assault rifle.

"No idea." Lynn opened the window of her side and he started shooting her pistol at the cars that were chasing them from behind.

Patrick managed to find a hand grenade on the back of the car. Patrick opened the back of the car and he pulled the safety pin of his hand grenade. He threw a hand grenade at one of the cars and the grenade blew up, throwing one of the cars to the side of the road. Patrick closed the trunk door again and he kept searching for the assault rifle that should be there, but there wasn't an assault rifle there.

"Damn, jackpot." Patrick opened a weapon case and he found that there was a railgun inside of the case. It was indeed a jackpot. The railgun could disable any armored vehicle in a single shot and it could destroy any unarmored vehicle into smaller pieces that could be said that it was steel scraps.

Patrick put a fresh battery inside of the railgun and he put fresh ammunition inside of the railgun. Patrick opened the trunk door on the back of the car and he activated the high-tech scope of the railgun. The railgun marked all of the hostile targets in red and Patrick fired the red target. He pulled the trigger and a round was fired from the barrel of the railgun.

The round hit one of the cars and it blew it up to smaller pieces. Fragments were flying everywhere, including in the direction of Patrick's car. It was indeed an overkill. It turned a car into a bomb that blew up. Patrick took aim again and he fired his railgun at one of the cars. The other car blew up and the round did an over-penetration and destroyed a nearby wall.

"Damn, this thing is overpowered as heck. No wonder why we don't sell it outside of HSDC," Patrick said as he closed the trunk door of the car and he walked to the middle seat of the car to access the sunroof that could be opened from Lynn's seat.

"Patrick, are we in the clear yet?" Lynn continued her rigorous driving.

"Baseplate, this is Charlie Papa, do you copy?" Patrick contacted the Panamanian base.

"This is baseplate, loud and clear Charlie Papa," the command center replied.

"We were engaged by multiple hostiles. Our more turned out to be unreliable. I suggest the termination of that contract. By the way, we have the intel on Helix. We have to find a better mole now," Patrick said.

"Copy that Charlie Papa. Baseplate out."

The communication was cut off and Lynn started driving a little bit slower than before. The road was not as hectic as before. It might be because of the fact that the shootings disturbed the night live inside of the section of that capital. However, Patrick was glad that he was safe right now. There was no hostile.

"Patrick, what did we find?" Lynn asked.

"A little bit of intel about Helix. Well, I don't know. I only have time to read the title of that document, nothing more, nothing less," Patrick said as he put his head down from the roof of his car and he sat down at the middle seat while holding the big railgun in his hands. Patrick was happy that he could keep his girlfriend and the intel safe. Patrick was sure that his luck played a large part in it.

The car kept rolling down the streets of the Panamanian capital. The music was playing in the background. It was Latin jazz. It was a perfect date after a long time operation for them. Well, Patrick and Lynn rarely got out of the base if it wasn't for any mission so they would naturally appreciate any kind of mission that would let some steam off their backs.

"Patrick, remember when we first met?" Lynn asked.

Of course, Patrick was a real man. And like any real man, he didn't remember the first time they met. It was years ago. There was no way Patrick could remember their first meet. They were little kids back then with a very innocent mind. They wouldn't remember any first encounter, especially since their memories hadn't strengthened back then.

"Of course, I don't remember," Patrick smiled at the back of the car.

Lynn went quiet. She only aimed a fist at the backseat where Patrick was sitting. Patrick just smiled back once he looked at the fist. Lynn's face had reddened. It was quite a circumstance, a flower or any food would be quite nice for their date.

Lynn drove to the highway where she could gain access to a nearing landing zone quicker. The landing zone location was located in the middle of nowhere in the Panamian forest. It was located in the opening of a forest. No, it wasn't the campground, it was simply another helicopter landing zone.

"Patrick. One thing, are you sure that I did the right thing three years ago?" Lynn suddenly asked that question.

Three years ago, the tragedy where three school kids were killed and turned into minced meat by an unknown source. Police hid the evidence since everything that they could find doesn't make any sense. The bullet that Lynn used was a military bullet which was very rare by nature. It was the 14.5mm round that was fired from an anti-materiel rifle.

"I don't know. It was up to you to decide whether you want to see it as retribution or as an act of blasphemy. In my opinion, you always do the right thing, even if it sometimes threaten your own life. For example, I was against your plan when you decided to be put as a hostage for the Trinity high school and yet, I still rescue and supported your plan at the end of the day," Patrick said.

"Thank you, love," Lynn said and she smiled, knowing that the person that was sitting behind him would always support her from the back.

Patrick sighed. "However, please value your life more, Lynn. I don't know what we will say to our children if their mother suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. I just don't have the heart to say it," Patrick said.

"I know." Lynn nodded.

They entered a dark jungle that could be entered from the exit of the highway. It was a gravel road that led to the jungle. It was dark and it was scary. However, Patrick and Lynn knew that there were some snipers stationed on that jungle since it was one of the vital locations for the HSDC operation in Panama.

"Charlie Papa entering Sector Bravo-Lima-Charlie-Six-Niner." Patrick grabbed his radio. He gave that warning so no one would shoot him while he was riding down the gravel road in that car. If he failed to do that, his car would be shot and he would certainly under threats of his own man. Patrick didn't want that at all.

"Copy that Charlie Papa. Helo is en route to LZ," the radio responded.

"Sure, thanks," Patrick said and he finished the communication with the other parties.

The car was driven down the road. The LZ wasn't very far, it was around twenty kilometers from where they entered the forest. "Charlie Papa, this is Quebec. The helo will enter the LZ."

"Copy that, Quebec. Charlie Papa out." Patrick put the radio away and Lynn drove through that untamed jungle and gravel roads. The helicopter had been waiting in the landing zone. The helicopter had landed there and personnel had been waiting for them there.

Patrick and Lynn got out of the car with the intel on their hands. "Welcome aboard, sir."