Phone App: Portable Armory

220 Ambrosia Cartel: Part 27

Some might said that it was a foolish idea to enter a city administration building at nine in the evening. However, both of them had prepared for the unwelcoming condition. Their disguise was as an international finance analyst that would analyze several documents about the spending of the Panamanian government.

The security guard was standing in front of that building. His warm smile made Patrick and Lynn felt guilty fooling him with their business suit. However, the mission was mission and mission must be successful or the consequences would be quite fatal for the HSDC and both of them.

Patrick smiled back at that security guard, "Good evening, I'm here from the states. I'm here to check on the financial record as per the request of Mr. Karis." Patrick smiled as he showed that security guard his fake ID and Lynn also showed that security guard her fake ID.

The security guard checked both of their ID. It seemed to be ok, that the security guard didn't notice anything was suspicious with their ID. "Please. Come in." He opened the door and both of them went inside the civil administration building.

The appearance of that civil administration building was very Spanish. It could be said that the building itself was built during the colonial era. Well, it was expected since the building looked so majestic in comparison to the tall buildings inside of the capital. Patrick and Lynn headed for the files room immediately. They wanted to check on the records first.

However, they also knew that one suspicious employee was all it took to make their cover blown so both of them were careful by avoiding those who were doing their late-night shift. Patrick and Lynn walked up the big stairs in the middle of that building. They turned right at the end of the stairs and entered a door that led through a hallway.

The sign on top of the door said that it was the place where they could see all of the records whether it was official or unofficial. That hallway was full of rooms that led to a storage of documents. Each door has a sign on top of it that indicated what the content of those room. Some rooms described the content of the room.

For example, the first room contained all of the financial audit and the second room contained every single financial report that had been made by the employees there. However, Patrick and Lynn would go for the financial records which was located at the end of the hallway. Patrick and Lynn walked calmy while avoiding any eye contact with the other employees inside of that office. They didn't want anyone to ask them a question.

"Damn." Patrick tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Shit, no one told us this kind of plan, isn't it?" Lynn suggested that there would be no locked door since the intel had been paid to unlock the door at the middle of the night.

Lynn grabbed a pin and a lockpick from her pocket and started picking on the door. He moved the lock of that door slowly as she tried to find the pins that would unlock the door. Patrick kept an eye out for any potential eyewitnesses. Any potential eyewitnesses would be paralyzed by the tip of his pen. Well, he would just stab it inside of their neck and it wouldn't be a big deal.

"One pin-" "Two pin-" "There we go. Open sesame." The door was opened and Patrick opened that steel door.

The room was full of steel cabinets that needed to be opened one by one. Well, both Patreick and Lynn had a quite decent lockpicking skill since both of them needed it once or twice in their life. Patrick's learnt how to lockpick from Lizeth during his time at Trinity high school while Lynn was just Lynn that tried to survive on this harsh world.

Patrick pulled his picking tool and Lynn had started lockpicking one of the cabinets. "Alright, find something that is related to Helix. Search carefully, we have all day here," Patrick said as he opened one of the cabinets and started opening it one by one. Patrick wasn't sure which cabinet that contained the documents on those shell company, but he was sure that the company might have make one deal or two deals with the Panamanian government.

"One cabinet is cleared. Another one." Patrick moved from one cabinet that had been searched and he started lockpicking the next locked cabinet.

"I find something." Lynn threw a file on the floor and it was indeed a file about Helix. However, they needed more since one file wouldn't lead to anywhere. One file was only enough to satisfy their hunger, but not the intelligence team hunger for intelligence. Patrick moved to the next cabinet and Lynn moved to another file cabinet.

"Hmm, Panamanian transfer letter. Panamanian Oil Rigging manifesto, well, they are sure as hell have a lot of documents on these people," Patrick said as he searched the cabinet one by one without even bothering the state of the documents.

Some of the documents were old. It could be said that some of those documents were made in the colonial era back when the Spanish was still in control of Panama. Hell, even those documents were well kept. That was one of the reasons why the search went so quickly. They could throw away the old document since it wouldn't lead to anywhere.

"Ok, I find another one," Patrick said as he threw that document on the floor. This time, the document was thick as hell. It might be a report on some big case or something. Well, only the intel team would be able to find out. They couldn't. They simply didn't have the ability nor the time to analyze those documents.

"Barsen, do you have any idea why we are looking for the Helix company in the financial report?" Lynn asked Patrick whose identity had been replaced with Barsen for that mission alone.

"Well, Sofia, I think the case is quite clear. We only need to find any dirty evidence that might lead us to solve the financial problem in this country, but I have to say that they're quite clever on hiding their businesses. I suggest that these fools not to be underestimated," Patrick said as he continued searching over those files.

Patrick started to get unpatient. He started rushing on searching the documents. He had no idea that the voice that he made would attract unwanted attention soon enough.

A person appeared on the door. That person was that security guard. Now, he wondered why the unknown people were looking around the financial records and they sure as hell had made a mess. Lynn had put her hand on her pistol and she would be ready to pull it out at any given moment.

"What are you doing here?" that security guard asked.

"Well, we are analyzing the documents, officer. Nothing to be worried," Patrick said as he walked closer to that security guard.

That security guard seemed to be very friendly and passive, but Patrick had to make sure that he wouldn't ask any question. He grabbed his pen and stabbed the tip of the pen that was full of poison into the neck of that security guard. That security guard fell to the ground and Patrick pulled him to that room.

He put that body in the corner far away from the door to hide him while Lynn kept searching for the Helix. Patrick ran to the nearest cabinet and he started picking on the locks again. This time, he searched quicker by skipping the letter A-G. He only searched for a document that begun with H to faster up the search.

"Patrick, I find another one. And it looks like that this one contained all of the data that we might need. This includes their office location, their branches, and their employees. Needless to say, we hit the jackpot," Lynn said.

Patrick noticed that and he walked to Lynn's direction and picked up those other two documents that were on the floor the whole time. "This is jackpot," Patrick said.

Both of them left the room with documents on their hands and smile on their faces. They were glad that the operation went smoothly albeit the minor disturbance. They walked outside of that government building and walked back into their car. Patrick put the documents inside of the trunk and Lynn went for the driver seat.

However, things weren't that easy. Someone had been looking for them. Patrick could feel that eyes were watching him from his back. There were many people that weren't happy looking at their faces. Some of those people had tattoes on their face and it only could mean one thing. Before they knew it…

"GET DOWN!" Patrick shouted and bullets were fired at the direction of their car. Lynn hit the gas as quickly as she could and Patrick jumped to the back of the car and closed the door.