Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 963

When night fell, the lights in Victoria Harbour were as bright as during the day. The colorful light was reflected on the water surface, with bright ripples. The breeze gently brushed away the last noise.

The super yacht is huge in size. Instead of stopping at the general yacht dock, it borrows the special dock of the Li family in the outer port. Oil and other daily necessities have been installed during the day, and the dock at night is unusually quiet.

Leaning against the boat, watching the reporters taking photos in the distance being persuaded to leave by the guards, Lu Yao extinguished the cigarette he had only smoked two mouthfuls, bounced it into the garbage can, and said to He Li, who was standing on the deck with him, "let\'s go."

"Is this interesting?" He Li looked at the smoke in the garbage can and laughed.

"Well, when you are upset, you can calm down by taking two breaths." Lu Yao walked into the lower deck and walked along the stairs to the machinery cabin. He took out a round instrument from the box in his hand.

"What is this?" He Li is not ashamed to ask.

"Detector, we need to scan all parts of the ship to see if there is a locator, a monitor, a monitor or something." Lu Yao pulled out the antenna, carefully extending the detector into those pipes, and said.

"Have you checked it?" He Li took out another detector from the box, learned that he pulled out the antenna and probed along those pipes, and asked.

"Well, when I first got on the ship, I searched it once. There were monitors installed in the cabin of the master bedroom. Those crew members said that it was the safety setting on the ship, which was connected to the whole monitoring system in the master control room." Seeing he Li\'s questioning expression, Lu Yao laughed, "their surveillance system also brought a transmitter. The videos on the ship can be connected to any security department through that transmitter, which is said to be for the safety of the people on board, but those are obvious. Now we don\'t even want the crew, so they have to make other preparations."

"Then down here? Eh!" He Li asked, pointed to the red dot on the instrument and said, "is this?"

"Don\'t move!" Lu Yao turned around, touched his hand along the official road in the direction of the detector, took out a small positioning transmitter from the back, and said, "it seems that Su Yuzhu offended someone really hard."

"What do you say?" He Li looked at him and carefully removed the locator to one side, and asked, "this is not removed now?"

"When we go out to sea, we will destroy them together. Tomorrow, we will have a batch of things, and then we will get rid of them together." Seeing he Li pointing to the instrument and pointing to his mouth, Lu Yao smiled, took out another small ball from the box and put it in his hand, saying, "this is an anti monitor. With this, as long as there is a monitor within a radius of 50 meters, the monitor will give an alarm. If this doesn\'t sound, it means it\'s safe around here." as he said, he walked forward, One side said, "Su Yuzhu\'s ship is customized. When building the ship, the supervisors are all his confidants. These crew members are also carefully selected. Even the ancestors of the 18th generation have checked, but they are still mixed with at least two people. Even the cruise system on the ship is equipped with positioning devices. People who can do this will not be simple. Su Yuzhu is not a vegetarian."


He felt his hand along the pipe, took out a small locator and took a look at He Li, Lu Yao said: "Don\'t worry, I said Su Yuzhu is not a vegetarian, and Su Hexiang is not. They let those people install these things just to relax them. However, do you remember how many enclosed spaces there are on the ground floor? Just like the lifeboat in the Aeolus, that is the operation room added by Su Hexiang. That boy is awesome. Don\'t look at it now. Everything is waiting in the open sea. After we enter the high seas , the equipment of Su Hexiang and my guys will be installed together. The boy of Su Hexiang, even the operating system, has been rewritten. As soon as he goes to sea, he will replace it all. Moreover, he has taken full control of the satellite of the Su family. In this way, no one can find our ship, but he can do a lot of things at will. "

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The two men kept silent at the same time, thinking that Su Hexiang was originally a powerful role, and this original body also had such powerful skills

"What are your guys?" He Li shook his head and asked after Lu Yao.

"I know when I see you. Anyway, as long as they don\'t send out nuclear submarines, our ship will not be captured." Lu Yao grinned.

"What if we send nuclear submarines? Or bombers?" Seeing his proud appearance, he Li couldn\'t help saying.

Lu Yao was stunned. He bent down and took out a locator from below and said, "Qingyu is just an ordinary businessman. Who is full to deal with her with that? If that\'s true, I\'m afraid the third world war will start."

"I always feel that the immortal gives great benefits and side effects, just in case." The machine room has come to an end. Turn to the engine room and walk away from the whisper.

"Well, that\'s right. I\'m not afraid of 10000, so Suhexiang made this ship so that no one could find our location. The sea was vast, and it was difficult for them to locate it." Lu Yao closed the door and locked it, saying.

"Then shall we dock?" He Li put his hand on the door of the engine room and laughed.

"Close to the shore, they are even more afraid to fight. That\'s good here. The more developed countries like to pay more attention to personal rights on the surface. Although they do more dirty things in private than anyone else, they still have to do Kung Fu on the surface, so they won\'t send troops openly, general he..." looking at He Li, Lu yaodun, "I know your worry, but you\'re right. No matter how strong we are, we can\'t compete with the military power of a superpower. Therefore, the most important thing is not to let Qingyu become a thorn in their side." With a chuckle, Lu Yao connects: "As Qingyu is now, she is at most a nouveau riche. Even if the oil comes out, as long as she handles the relevant relations, she can make no country dare to act rashly like those super rich. I know what you are worried about, rest assured, I have cleared up all the things related to the underworld. As for those small casinos, they are also the acquiescence of those local governments, which will not lead to the use of nuclear weapons by superpowers To destroy me. " There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and Lu Yao said before he moved his lips: "if there is really that omen and danger, I will end it by myself, let those people do what they want, and I won\'t implicate her."

"Lu Yao..."

Turning back and walking up the stairs, Lu Yao said, "I just hope she is happy, safe and agreeable. What she didn\'t achieve in her previous life, how can she do it in this life?"

"You..." He Li\'s voice broke in his throat. Do you really care? Once we go to sea, this ship will become a separate world, only our world and hers. We won\'t taboo anything anymore. Zhao Yinfeng is muttering the way of making love while watching the ship while handing over today

Do you really care?

"I don\'t care," Lu Yao smiled back. "Even if I care, will you let me close to her?"

Uh! He Li ran up from him when I didn\'t say anything!