Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 962

The sun poured down, and ye ye\'s shining yacht appeared in front of us like an extreme dream, which made people\'s hearts and minds tremble.

Han Meixin\'s eyes did not stay on the yacht, but stared through the high-power telescope at Lu Yao, who was leaning on the deck railing and looking at the people on the upper deck.

After Yunnan came back, she stayed obediently and quietly in the provincial capital. After han zi completely sold out the business between Yunnan and Myanmar, Lu Yao handed over some business in Guangdong to him, and han zi took her to Guangzhou. The fields here were originally from Dongge, and I thought it would be troublesome to come and take over, but I really came to know that Lu Yao had already taken a man named Hou yuan under Dongge into his hands, That man was only responsible for some peripheral work and did not enter the core layer of Dongge. After the first World War in Macao, Dongge\'s confidants who stayed in Guangdong ran, scratched and scratched, and scattered clean at once. Lu Yao took his hard core confidants with Hou yuan\'s cooperation, but in just three days, he gathered all the fields, half of them to Hou yuan, while han zi took over the fields on the clean surface, so, The handover was unexpectedly smooth.

Han zi admired Lu Yao very much and knew that he was not on the same level as Lu Yao. The little care he had in the past was gone. He took care of those businesses wholeheartedly. After half a year, the business was booming and the money was rolling in.

Han Meixin had heard from her brother that the big boss was rich, but she didn\'t have much idea about how to make money. She had a general understanding after collecting money with han zi in the past six months. The money handed over by han zi to Lu Yao for these businesses was 50 million in the first half of the year, while han zi had the least money here. There were some additional businesses in nightclubs and entertainment venues across the provincial capital, Xiong Ge turned in more than one billion yuan in half a year, and Hou yuan is the most profitable business in Guangdong, not to mention the fields outside Yunnan, Macao and other provinces

Lu Yao is very generous with his opponents. As long as you work honestly, he will give a lot of money to the following people. For example, han zi, in addition to what he handed over to Lu Yao, the rest will be at his own disposal. After removing what he gave to his subordinates, he also earned more than 20 million in the past six months, which is more stable than what he took in Yunnan. In addition, he will give Han Mei more new pocket money.

However, Han Meixin was not happy. The reason why she followed han zi to Guangzhou was that this was always a new place. According to Lu Yao\'s previous habits, she would always stay here for a period of time, but Lu Yao only came back and stayed for ten days and then left again, saying that she was going to wash her soul on the snow mountain

And that ten days, he also kept taking han zi to hand over, and invited those local small leaders to drink tea with half deterrence and half solicitation. He took han zi and Hou yuan to establish a relationship and distinguish the forces. Not to mention sitting down for dinner and chatting, even seeing her, she just saw a figure when sending han zi out.

That man, more and more introverted and mature, that deep and awe inspiring temperament, let those men unconsciously lower their heads in front of him, and for her, it was like pouring a barrel of oil on her hot love.

She told herself that she was not in a hurry. She still had a lot of time. She was young and beautiful, and she fell in love with him, and there was no woman around him. Han zi said that every time she went to a KTV nightclub, the little leaders would find the most beautiful and attractive beauty to come, but Lu Yao would not even look at it and directly let people go. Later, the little leader turned to looking for a green and charming teenager, and was beaten directly by Lu Yao. Then, no one dared to find someone for him.

Really speaking, the woman closest to him is herself!

Every night, in front of Lu Yao\'s photos, she said to herself like this, saying as if she was really his lover. It was only because the place where he was located was too dangerous. In order to protect her, he put her alone near and far away from him, and didn\'t let her participate in his dangerous things. After he finished, he would ride a white horse and come to marry her with flowers

Therefore, she restrained her turbulent heart and waited for him in Guangzhou, waiting for him to suddenly appear in front of her, holding a five carat diamond ring and asking her to marry him.

And she, of course, is coquettish. Why did she make me wait so long? Why should I suffer from this kind of lovesickness? But she loved him so much that she might not say anything, but would just jump into his arms and cry.

Happy crying

Half a month ago, Lu Yao, who disappeared for a month, appeared in the provincial capital. When brother Xiong called, she happened to be beside han zi. Just when she heard that Lu Yao was coming, her heart jumped with happiness, and she didn\'t notice han zi\'s face at that time.

Until she waited for Lu Yao to come, she didn\'t know why han zi\'s face often changed in ecstasy and uneasiness in those days.

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Lu Yao divided all his industries. Those who used to settle accounts in a system formed their own system. For each system, he identified a new boss. In addition to the part that had always been in his hands, other businesses such as Xiong Ge Han Zihou yuan and several other provinces have been re divided into regions, which is equivalent to letting the following people semi independent, and he only received a symbolic Commission.

For han zi and others, this is a great opportunity and a great risk. In the past, Lu Yao suppressed it, and no one dared to disagree. Even if he had ideas for others, it was just a few small moves at most. Now, Lu Yao is half retired, and the autonomy of the people below is much greater than before, so some people\'s ambition will naturally be greater, even if Lu Yao\'s deterrent power is still above, But I can\'t guarantee someone will stab me in the back.

Moreover, this time, Lu Yao removed all the parts involved in the underworld from his own system. In the past, when he was working in related industries, either you wash your hands and give you a clean business, or you go out and do it yourself. Later, it has nothing to do with Lu Yao. All those people are ruthless, half of them leave directly, and half of them reluctantly stay. These will be bombs in the future.

Han Meixin is very excited. Lu Yao\'s doing this is tantamount to completely whitewashing himself. He will become a serious businessman in the future. Although he earns half less money, he can live a free and peaceful life safely. Isn\'t this the rhythm of preparing for marriage?

She began to look for opportunities. That day, Lu Yao and brother Han Zixiong first followed him. This time, they were also assigned to drink with the cleanest and most profitable brothers. She went dressed up.

She thought, Lu Yao has done this, and she can\'t always sit and wait for him to pick him up. She should take the initiative to express her willingness.

However, she was not allowed to say anything (Lu Yao was stunned). When brother Xiong asked everyone\'s wishes and why Lu Yao wanted to retire

Xu was moved by years of friendship. Lu Yao also drank a little too much that day. He never spoke much and answered brother Xiong\'s question.

Lu Yao said, I want to travel around the world with my beloved woman

Lu Yao then said that if anything happened, he would come back to help them and say a lot of words, but Han Meixin couldn\'t hear a word.

Travel around the world with the woman you love

Travel around the world with the woman you love

Full of shame, she waited for Lu Yao to wake up and said to herself

However, that night, Lu Yao crossed the border to Hong Kong.

Travel around the world with the woman you love

Such a luxurious yacht, as well as the woman on the upper deck, whose eyes have been staring at and who is unwilling to even move away

She knows that woman!