Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 865

The reinforced concrete houses in front collapsed badly, but the bungalow of Qiangba old man was only tilted, and the courtyard was still flat without any ground crack

Although the house didn\'t collapse, I didn\'t know whether it would collapse when they entered. Ye Xi handed the backpack to Ye Pu and asked him and old man Qiangba to stay outside. He asked where the things old man Qiangba wanted to take were, and ran in by himself.

They had only come to the main hall before. The medicine shelves in the main hall were all drying medicinal materials. What old man Qiangba asked him to get was something in the back room.

As soon as he entered the back, looking at the cans of \'elixir\' that sent out all kinds of unpleasant smells (Qiang Ba old man\'s language), ye Xi was stunned.

Is it true that people with better medical skills have their own quirks? All the medicines made by Alan are required to have a light fragrance, so she will try her best to add spices that can assist the medicine in some pills with strong taste, and this old man Qiangba

Without enough time to think, ye Xi took as many cans out as possible and went back and forth several times. After empty the medicine rack in the old man Qiangba, he went to move the wing room with bandages, anti-inflammatory saline and other things.

When he finished moving all the things and even the bed was carried out under the command of old man Qiangba, the bungalow


When ye Xi was carrying things, old man Qiangba grabbed Yelu who wanted to run and treated his wound. As soon as he wrapped it up, Yelu rushed to the parking lot.

On the top, he only heard Yan Qi say a general direction. Fortunately, Deqin was not sincere, and the light in the darkness was also very eye-catching. He found it without taking any detours.

As soon as I got close to the parking lot, I heard Ying 13\'s anxious voice in the tent hurriedly built on the parking lot: "seventh master, what should I do? If this blood continues like this, Third Master will..."

Night spirit fiercely opened the tent and said, "what happened to the third master?"

Outdoor tent lights were placed in the corner of the tent. Under the strong light, the wound with bones exposed behind Yan San was extremely ferocious, and the blood of the wound on his thigh dripped into a pool of blood on the ground after soaking several layers of clothes covering the wound.

Yan three people had fainted, still clenched their teeth, and didn\'t even hum.

Kneeling beside Yan San, Yelu\'s lips trembled a little. He took Taisui out of his backpack, cut a piece and stuffed it into Yan San\'s mouth. He whispered, "Third Master, eat it, eat this and you\'ll be saved. Please, eat it, you must not have an accident, you can\'t have an accident!" Seeing that Yan San was still clenching his teeth, Yelu hurriedly said, "Third Master, think about the master, think about what to do if you have an accident? Please!"

Yan San\'s lips moved, and then slightly opened. Yelu pulled open his chin to make the gap larger, and then stuffed the Taisui into it.

Taisui\'s mouth melted into a stream of golden juice. Before he swallowed it, he slipped down. As the golden juice went down, Yan San\'s canthus slowly opened. Seeing that Yelu cut another piece to feed him, he whispered, "enough, give Qingyu..."

"Enough, Third Master, there are many. Take a few more tablets. I\'ll take you to the doctor later. Doctor Qiangba has dug it out. There are many good drugs there. Third master, take some more, and you don\'t want the master to look at you sad." Yelu whispered and forcibly fed him two more pieces. After Yan San resolutely shook his head, he stopped his hand, took Taisui Yi away, and said to the three people with a happy face: "take the tent, let\'s go to doctor Qiangba."

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"Is there a doctor?" Yan Qixi said.

"Yes, he has excellent medical skills. His house hasn\'t collapsed yet. He has medicinal materials and bandages." With a clean blanket on one side, Yan San was carefully wrapped and picked up. Yelu walked out as he said.

Without hesitation, the three of them didn\'t accept the tent anymore. They carried the rest of the tent bags with water and food, and ran with yepu to Qiangba old man.

Ye Xi\'s speed is very fast. In order to finish it quickly and go back to accompany Ling Qingyu, he limits his lightness skills, regardless of what old man Qiangba will think when he sees his flickering shadow

When Yelu arrived with Yan San in his arms, he just moved out the bed, and then the house collapsed.

The roof of the house collapsed straightly, but several thick columns were still there. The old man Qiangba touched his chin and looked at the column with scorched fire marks and said, "well, I can change the color of the roof."

"Doctor Qiangba, please have a look." Night spirit directly swept in, put Yan San on the bed, and said anxiously to Qiangba old man.

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry..." old man Qiang BA\'s voice suddenly paused after lifting the blanket, and then said, "here, there, and then bring the jar over there, boy, you bring salt water, he hurt the artery, and I want to cut the wound and sew it up."

"Doctor, will the third master be all right?" Shadow thirteen couldn\'t help but ask, his voice trembling a little.

"I, try my best..." the old man Qiang Ba whispered. When he turned to take the medicine can, he saw the wound on Ying shisan\'s leg and said to Yelu, "you, treat the wound for him according to the order in which I drugged you just now. There is iron poison on the steel bar. Once it seeps into the body, it will be troublesome."

When ye Xi came out, Yan Qi had already carried Yan San down, and he didn\'t notice how much Yan San\'s injury was. When he saw it, he felt great pain in his heart, but he wasn\'t particularly anxious. Yan San\'s injury was much heavier than this before. Didn\'t he still survive? So, when this old man, who was at the same level as Alan and had minor problems when talking, said those three words, he thought he was auditory hallucination, stunned, and said, "doctor, you just said... Try your best?"

"He bled too much and needed blood transfusion, but I don\'t have any tools for blood transfusion. Moreover, his body is too clean and has no resistance to iron poison, so... I\'ll try my best... Don\'t be wordy and get me tools quickly! Young man, are there any more bright lights? Light all the lights that can be lit!" Old man Qiangba said as his men kept wiping a large lump of medicinal mud on his back, and then picked up scissors to cut open the clothes near his wound, revealing the wound that kept flowing black blood.

"How could it..." Ye Xi murmured, fiercely got up and grabbed the backpack from ye soul\'s back, and said, "don\'t be afraid of the third master, we are too old, you will be fine after eating this, you absolutely can\'t be fine!"

"Eleven!" Yan San and Yang Zhao shouted at the same time.

Ye Xi was stunned fiercely, holding a backpack and freezing on the spot, but tears involuntarily flowed down.

"Taisui? Are you talking about Taisui of that divine thing?" The old man Qiangba didn\'t stop and asked aloud. Seeing that several people didn\'t make a sound, he then said: "that thing is not something that ordinary people can eat. It\'s a divine thing. It has been passed on to divine things. Human beings can\'t bear the blessing and longevity at all. Eat it..."

"What happens after eating?" Night spirit was wrapping up the wound of shadow thirteen, and the knotted hand shook violently, so tight that shadow thirteen almost cried out.

"After eating for a while... You won\'t have eaten it for him?" The old man of Qiangba was stunned and exclaimed.