Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 864

When moving those cement blocks and gravel bricks, he Li had already paid attention to the direction of someone making a noise below, and the stones they lifted were all cleaned up where no one was.

The collapse here was caused by the floor collapsing first and pressing down from top to bottom. Thanks to them, the people who had been on leave in the hospital rushed back, but everyone, including the county leaders, was on the fourth floor watching over these young men, so people were also concentrated on this side of the fourth floor.

The disadvantage is that it is eaten in one pot. The advantage is that because it is from top to bottom, and the huge roof above has been broken by Yan San after they cut several pieces, the huge water tank has also been moved and the place has not been hit directly, so some gaps can be formed below to let people survive.

However, at that time, there should be nearly 100 people on the fourth floor of the hospital, but now only a dozen people are judged according to the sound.

Moreover, this does not include those soldiers.

"Maybe there are survivors. Let\'s not give up." Seeing Shen Luo look sad and depressed, Ling Qingyu patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Yes!" Shen Luo nodded, wiped his hands on his face, and said loudly, "I\'ll help!"

"Wait a minute," Ling Qingyu pulled her with a smile and whispered, "there\'s something else. There can\'t be too many people here. Looking at this, the water and electricity in the county should be cut off. There are other residents who don\'t know how to hurt. Can you go and have a general look?"

Shen Luo was slightly stunned, turned his head and saw that Ying Jiuhe left Zhao Yinfeng and Xu Dongdong had begun to clean up the stones that sounded to be the nearest place, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned.

After the top three points are cleared, the situation below is more complex. There is no large-scale equipment and advanced exploration instruments. They cannot know the specific situation below, so the progress must be limited, and more people may not be a good thing.

Although she is stronger than many people, compared with these men

"I know!" Nodding, Shen Luo turned and walked down.

"Be careful!" Ling Qingyu shouted behind her.

Without turning back, Shen Luo waved his hand and climbed down the obstacle easily.

When the car rushed into the Feilai temple, most of the shops in the Feilai temple were closed. Meng Su directly went to the inn owner who stayed last time and told him about the Deqin earthquake.

Deqin and Feilai temple are not far away. If it is such a large-scale earthquake as Meng Su said, the Feilai temple should also feel the vibration, but there is no feeling here.

However, the innkeeper had no doubt. That night, he saw the two men in the store praying to Shenshan in the way he said, and Shenshan also responded. Such a person would never be wrong.

Wearing clothes, Meng Su wanted to put the food and water in his shop, including some simple bandages and wound medicines, and the innkeeper knocked on the door of other houses.

Not long after, the people who came to the temple knew about the earthquake.

"Brother, we\'ll go with you, one more person, one more strength!" When Meng Su packed his things and was ready to get on the bus, two well-dressed donkey friends ran over and shouted.

"Yes, wait! We\'ll go too!" Two riders and several hikers with large backpacks ran out of another inn, waving their hands and shouting.

Meng Su saw that there were two people who knew each other. They met in Shangri La and said, "the situation over there is very dangerous. I\'m afraid the roads have been destroyed, and I don\'t know whether there are aftershocks."

auzw. "Then why did you go?" The cyclist put the water sent by the inn owner on the bike and said, "if one side is in trouble, all sides can help. Since we can do our part, there is no reason not to do it! Let\'s go!"

"We\'ll go too!"

The lights of the hotel and inn in Feilai Temple lit up little by little, and more and more people shouted.

When the donkey friends organized and took tools and equipment, Meng Su\'s car was full of supplies and drove to Deqin, and another car full of donkey friends followed.

Arriving at the place that is separated by a line, it is like a double heaven. Looking at one side, it is unbearable to see landslides and landslides, while on the other side, even the flowers and plants are still fresh. Several donkey friends were surprised and hurried to take photos, and then returned to the outside circle to post microblogs.

Meng Su parked the car to the side first, and looked at the two cars driving towards the East and West, with an eyebrow.

One of the wheels fell off, and the carriage was full of potholes. In this way, you can drive over. It has to be said that Xiang Dongxi and Zhao Wei are also characters.

After crossing that line, the car would never move again and go on strike completely.

He got out of the car toward the East and West, walked to the left and right of the line, wiped the sweat on his head, looked at Meng Su and said, "you are."

Meng Su went to the two cars, opened the trunk, transferred some necessary equipment to his car, and said, "I\'ll go back and send things in."

"Brother Meng, it\'s dangerous there. We\'ll come out with difficulty and go back..." Fang Fang said and stopped. Looking at the full food and water on the roof behind the Hummer, he suddenly realized that Meng Su didn\'t drive out to escape, but to take supplies back. He hesitated and said, "I, I\'ll go back with you, and we can help."

Xiang Dongxi and Zhao Wei have begun to tidy up their backpacks. At the same time, they said to Hua Dong, "you go to Feilai temple first. It\'s not far from here. It\'s a little strange here. There\'s no telephone connection there. Someone has to contact the government and army. Let\'s go down."

Hua Dong looked at the three women on his side. When this aftershock may happen at any time, they are a burden. If you want to help, you might as well raise your strength first, find a way to mobilize materials, and wait until the aftershock passes.

"I see. Take these tents and other things down. Let\'s contact the Red Cross first." Hua Dong nodded.

After tying things tightly, Meng Su said, "I\'ll drive down first. It\'s safer for you to walk." The road ahead was badly damaged. On such a dangerous road, it was much safer to walk than to drive, but after all, the car carried more things than a person, so he decided to drive down by himself.

Su Mu looked at the road ahead, gave him a powerful flashlight and said, "when we walk, the signal is blocked inside. Let\'s use this connection."

Meng Su took the flashlight and pressed it for a few times. Seeing Su Mu smiling and nodding, he got on the car and said, "be careful, too. Pay attention to the rest."

Meng Su dared to drive such a road, but donkey friends and dared not. Others didn\'t help, so he turned it down first.

Several donkey friends got out of the car, picked up their bags, looked at Meng Su\'s accelerator and bounced down on the dilapidated road. They were silent, prayed for him in their hearts, and without hesitation, took a big step down.

The roads were shaken like this. It is conceivable what the county and city looked like. Now they are the people closest to the disaster scene. If they can arrive at the first time, they may be able to save a life.

"Let\'s go." Su Mu said, taking the lead to walk down, and Cheng Jia followed closely. Meng Su asked him to stay, but he disagreed. Although his physical strength was not as good as theirs, he must have something useful for him.

He patted dongdongzai on the shoulder and strode up. Fang Fang and Dong Ting saw that Tao Zhuo and ostrich had gone together, so they also followed up.

The headlights of a group of people shone like pearls on the dark and ferocious road.