Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 851

The boulder rolled down, smashed a hole in the path, and then rolled down the hillside. With the boulder rolling down, a huge crack cracked at a very fast speed from the place where the boulder fell, and directly extended in the direction of following them.

With the huge crack that seemed to open a crack in the mountain, the whole mountain roared. In the huge vibration, the rocks rolled down one after another, and the trunk of the tree with soil on it fell directly.

After a look, I couldn\'t care about my feet anymore and ran forward with all my life.

Hearing the screams behind him, the suckling strength without turning back made the ones who came out run forward.

Hearing the roar of the boulder behind her, Shuxin was happy. The boulder fell, and the road was bound to collapse for a large section. Those people had to return the same way. Although it was not good for her, she felt comfortable watching them eat.

It was only a few seconds before the joy, when someone screamed behind him, and then many boulders fell from the sky.

Gu followed them early. At this time, she had walked more than 100 meters away, but she and Tong Shao fell behind. When the stones fell one after another, the bodyguard rushed up from behind, caught Tong Shao and ran forward, leaving her last.

Being hit directly by a boulder, he only uttered a scream, and people were thrown off the cliff by the boulder, and the scream stopped.

A Hai ran forward with Miss Wu in his arms. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the crack extending at a very fast speed. He couldn\'t run any faster. He didn\'t feel despair in his heart. At this time, in the roar of the boulder, he heard a few long screams from the valley, and the thick male voice echoed in the valley.

"Below! There are rocks under you to cover!" The man shouted.

A Hai didn\'t hesitate any longer. He held Miss Wu in one hand, bent over and supported her on the path with the other hand, and then people slid down the path. The path was also a cliff below, but there was a large piece of protruding rock. A Hai held Miss Wu tightly with one hand and grabbed the dense trunk on the cliff with the other hand, clinging to the cliff wall below the rock.

The rest of the bodyguards also jumped down with people, clinging to the cliff.

From top to bottom, the boulder bounced on the path and then on the rock, flying down the cliff. It took a long time to send a dull echo from below.

Slightly relaxed, a Hai unconsciously looked back and saw that the bodyguard with Hu Shao and the several beauties next to them couldn\'t get to Shiyan because they ran slowly. Although they tried to dodge, as the mountain shook again, the stones rolled down from the mountain like rain. Seeing that the stones that had nowhere to hide were about to hit, he closed his eyes and couldn\'t bear to look again.

When he was held by the bodyguards to dodge those boulders, Hu Shao had already been scared out of his wits. Seeing the rain like stones fall, he didn\'t react at all. He didn\'t even have the memory playback that people said he should have when he was on the brink of death.

So he clearly saw that from between the boulders, someone stepped on the cliff below at an incredible speed and flashed in front of him like walking on the ground. Then he picked them up and threw them directly on the branch under the rock. Then he caught others and jumped down the path like smoke and flashed under the rock.

The vibration of the mountain ended five minutes later. After some small stones also fell, ye soul and ye Shiyi shadow nine feet climbed over the rock on the cliff a little, looked at the beaten path, silently, and their hands pulled the bodyguards up, and then let them pull others.

Gu followed them all the way through the mountain, turned the corner and ran to another mountain. After the sound behind them disappeared, they stopped. About a dozen people who ran faster and caught up with their speed also stopped, bowing their bodies and panting. Standing on the path, they had lingering palpitations in their hearts and looking at the cracks that stopped on the mountain with pale faces. Thinking that the people behind them were only afraid of more or less bad luck, they felt more uneasy in their fear.

"I\'ll go and have a look." After a moment of silence, Dong Dao.

Gu Sui nodded, thinking about how to explain to those families. Shen Luo was right behind. This matter can\'t be made up, so it can only be put on Tong Shao and Shuxin.

As he ran to the path, a Dong\'s face was so gloomy that he sent out a dull air conditioner. He was also an elite bodyguard trained by the Shen family. Everyone was brothers, unexpectedly!

As soon as I turned the corner, I heard a cry with the joy of the rest of my life.

"Who? Who else is not there?" Hai nodded his head one by one and asked loudly.

Miracles! So many people escaped the disaster!

"Sister Shuxin! Sister Shuxin is not here!" A beautiful woman raised her hand and said timidly.

"She deserves it when she dies! Where\'s the boy Tong Sheng? Is he dead? If he\'s not dead, let me take him down!" Hu Shao finally recovered and angrily said.

Tong Shao walked at the end. It seemed that the situation was wrong. His bodyguard covered him with his body and ran forward. When dodging the stones, he slipped down the cliff. He thought he was dead, but he was caught at the bottom of the cliff and directly thrown on the tree which was still some distance away from the rock. Although he was not dead, he had a lot of scratches on his body. It was not easy to climb up and just heard Hu Shao\'s words, and Rong Qing and the rest were echoing loudly, The look on his face suddenly dimmed.

Although these people did not die, they also walked on the edge of life and death, and this disaster was obviously caused by his willful behavior.

"OK, if you\'re OK, just move forward quickly. I\'m afraid there will be aftershocks here." The faint voice of night spirit made everyone come back to their senses, and then they couldn\'t care about their weak legs and ran to a safe place.

"Thank you, sir!" After running for two steps, Miss Wu turned back and said gratefully to Yelu.

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Hu Shao and others also turned back and thanked one after another.

Night soul waved to let them go quickly, and then looked at the cut wound behind eye shadow nine and said, "let\'s go back first."

"Are they all photographed?" Fang Fang leaned over to shadow thirteen and asked softly. It was too shocking. Although he was so far away, he could feel the earth shaking shock. Of course, what shocked him more was the three people who had cleared the road in front of him.

Although he couldn\'t see clearly from a distance, Fang Fang could swear that he saw them rush straight from the cliff like a burst of smoke.

Just like those peerless masters on TV.

Shadow 13 closed the cover of the camera and said coldly, "you deserve it."

He was originally fun. Seeing that the scenery here was good and Ling Qingyu\'s eating appearance was very cute, he began to take pictures. Later, when he saw that the pedestrian stopped, he turned the camera curiously and pulled the nearest focal length.

At last, he could clearly see the movements of the three people and what the bodyguard did.

Shen Jiao bit his lip and couldn\'t speak. She kept looking at the guys with a telescope, and naturally saw their actions clearly. Of course, she also saw clearly the three people behind saving people.

Grandpa said that there are many things in the world that she doesn\'t understand. Chinese martial arts is not as shallow as she imagined.

An unborn master

However, this should be their secret

After looking at those people who were shocked but seemed completely understandable (of course, it may also be because they were too far apart, they didn\'t see clearly) Shen Luo thought about how to cover it up.

Grandpa also said that those who have peerless martial arts don\'t want to enter the secular world. They can ask them for help, but they must not disturb the life they want.

But before that, Tong Sheng! You want to die!

"How about little nine souls?" Ling Qingyu anxiously pulled Yan San and asked, "are they all right?" Her short-sighted eyes could only see a piece of dust rolling in front of her and the violent vibration of the mountain. When the dust disappeared, the three figures disappeared from the path, and she became anxious immediately.

"It\'s okay, they\'re back." Yan San grabbed her waist and pointed to the three people who came back from the path at a faster but acceptable pace than normal people.

In my heart, I was roast: I\'ve been looked at all. What are you pretending to be at this time!

When she saw the stone scratch on the back of Ying Jiu, she felt a pain in her heart, but her face showed nothing. Ling Qingyu didn\'t say anything. She took the medicine bag out of Yan San\'s backpack and asked Ying Jiu to sit down to treat his wound.

"Master..." shadow nine whispered, twisted his body, made Ling Qingyu slightly stunned, pointed to the woods on the other side of the curve and whispered, "let\'s go there."

Seeing that the length of the wound needs to be bandaged, Ling Qingyu must take off his clothes. Ling Qingyu nodded and walked to the other side of Shanwan with him. Zhao Yinfeng smiled and stood on the path with Meng Su, and then blocked it tightly.

The owner of the inn didn\'t pay attention to their small movements. He heard yepu say that only one of those people fell down and just looked at the smashed path. This road was built by their ancestors who risked their lives and spent a lot of effort. The canal is like a lifeline. Such a big damage, I don\'t know how long it will take to repair.

Moreover, they have lived here for generations, and I don\'t know how many times they have walked this road. It\'s true that the terrain here is dangerous, and there are often mudslides and collapses, but it\'s true that such a large crack has never been directly split out of the mountain.

It\'s like the mountain god is angry.

The mountain god is angry

Because those people don\'t respect gods?

"How can we go?" Looking at that road, Shen Luo\'s eyebrows also frowned tightly, looking at Yang Zhao who had been touching his chin and looking over there.

"Wait a minute. If there is no aftershock, we\'ll walk over as soon as possible." Yang Zhao didn\'t leave the crack on the mountain and said faintly.

"Too dangerous?" Shen Luo looked back at the weak chickens (Tao zhuofangfang and others, Liang Jiarong, Wu Kun and Zhao Wei were barely qualified).

"It\'s too troublesome to turn back." He Li said with a smile, "that section is only more than 100 meters, and you can pass."