Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 850

"Shit!" Shen Luo scolded a rude remark unconsciously.

"Let\'s clean up first." Shadow nine bit the cake path, and the muck that sloped down from the cliff sloped on the mountain path, covering most of the mountain path without saying, and there were signs of continuing to slide at any time.

"Don\'t worry, go after eating." Night soul squinted at the people walking through the mountains, and said faintly.

Compared with the place just now, these collapsed places are a bit like a prank.

Such an obvious place can be seen from a distance, and it is impossible to stop their progress, just adding trouble.

Although it won\'t cause any danger, it\'s disgusting!

From a distance, you can see that a group of people dressed in red stopped on the road. I think it\'s because I saw those landslides that I didn\'t dare to move forward.

Tong Shao leaned on his stick and gasped step by step, but he was a little happy and said, "look at those bears!"

Hu Shao was panting and speechless. There was no Shen Luo looking at the front part. They could let the bodyguards carry it from time to time, but now that the group of people caught up, the valley was so wide that if it was directly visible and photographed, they would not be able to eat and walk around.

Even if you insist, you have to do your best. I just hope those landslides can stop them. When Shen Luo can\'t see them, he can let the bodyguard carry them on his back.

Speaking of it, it\'s all Gu Sui and Tong Shao\'s fault. If you have nothing to do, why do you provoke Fang Fang to release Dong Ting! Originally, as long as you went down to Yubeng Village and took some photos of this trip, you can go back and pay the job. Now, it\'s good. The part in front of which Shen Luo was staring, but they all walked on their own feet. At that time, they only felt tired. After walking a downhill road, now their whole legs are numb and sour, which seems that they can\'t even mention it, especially after being carried by the bodyguard, it\'s even more uncomfortable to come down and walk.

Thinking so, Hu Shao unconsciously stared at Tong Shao with resentment (he dared not follow him).

Tong shaozheng turned back and smiled at Shu Xin, "Shu Shu, it\'s still you who are smart and can think of this trick."

Shu Xin smiled and said, "Fang Shao has always said that he wants to be breathtaking. Now it is a little more difficult, and he may be more happy."

"Haha! Also! We\'ve helped them, haven\'t we? Brother gu!" Tong Shao laughed twice and smiled at Gu Sui.

Gu Sui glanced back lightly and looked at the road ahead without making a sound.

Listen to the sound, look at the floating debris washed down by the water, and the collapse behind it will not be small. I didn\'t expect that those guys would follow up so quickly. When he heard the sound of nature, he was still a little stunned and didn\'t believe it.

He followed his elders to inspect the disaster area. At that time, he was bored and consulted the Engineer in detail about the principle of debris flow and collapse. When he saw the soil on the cliff, he had calculated the amount of collapse in case of collapse.

That\'s definitely not something human beings can avoid.

Even if they dodge because of the problem of time, they can\'t get through such a large earthwork.

However, not only did they hide, they also came over!

This is his first miscalculation.

However, he doesn\'t plan to do it again. That piece can\'t be found anyway, but it\'s stupid to do it again now.

However, that woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

I can think of such a way

If a stranger can do this kind of evil trick to harm people, then this woman is a little interesting.

Thinking so, Gu Sui couldn\'t help looking back at Shuxin.

Shu Xin just looked up and smiled sweetly in front of his eyes.

"Wait!" Hu Shaoshi couldn\'t hold on and shouted, "I can\'t walk anymore. Have a rest!"

A Dong looked at the steep and ferocious mountain wall on one side and the cliff on the other side with an 80 degree slope, and then looked at the 50 cm wide path at his feet.

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Rest? How to rest?

"I give up!" The daughter of the Wu family shouted, "ah Hai, you carry me! I give up!"

The intrepid bodyguard carried his backpack in front of him and bent down to carry her. These bodyguards were specially selected by the old man at home, but no matter how strong they were, they couldn\'t help being so tossed by the young man. Fortunately, his daughter was small, but he brought more cosmetics. Looking at the small size of young boy Hu, a Hai lit a candle for his brothers in his heart.

"I want it too!" Hu Shao also shouted.

"Wait!" Gu Sui made a noise to stop the bodyguard, pointed to the front and said, "they can\'t see us when they turn around that hill. Can\'t you even insist on this?"

Seeing that there was still a distance of 200 meters to the turning, Hu Shao\'s mouth immediately tooted up. It was so far!

"They are driving." Another bodyguard shouted, followed for a moment, took a telescope from his hand and looked back.

The group of people were still talking and laughing. Only three men took the engineer shovel to the first cave in and then removed the gravel and mud.

Although there are only three people, the speed is very fast

"Go!" Gu Sui put down his telescope, picked up his walking stick and walked forward.

"How can you go quickly, brother gu!" Hu Shao sighed.

"If you are caught up by Shen Luo, do you still want to be carried by others? Even if you give up, you can\'t be carried by others." Follow the cold way.

This place is located on a plateau and dangerous mountains. It takes a lot of physical strength to walk by yourself. No matter how strong the bodyguards are, they can\'t carry them all the time. Once they are weak, they will be weak

Shen Luo can\'t let them treat bodyguards like this!

"Look, kid." Shu Xin\'s eyes turned and pointed to the cliff road.

Several people looked up in the direction of her fingers, and saw a boulder dangerously stretched out on the cliff. A huge crack had been opened at the connection between the rock and the cliff, but it was stuck under the rock as a support, which was afraid to stop on the cliff for thousands of years.

"The soil is easy to clean, if the stone ~" Shu Xin covers his mouth and chuckles.

"Shushu, you are so smart!" Tong Shao was overjoyed and said to Adong, "Adong, go up and get rid of the stone."

"Gu Shao, Miss Shen is right behind." Dong sighed in his heart and said.

"Yes, it\'s not good." They didn\'t move forward, and Miss Wu didn\'t get on the back of the bodyguard, but she was dragged by the bodyguard and hesitated. Those places in front of them only caused some trouble to the people behind, but there would be no danger. But if such a large stone fell, the road would be broken, so they couldn\'t get through at all, so they had to turn back.

"Dong, let\'s go." Gu Sui walks forward with a stick. You should do it yourself. Do it in front of Shen Luo

Want to die!

Others followed Gu Sui and walked forward, but Tong Shao didn\'t move. He said to his bodyguard, "go up and break the stone."

"If you don\'t take advantage of it here, let\'s go first." The bodyguard looked down the cliff road.

"Just poke this." Shu Xin handed his walking stick with ground hook claw to the bodyguard very intimately.

The bodyguard reluctantly asked them to go ahead to avoid this dangerous place. When the road was overhead, they climbed the mountain wall and hooked the small stone with the iron hook on their walking stick.

The stone, which carried the boulder for unknown years, had been weathered for a long time. It rained for a few days, and the soil below was also loose. The bodyguard didn\'t fiddle with it for a long time, so the stone loosened and looked at it being cracked by the boulder.

The bodyguard jumped down the mountain wall and ran forward.

As soon as he ran more than ten meters, he heard a ripping sound behind him, followed by a loud bang, and the boulder fell.

The bodyguard looked back unconsciously, and then his eyes were all cracked and shouted, "run!"