Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 765

The Burmese who came with Bao Hong was introduced by Bao Hong. It was his first time to participate in this private trade fair. He brought in the most stones, which was much more than other first-time participants. The price was not expensive, so he had the most people in front of his stall.

Hu Ye couldn\'t help strolling over to have a look, and then walked back with a puzzled face.

Murray and Bao Hong\'s stone cutting was scheduled for an hour. There was no way. The stones in front of them had to be wiped, which took some time. She didn\'t go anywhere else to see it, so she sat with the stone she bought and Ling Qingyu while drinking drinks and taught her some jade knowledge.

Seeing that Hu Ye looked strange, he couldn\'t help asking, "what\'s the matter?"

"A little strange." Hu Ye pointed to the place where Bao Hong stood and said, "they have many stones, but half of the price is completely inconsistent with the leather. Then those who bought those stones chose to send them out, and none of them were cut on the spot."

"Maybe they don\'t want to wait?" Murray said.

Hu Ye shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. Wait and gamble with Bao Hong. I always think his smile is too mean."

"Can the stone be sent out first?" Ling Qingyu asked, that stone is too big. If a good jade is made on the spot, how to move out is a problem. If she bumped a little, she felt heartache.

"You can send it out first. Do you want to send it? I\'ll talk to them and arrange to get off the ship. You send someone to escort it out. When you get out of the river, they won\'t be responsible for your safety." Hu ye said, seeing Ling Qingyu nodding, he got up and went to the person in charge to arrange to send the stone out. Such a big stone is so expensive that he had to use the method of wiping stones to get the money he bought. It took a lot of time.

"Send it to my factory and I\'ll wipe it for you." Murray said to Ling Qingyu that when Hu Ye left, she didn\'t ask for anything else. She only accepted one of his stone Slayers. The place was quite secret, and it was just right to solve this big stone.

"OK, thank you. Thank you! We\'ll drive these five stones, too. Do we have to line up?" Ling Qingyu said happily, it\'s really exciting to see people opening stones! Let her fingers move. If Yan San and Yang Zhao hadn\'t looked at her left and right, she really itched to pick a stone.

The stones here are too expensive. She can\'t pick them right, and she has to be depressed for many days

Hu Ye arranges people, ye soul shadow nine Meng Su He Li, four people escort the stone onto the boat, and then walk with the boat.

The river runs through the dense forest, and there are forests on both sides that block out the sun, covering the river below. The sun is shining outside, but the river is a little dark. The boatman props the boat with a pole and lights a light in the bow of the boat. The faint light brings some strange movement in the dense forest with the boat walking silently.

Although there was no sound, the river was not lonely. He Li glanced at about four ships in front of and behind him, and then glanced at oneortwo small boats that had finished unloading from the opposite side, and unconsciously stared at the ship behind him.

Meng Su gave him an inquiring look and looked at the waterline of the boat behind him under his sign.

The boats were all the same size. They loaded the half ton boulder on the boat and sat six people. Even if the river was not shallow, the boat\'s draft was very deep, and the waterline was not far from the boat.

Although the stones on the back boat are not as big as theirs, they are put in several pieces. The combined weight should only be heavy but not light. There are also six people on board. Even if they are not as tall as the four of them, they should not have a shallow draft.

There is something wrong with the stone!

"Those people are the people of that steamed bun." Night soul whispered.

He Li nodded and wrote on the palm of night Soul: after leaving the river, get a piece to have a look.

auzw. The boat didn\'t go long. It landed half an hour later. There was also a considerate pickup truck delivery service on the bank. Yepeng and Yingjiu came to explore it last night. The river also went up and down. Looking at this place, although it was not long on the river, it was a little far from the village.

"The river leads to that?" After getting on the truck, he Li handed a cigarette to the driver (He Li would put a bag of high-grade cigarettes in his pocket after finding that handing cigarettes in this world is a way to increase his popularity)

He was handsome and looked honest with a smile. He gave good cigarettes. The driver laughed and said, "the water channel below is complex, but it can lead to Myanmar."

He Li expressed surprise, and then handed him a cigarette, but no longer asked.

The following link to Myanmar can explain why those Burmese people can send so many stones.

The van directly sent the stone to the hotel. As soon as Ying Jiu and Meng Su carried the stone into the guest room, he Li received a call from Ye Peng. After a moment of silence, he dialed Lu Yao.

He Li and Meng Su drove to the village. This time, they took guns.

"Stone? In stone?" Cheng Cheng asked incredulously on the phone, "are you sure?"

"See for yourself." Lu Yao looked at the stone, which was split into two parts by a knife and exposed the hollow, and was also a little depressed. Did the drug dealer have a grudge against her? Or does she have a grudge against drug dealers?

There is a big plastic bag in the stone, all of which are jade bracelets.

It just looks like a jade bracelet. When broken, white powder can be poured out.

Four stone cutting machines were turned on at the same time, and the roar of the machine was so cute in those anxious ears that they looked at the eyes under the cover with red.

That\'s the color of gamblers.

The two machines in the middle are used for gambling stones. In order to improve the atmosphere, each gambling stone will be separated for a period of time, and others will be allowed to open the stone in the middle. It\'s not time for Murray. It\'s Ling Qingyu\'s turn to open the stone here, and the party approached the machine with the stone in their arms.

Looking at Ling Qingyu\'s excitement that almost scratched his ears and cheeks, Ying shisan suppressed his smile and put the 50 kilogram stone in his hand into the machine.

"Wait, can I operate it?" She handed Zhao Yinfeng the stone that made her hands sour all the time, and Murray said to the staff who operated the machine.

"Yes." The staff stepped aside.

Shadow thirteen carefully put the stone in. Murray used the cutting method of cutting edges. Seeing that she was so careful, someone around laughed.

The stone looks bad. If there is jade outside, I\'m afraid it\'s also wrapped in stone. It\'s just a circle outside. The best way to cut it is to stab it in the middle, so you can see it clearly.

Ignoring the sarcasm of Bao Hong, Murray carefully operated the machine and cut the stone little by little.

From her experience, the appearance of this stone is really not worth such a delicate operation, but there is a voice in her heart that says, be careful, it\'s probably full of green.

That voice has helped her many times in the past five years. Hu ye said that it is a talent. She is consistent with the magnetic field of jade, so she can hear the voice of jade.