Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 764

"80million? OK, how to pay?"

Ye Xi\'s words almost didn\'t make Hu ye fall. Damn, it\'s just a group of laymen! What a rich layman

"Mr. Ye, the appearance of this fast stone is not good. 80million yuan is a little expensive. I\'m afraid I\'ll lose money." Murray looked at the stone carefully and said.

Ye Xi glanced at Ling Qingyu and said with a smile, "it\'s all right, just like my sister." Even if the variety of jade is not good, as long as it is big enough to carve a blessing doll.

"Tell him, this kind of stone looks bad. No one here will ask for 80million yuan. We can ask for it, but we will give us three stones." Shadow thirteen said to Hu Ye.

This is a bargain, but the risk is still very high.

When Ying shisan pointed to the three stones that he liked, which were put together and required to be delivered, Hu Ye didn\'t say anything for a long time. They were three stones with more than 50 kilograms each. Although the appearance was not very good, it would cost at least a few million if sold alone.

After turning around and telling the Myanmar businessmen what Ying shisan meant, Hu ye said, "everyone is an expert. You know what your stone looks like. We are not a public offer here, and there are no artificially high prices, but you can rest assured that you can pay directly to you. Have you handled our domestic card?"

The Burmese people discussed with each other, and they also knew that the price of the private offer was definitely not as high as that of the public offer, but they didn\'t have to pay those taxes. In addition, the most pitiful thing about the public offer was that many Chinese buyers didn\'t pick up the goods after they took photos. They liked it empty. The public offer was only twoorthree times a year, and they had to wait for months if they missed it once, but their funds were not affordable.

"OK, 80million, this one and four here." Humanitarian in Myanmar.

Four? Hu Ye looked back carefully, and found that there were not only the three big stones on the other side of his finger, but also a small stone of about ten kilograms. Although the small stone had a worse appearance, it was always an extra one!

Yang Zhao wanted to take out his wallet, but ye Xi frowned and said no, then asked Hu ye to ask if they had a Hong Kong account, and he transferred US dollars to them.

Those Burmese who directly transfer US dollars in overseas accounts are certainly more happy. The RMB has foreign exchange control, and it still needs some fees to get back to Myanmar. It is the easiest to give us dollars directly. Happy, the main Burmese found a raw stone of more than 20 kilograms from the pile of stones and gave it to Ye Xi. Of course, it is also bad looking.

For such a large amount of transaction, Hu Ye found several notaries to come over, wrote an agreement on the spot, and marked the appearance and characteristics of the stones they bought. Then in front of the notary, ye Xi opened the notebook that Ying shisan had with him, and directly transferred money on the online bank.

Glancing at the balance in his account, Ling Qingyu asked in surprise, "eleven, why is there so much money?"

"Well," Ye Xi looked up and said with a smile, "when I was in Hong Kong, I bought some futures, which are soybeans, and made some money." At that time, he couldn\'t understand English and bought casually. Soybeans ranked first at that time, so he clicked in. When entering the price, he couldn\'t understand English and made an error. As a result, the operation was short buying, and the price was very low. As a result, he logged in the day before yesterday and found that his money was all returned to the warehouse. Ten million dollars became 50 million dollars

Everyone was silent

Is this a new futures star after Ling Qingyu?

Men all know how the money came from. Ling Qingyu just thought that he got the best benefit. The five million dollars he earned was very sensible and said, "I didn\'t expect that one day, my family will make money at eleven than I!"

Before the official opening, there was such a big deal, and there were a few pieces of Hooded material that were not opened at all. How could they not look like stones that can produce good jade, especially the huge hooded material worth 80million... People looked at Hu ye and Murray in different eyes. With such a rich layman as the backing, Murray and Bao Hong\'s bet, I\'m afraid it was really a bit flattering.

Bao Hong came in with the Burmese businessman who participated in the fair. The stones of this Burmese businessman occupied a large area. Except for the largest stone bought by Ye Xi, his stones were the largest and the largest in number.

As soon as I heard that Mo Leilei\'s people offered 80million yuan to buy stones, Bao Hong\'s face was black. Later, after looking at those stones, he laughed contemptuously.


The cheapest stones in the market cost millions. Although all the good jade in morelei\'s hand had found buyers, they didn\'t receive all the money. They received only five million, so they all brought them in the Cary. Seeing that ye Xi bought the Burmese stone, she simply picked a stone in his stall. When Bao Hong came, she had already picked a piece. The Burmese was happy and gave a preferential price of four million.

When Hu ye came back, Bao Hong knew that it was impossible to cajole morelei to pick stones from himself or his partner again.

But he didn\'t worry. Seeing that Murray had only picked four million stones, he was more confident.

Although gambling stone will also see how high the profit of the stone is (that is, how much money to buy, and how much the jade is worth), it ultimately depends on the quality of the jade.

He helped the partner with all his strength this time. In order to express his gratitude, the other party gave him a piece of raw stone with excellent skin appearance, and it also weighed 80 kilograms. What\'s the matter? The jade will be more valuable than morelei\'s stone of more than 30 kilograms.

Murray, you\'re bound to lose.

Bao Hong and others stepped in. As soon as the people arrived, the organizer announced the opening. Some of them had taken a fancy to it and made an agreement to pay in advance like Ye Xi. Once the opening meant that they could open stones on the spot, which was the most exciting time of this private trade fair.

On this occasion, you can only buy stones, take them back and open them yourself, or you can open them directly, and the price will be quoted by the jewelers present. Finally, the gambling stone. If two people agree to make a bet, they will open stones with the stones they bought at the same time. The winner can take away the stones of the loser free of charge.

In addition to the gambling between Bao Hong and Murray, several other people also made an appointment to bet. As soon as the host announced the opening, they each looked for stones, and then asked the host to arrange a time to open stones.

Several people who bought the stones in advance went to open the stones. This time, the raw stones were of good quality. The first few stones were all made of good jade, which was directly bought by the boss who was present at the scene, and the atmosphere became warm.

The original stone stalls are also more lively.