Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 1045

"However, Hua Qing said that she really couldn\'t move money." Calculating the gains and losses in his heart, old man Hua murmured to himself.

"Grandpa, mom said that the time to make money is these days. After these days, you can\'t buy it if you want to buy it. After a month, it\'s three times the profit." after that, she glanced at the old man and the old lady. The stamen lowered her head and drank porridge, and added: "although it was said that there would be no such store in this village, but what mom said is also right. The money for grandpa and grandma\'s pension is still a little safer."

"Old man, you look at the music and think about us all the time. What about your grandchildren? It\'s rare to come back to see us once a year. Every time I ask for money, it\'s like killing him. I don\'t expect him to break the pot, so I expect Hua Rui to help me raise my old age and end my life. Hua Rui, grandma gives you all her private money. Go and earn some money. Then, it\'ll be good to share half of grandma\'s money." Lovingly holding the stamen and shaking it, the old lady smiled.

"Grandma, don\'t worry! This time it must be all right. When the time comes, I\'ll earn you an imperial green bracelet." The flower stamen smiled brightly and said, "how can I spend tens of millions of the old lady\'s private money? If I earn twoorthree times, I can still afford to buy a bracelet, but when the time comes, the bracelet will naturally be given to myself as a dowry.".

"Little girl, are you so confident?" Old lady Hua laughed and said that she had loved her daughter since she was a child, and her daughter listened to her words and her mind was similar to her own. Those women who old master Hua was outside were also solved by her daughter. Speaking of it, compared with the son who was dissatisfied with and even opposed his behavior since he was a child, the daughter is really a close person, and the grandchildren are even more so. The stamens were brought up by his own excrement and urine, and he couldn\'t kiss them since childhood, For the other two, Hua Qing has been following Hua Song, and it is rare to see them several times a year. Hua Dong is a dirty and cheap bastard. If you want to spend all the money of your family according to your own mind, whether it is Hua Song or Hua Qing, or even Hua Ting left to Hua Dong, it should be the stamen.

"It\'s not that I\'m confident," she said mysteriously after rubbing her head in Mrs. Hua\'s arm, looking around at the stamens, and waving to everyone nearby to walk away. "Grandpa and grandma, do you know who the person who bought billions of dollars is? Fu ~ ~"

Old man Hua\'s eyes suddenly lit up, old Fu! Who is Fu always? He is one of the largest invisible billionaires. It is said that his family property has exceeded 10 billion dollars. It is not a company asset that will become water at any time, but a family property!

He has invested so much money, that must be right!

In a word, since Hua Qing officially took over the group company, the company\'s business has become bigger and bigger, but the money for himself has become less and less


Just before dawn, I fell asleep. Before I slept long, I was woken up by the phone ring. I got up and touched my mobile phone with a stomach full of breath. When I saw it was not my own, I looked at it with my blood red eyes open. Then I kicked Huaqing, who was lying in bed with his clothes like him, and answered the phone with a cry, and then I turned around and slept again.

Hua Qing fell to the ground and muttered. He touched the mobile phone that fell with him. As soon as his hand touched the bell, he listened to it because it was time. He was happily turning around and went to sleep, and the magic bell rang again.

Angrily grabbed the phone, pressed the answer button, closed her eyes, and Hua Qing roared, "who is * * * * * * who! What are you arguing about in the early morning!"

The voice in the phone paused, and then came the angry scolding of old master Hua. That series of national scolding made Hua Qing take the phone away from her ear and simply press the hands-free key.

Old man Hua was so angry that the sound of the phone was so loud that the roof shook up. No matter how big his sleepiness was, he was scolded by all kinds of unfilial children who didn\'t breathe for ten minutes. He leaned against the head of the bed, rubbed his eyes, took a cigarette out and lit it. Looking at Hua Qing, he scolded, and then continued to sleep.

"I don\'t care about you so much! Now it\'s for the sake of you and my grandson that your aunt gives you this opportunity. Today, get me 200 million dollars of funds and immediately transfer them to your aunt\'s account!" After scolding, old man Hua shouted.

auzw. "Grandpa, I told you last time that the company has no money. My aunt has more than a dozen houses, so I\'ll take one. I\'ll also mortgage this one to you. If you really want it, I\'ll go through the formalities now. About half a month later, you\'ll kill me for other money, but there\'s no other." With a sneer on her lips, Hua Qing sat up from the ground and said to the phone.

"You fart! Show me the company\'s account! I don\'t believe there is no money in your company account!"

"Grandpa, I want to ask, this money is given to my aunt, whose money is the earned money? Whose money is the lost money?" Huaqing asked with more coldness on her lips.

"Of course, the money your aunt earned is her loss? How can it be lost? Are you afraid of not giving you interest? Rest assured! The interest will be given to you! A family, is it interesting for you to do this? Do you mean to ask your aunt for interest?"

With a sniff from his nose, Hua Qing said, "I say again, no money! You are old and rich. Go and support your aunt, isn\'t it your own daughter?"


Hearing that old man Hua began to scold again, Hua Qing turned the voice of the phone to the minimum, stuffed it under the pillow, looked at his watch, and simply got up and went to the bathroom to wash.

When the phone was silent again, he got out of bed and picked up the phone. After turning it off, he said to Huaqing in the bathroom, "what are you going to do?"

"Isn\'t it the National Day holiday right away? We\'ll start tomorrow, and we\'ll travel abroad tomorrow afternoon." There is toothpaste in Huaqing\'s mouth. The voice is a little vague, but it is more gloomy.

Smile at something, throw your mobile phone at the head of the bed, turn on the TV in the room, and then sit at the desk and turn on the computer.

They tossed about all night last night and transferred all the funds they could use to Su Hexiang after traveling around the world. They didn\'t sleep until dawn. They wanted to sleep for half a day and wait to watch the excitement at noon. Now they are fine. Old man Hua is so noisy that they have no mood to sleep.

This stock war, not to mention that he believed in Su Hexiang very much in his heart, he wanted to kill Hua Yin, and he wanted to help with all his strength. However, he and Hua Qing\'s company belonged to the group company, so it needed a lot of procedures to transfer the company\'s money, and in order not to let people track the source and whereabouts, there were also many links in the middle, so they first used their private houses, and then tried to mobilize funds.

Finally, I caught up.

They know stock and company management, but they don\'t know stock futures trading very well, so they can only watch the next thing.

However, there are still things they can do, such as

Turning to the TV, the latest news is being broadcast in the morning news.

China, Malaysia and the Philippines have reached a cooperation agreement on the newly discovered oil fields at the junction of the three countries by Chinese businessmen. This agreement shows that the situation in Southeast Asia has been eased