Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 1044

Autumn is the best season in Beijing. It is clear and crisp in autumn, with pleasant temperature and minimal pollution. The air in the morning is even fresher.

In old age, people sleep less and get up early. Old man Hua got up at dawn and began to play taijiquan in the yard.

After a round, old man Hua took the towel handed over by the workers, wiped his sweat, walked to the stone table in the hospital and sat down. The table has been placed with exquisite breakfast. It has a variety of patterns, with heat and fragrance, which makes old man Hua who has just finished exercising have a big appetite.

"Right amount, right amount!" Seeing old man Hua gulping porridge with a bowl of porridge, old lady Hua, who came out of the room, frowned slightly and muttered as she walked to the stone table.

After being talked about for decades, old man Hua was also used to it. He wiped his mouth, picked up the fried dough sticks, took a big bite and said, "this porridge is good today."

"That\'s it. It\'s Stewed with dried abalone sent by Yiner. It\'s said that there is a price but no market for it." Sitting at the table, demurely picked up the bowl, took a small spoon and took a sip. Old lady Hua sipped the porridge and thought, "old man, did you tell Hua Qing about Yiner?"

"Yes, but Hua Qing said that now the company is facing a major investment project. He really can\'t move the funds. He mortgaged his house for several million." Old man Hua asked the domestic workers to make another bowl of porridge and frowned.

"What is this!" The old lady Hua put the chopsticks down and said, "yin\'er has suffered such a great loss and lost so much money. As a nephew, he won\'t help? What\'s the value of hundreds of millions? Don\'t think I don\'t know. A company he participated in just went on the market a few days ago, took a large sum of money, and gave hundreds of millions to his aunt?"

Glancing up at old lady Hua, old man Hua said, "Hua Qing is also our grandson."

"What do you mean?" Old lady Hua suddenly widened her eyes with a trace of anger.

"Hua Qing said that in the past, we didn\'t always say that yin\'er had no money and asked for tens of millions to yin\'er from him. Now we say that we invested 800 million to buy the company a few months ago..." old man Hua paused and said, "Hua Qing said that there should be a degree of eccentricity. Most of the money his father earned has been given to yin\'er, and now he is still digging for his grandson\'s meat..."

"Fart!" The old lady Hua patted the table and said angrily, "what does he mean by this? What does it mean that his father\'s money has been paid? How much can those broken coal mines be worth? Don\'t you give him all the most profitable? Otherwise he can have such a scene now!"

"Old woman! Our surname is Hua. After we die, only Hua Qing can throw pots for us to worship." Old man Hua said a word faintly, picked up a very small bag and threw it in his mouth, saying, "don\'t push too hard."

Old lady Hua choked and suddenly lost her words. After a while, she said, "that\'s my steamed stuffed bun. Don\'t eat it for me."

"Grandpa, grandma ~" the stamen who stood in the room and listened to a few words pushed open the door, rubbed his sleepy eyes and called sweetly.

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"Oh, my baby is awake? It\'s so early today? Come on, come on, aunt LAN, adding some porridge to miss sun." As soon as the old lady Hua saw the stamens, her eyes narrowed with laughter and waved.

"Yes!" Hua Rui went to the table and wanted to hold old lady Hua for a while. She kissed old man Hua on his forehead before sitting on the stool. Looking at the abalone porridge on the table, she said, "do you like this grandpa and grandma? Do you like me to tell my mother to bring more back?"

"Your mother is out again?" Old lady Hua frowned slightly and asked.

"Well, mom went to Japan and said there was a big business. How many times can she earn if this business is done well." The stamen blinked and said with a sweet smile.

"How many times?" Old man Hua asked without feeling refreshed.

"Yes, it\'s said that the stock market in Japan is about to soar. This is internal news. Mom\'s friends have bought billions of dollars of goods, saying that it\'s the last time, so mom rushed over," with excitement, Hua ruitu sighed and said, "unfortunately, mom doesn\'t have much money now, so she can only watch others make money."

"Are you sure you can make money? That\'s not it, just lost..." old lady Hua saw that Hua Rui\'s face darkened. She thought of Hua yinben and said that the money was Hua Rui\'s dowry. Now she has lost all her money. It\'s uncomfortable to see Hua Rui\'s appearance. She took Hua Rui\'s hand and said, "don\'t be afraid, your grandfather doesn\'t help you, and she still has some money, so she will give you a dowry!"

"You old woman, did I say no?" Old man Hua stared at old lady Hua, turned to stamen and asked, "can you really make so much?"

"Of course! Grandpa, you can also see that it\'s so hard to do industry now, and the profits are getting thinner and thinner, but it\'s different to do stock futures. Many people get rich overnight. The girl I showed you a few days ago is only in her twenties. A civilian, who was originally very poor, earned hundreds of millions a year by doing futures." Stamen eyebrows raised, language with excited way.

Old man Hua\'s father died during the war of resistance against Japan. Old man Hua was raised by a family in the village. After liberation, he was found by his father\'s old comrades in arms and brought to the capital as his son. He was sent to join the army as a young soldier to participate in the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. He was promoted to company commander after receiving several military exploits for his bravery in the war, although he only knew those learned in the army, But because Gen Zheng and Miao Hong were martyrs\' orphans and good at steering with the wind, old man Hua survived several sports, and his wife, who was born a petty capitalist, also survived.

Old man Hua is good at drilling camp, but his thought is the old rural patriarchal thought. He is autocratic. His son is handed down from generation to generation, but his son\'s things are also his own, and his son\'s marriage is not what his son can say.

In order to protect himself, old man Hua didn\'t hesitate to use such a despicable method to cheat his son. Finally, he forced his son to death and was jealous of his son\'s huge family property, forcing his grandson out of his addiction to being the president.

Unfortunately, he is a good hand in political struggle and conspiracy. He is a good hand in harming people, but he knows nothing about management, which makes Hua Song\'s company with infinitely good prospects a mess.

However, looking at the exciting appearance of old man Hua because of what he said, although roast in his heart, the stamen smiled sweeter when looking at old man Hua. It is also because the old man is greedy and incompetent that his mother can get into the loophole and persuade old man Hua to transfer the most valuable mining industry in the company to his own name at that time. Huaqing has always been a loose band of flowers, and there are things that move flowers. How can he be separated from him, Later, he secretly fought against the old man in the company, but Hua Yin was the daughter of the old man who had loved him since childhood (the old man liked this beautiful and petty girl). In addition, Hua Yin kept saying that her own was not her parents\' and that old lady Hua helped her son with so much money, but her daughter was bullied outside... Let the old man transfer most of Hua Song\'s property to Hua Yin.

What my mother can do, I can do it naturally. With such a good opportunity, I can earn more money by making more money. My mother originally said that the 800 million yuan plus money will be given to me once cashed out. As a result, I lost everything. I have to find a way to get it back. After all, my mother\'s money is not as good as the money I put in my hand.