Perfect Supreme

Chapter 539

“As for you, are you qualified to point me?”

The taunting sound floated out of Lin Ling’s mouth, causing the crowd to tremble.

Seven Profound Martial Palace’s genius!

Silent and mediocre!

But at the moment, who is genius, who is mediocre, at a glance!

All this, very dreamy!

A sword, no one saw a sword, genius from Seven Profound Martial Palace was defeated, and the right arm was cut off, it was all too easy, know the youngster but Heavenly Spirit Realm Peak!

Many people condense their pupils, especially when they think of the scene in the city gate, they feel like a dream. At the time of the city gate, Zhou Xingyu from Seven Profound Martial Palace once said aloof and remote to Lin Ling: “I Here is your guidance, I hope you can understand!”

Now, he is the genius of the pointing family, but even one move can not stop, and the arm is cut off!

All this, very ironic!


Zhou Xingyu squatted on the ground and made a painful voice. It still seemed to be unbelievable. The genius of his own dignified Seven Profound Martial Palace could not stop one move!

“How can you win me?”

He looked up and screamed.

Lin Ling slowly came over and did not answer Liu Qing’s words, but indifferently said: “Seven Profound Martial Palace is sacred, but only the starting point of Martial Dao, just because of the identity of the Seven Profound Martial Palace. You will be arrogant, self-satisfied, such a mentality, Martial Dao Path not go tar far, I am here for your guidance, I hope you can understand!”

The words, Lin Ling did not pay attention to Zhou Xingyu!

Zhou Xingyu pupil condense, not long ago he pointed to Lin Ling, this moment, Lin Ling pointed him, and he can not refute, because Lin Ling is much stronger than him!

All around people are also silent. Now they don’t dare to laugh at Lin Ling. Instead, they feel that the scene in front of them is very ridiculous. Zhou Xingyu wants to point others, and eventually he is beaten!

The icy square gradually left only Lin Ling and Liu Qing.

Lin Ling looked towards Liu Qing: “You are the same, just become the Seven Profound Martial Palace disciple, but you are proud and complacent. When you come back to the city, you can enjoy the kind of eyes that people admire. I don’t know, people beyond people , There Are mountains beyond the mountain, and, I am just passing by, but I am regarded as an admirer, more proud to engrave on my sword, can your skin be thicker?”

Liu Qing’s face is cold, but his eyes are constantly shining. The youngster in front of him is the same age as him, but he can beat Zhou Xingyu. This genius usually only appears in the Seven Profound Martial Palace.

“You are also the “Disciple of Seven Profound Martial Palace?”

Liu Qing said coldly.

“I never said that I am not!” Lin Ling faintly replied!

“What? He is also the “Disciple of Seven Profound Martial Palace?”

At this moment, the entire square was sensational.

They thought that the Heaven’s Chosen Child in Tiecheng was Liu Qing and Zhou Xingyu, but who knows, there is also a seminar of Seven Profound Martial Palace!

And compared to Liu Qing, this youngster is more low-key and calm, not because he is the disc of the Seven Profound Martial Palace to show off, if not to save the two girls, perhaps this youngster will not show the edge.

“hehe, the ridiculous thing is that we were still laughing at him before, saying that he is a mediocrity!” As for some youngster girls, they are bitter smiles and feel extremely ironic!

“Seven Profound Martial Palace’s discipline!”

On the other hand, Liu Renxing’s face is gloomy. Today is the stage of his son, but the youngster tells him that the Genius of the Seven Profound Martial Palace is not worthy of pride, because the Iron City is really isn’t his son is Seven. Genius of Profound Martial Palace!

“No wonder so proud, but Seven Profound Martial Palace genius countless, you are just a discipline, and I am the discipline of Xu Fan, and I haven’t seen you in Xu Fan, I think you should be an ordinary official disciple. It’s ridiculous, even the classmates don’t have any qualifications.”

Liu Qing looked at Lin Ling deeply, coldly start to talk.

This year’s Seven Profound Martial Palace’s genius youngster can make him not too much jealous, just Zuo Mo, Lan Feng, Tang Yue, they are, as for other genius youngster, some are not qualified to become Xu’s discipline’s discipline, being rushed Go to the official disciple!

In their heart of genius, who has the guidance of the teacher, the official disciple has never been able to see!

“I am proud? Your face is really thick!”

Lin Ling couldn’t help but laugh. Liu Qing actually said that he was proud of Lin Ling, but he forgot. When he returned to the city, aloof and remote enjoyed the superiority!

However, Lin Ling is also lazy to say something: “Xu Fan’s discipline is very powerful?”

“You will know!”

Liu Qing’s self-confident nodded, he can become Xu Fan’s discipline, naturally has a penny, perhaps he is not the strongest when recruiting, but then under the guidance of Xu Fan, he believes he has surpassed A lot of genius!

“Qing Er, he humiliated you, and took away your fiancée, using your strength to end his life!”

Far away, the voice of Liu Renxing passed over, so that many people smashed, and Liu Qing wanted to kill the youngster!

Liu Qing is the discipline of the Seven Profound Martial Palace. Although the youngster is also the discipline of the Seven Profound Martial Palace, it is obviously not qualified to be recruited by the graduates. So who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

“The two are the genius of the Seven Profound Martial Palace. I don’t know who is better?” Many youngster girls muttered to themselves.

This battle, many people have intuition, the battle is definitely fierce!

“Does he win? If you win, we will be free!”

Ouyang Xiaoqian looked at the square nervously. In fact, Lin Ling was able to go this step. She was also surprised. She knew that Lin Ling was killed by Zhou Xingyu at the beginning!

“Brother Ling, will win!”

Youyou smiled and said that although Lin Ling did not know how to do at Seven Profound Martial Palace, she has a 10% confidence in Lin Ling!

“Youyou Lord, this may not be the case. Before you enter the Seven Profound Martial Palace, some genius are really strong, but after entering the Seven Profound Martial Palace, there is no teacher to give pointers, and finally you can’t escape the end, some people pointing and no one Pointing, this is a big gap!”

Just then, behind Youyou’s few people, the mysterious old man appeared, he lightly started talking.


Youyou don’t look at the old man at first glance, but she remembers that this old man regards himself as Lord, but in his own distress, he has no take action at all, and Brother Ling saves himself!

The mysterious old man shook his head, and just wanted to say something. At this time, the square uploaded the voice of Liu Qing.

“I admit to look down on you, you are also qualified to grab my woman, but only qualified, so many eyes now, then look at you and me, who laughed to the end, so, use your full Strength!”

Liu Qing proudly looked at Lin Ling. He has been humiliated several times, so in order to find the dignity, he can only defeat Lin Ling with tyrannical strength, so that he can wash away the shame!

As for Lin Ling who can beat Zhou Xingyu, he knows that this youngster is not weak, but he is one point stronger than Zhou Xingyu. He has been praised by Xu Fan, so he has 10% confidence to kill Lin Ling!