Perfect Supreme

Chapter 538

As for the other side of the square, the mysterious old man is also faint. “That is the Brother Ling in Youyou Lord’s mouth? The power is great, and one person dares to save Youyou Lord. However, there is no strength but no strength. Lose your face, even lose your life!”

I don’t know why, for Lin Ling, this youngster, he doesn’t like it very much. He wants to see Lin Ling lose face. Perhaps only this way, Youyou Lord will know that the youngster she relies on is actually just a frog in well!

As for the moment, Liu Residence’s people are face was gloomy. Today, their Young Master is humiliating. It will definitely become a joke later. Even in the nearby main cities, they will be passed out and laughed as incompetent men!

“You, are you finished?”

Liu Renxing’s face is extremely cold.

“Hey, I am coming!”

At this time, Liu Young Master came out, he could not help but come out, after all, if he did not speak, others would think that he was a waste, not a man!

“Ouyang Xiaoqian, and you two women, I don’t want to understand why you are so stupid, marry me Liu Qing is not good? I Liu Residence will not be bad for you, let you become above ten thousand people, more I can enjoy the name of my genius at the same time, but you won’t cherish it, but run away with a garbage. If so, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Liu Young Master watched Youyou Three women, coldly start to talk.

“Your skin can be thicker?”

Lin Ling ridiculed a smile: “You said you are welcome, I ask, before they marry you, when did you politely ask their wishes?”

“Also, don’t talk about aloof and remote, let alone enjoy the name of your genius, you are just a clown, what is your pride in genius, and I met you a while ago, you actually Say the lettering for my sword, and point me more, this thick skin, under the ordinary, who are you!”

The words fell, the crowd was shocked, especially some young youngsters, they recognized Lin Ling!

Not long ago, Liu Young Master returned from the city gate, Lin Ling was also at the city gate, when Liu Young Master said to Lin Ling, he had the opportunity to engrave his sword, and Liu Young Master was proud at that time. Confident, calm!

At that time, Lin Ling stood with Liu Young Master, and Lin Ling was as mediocre as it seemed to be pointed by Liu Young Master. In this scene, many people still remember clearly!

“It’s him!”

“It’s too much, is Liu Young Master comparable to him?”

Many young youngsters are reacting, but then, a path of disdain sounds, the youngster is likely to smash the Young Master’s voice, so today’s mess!

“It turned out to be you, it seems, your sword, I will not re-letter for you!”

Liu Young Master also recognized Lin Ling, no wonder that Lin Ling is always familiar.


Lin Ling sneered and laughed. This Liu Young Master still thought that he was from Seven Profound Martial Palace, so he could be proud in front of himself. He sneered and shook his head: “You don’t have to bother genius Liu Young Master, but if you want to engrave, I will write for you! ”

“Whether you admire me or admire me, but today you are doing too much, I will not let you go, you want to take them three, you can, with me this Seven Profound Martial Palace genius battle, if You won, you can take them away, and I will never ask again!”

Liu Young Master word by word paused and said, taking away infinite confidence and domineering.

“The genius of Seven Profound Martial Palace, how the youngster won, but through the youngster you can also see where Liu Young Master is strong!”

Square all around, many green youngsters boiled up, then they can see genius take action!

“Liu Qing, genius of Seven Profound Martial Palace, King Spirit Realm Early Stage, good strength, Lin Ling, but Heavenly Spirit Realm Peak, just a difference, no match, this battle can make Youyou Lord see Lin Ling’s used!”

In the distance, the mysterious old man is faintly smiled, but the words of his comment have just fallen, and a calm voice has come out!

“With my battle, you are too weak, but you have to fight, I will accompany you!”

Under the lack of light, Lin Ling pulled out the singer sword, sword finger Liu Qing, the cold steel square, the breeze smashed, let his long hair flutter, blue and white robes hunting, at the moment he, frivolous world !

One person and one sword, blue and white robes, sharp and sharp!

The square is all around, the crowd is quiet, they always thought that this youngster is just a jumping clown, but now it is found that the younger aura has changed, at the moment of determining the battle, full of sharp aura, proud and fearless, fearless!

“he’s changed!”

In the distance, the mysterious old man 瞳孔一凝, the first time I think Lin Ling this youngster, it seems that some are not simple!

“It’s so arrogant, I dare to challenge the Genius of the Seven Profound Martial Palace, Brother Liu, I’m a guest, so send it to you!”

At this moment, the brown robes youngster who came back with Liu Qing came out and let Liu Qing nodded. He is Heaven’s Chosen Child. He is proud. Can he take action at will?

“My name is Zhou Xingyu. In the name of the Star Rain Sword in Seven Profound Martial Palace, I can die under my sword. You are still defeated, remember my name, Zhou Xingyu!”

Brown robes youngster evil looking a smile, a hand pumping at the waist, a soft sword appeared, golden light flashing, like a snake like electricity, blooming gorgeous and gold expensive rays of light!

A terrifying impering manner blooms at the same time, letting the square all around the youngster puck in a cold breath, Worthy is Seven Profound Martial Palace’s discipline, the imposing manner alone can make them feel stressed!

“Before, I still want to point you, but now I am too lazy, I am not interested in the disobedient junior!”

The icy sound sounded, I saw that the youngster’s figure was flowing, and a sword seemed to shoot from the ground, with an infinite killing intent, and went straight to Lin Ling!


That’s right, it’s a snake, and it’s a king snake. Obviously, this youngster’s swordsmanship is at least King Rank Grade’s Martial Arts!

“Looks like, there is King Rank 2nd Grade!” The powerhouse from all sides of the main city is dignified, Seven Profound Martial Palace, Martial Arts has a deep foundation, the youngster looks like King Spirit Realm Early Stage, but has a powerful Martial Arts In the body, let them the King Spirit Realm Middle Stage, and even the old generation powerhouse of Late Stage do not dare to look down!

Genius out of the youngster, this sentence is a scene!


A little brilliance appeared, I couldn’t see the sword, only saw a pair of eyes like a poisonous snake, but locked Lin Ling’s body!

Lin Ling didn’t move. After the sword of the poisonous snake got closer and closer to him, he shook his head and stepped forward. The sword in his hand came out to the void, the ray of light of the sword, True Meaning of Sword Spewing!


Sword light Like water, accompanied by a sword falling to the ground!

I saw the youngster wearing a brown robes on the icy square. His right hand was cut off, blood was flowing, and his left hand was painfully stroking the right hand, his face pale!

And the sword on the ground, at this moment is divided into dazzling!

“What is going on?”

The crowd was wide-eyed, too fast, and everything was over too fast. They also wanted to see the rays of light of Seven Profound Martial Palace genius. However, under the sword, the genius was cut off from the right arm!

They didn’t see it at all, the genius from Seven Profound Martial Palace, how he was cut off the sword and cut his right arm!