Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4911

In such a chaos, Bai Yusheng also killed a lot of gods, and his strength eventually came out some of the ordinary!

Of course, killing one thousand and killing eight hundred, he naturally suffered a minor injury!

“Hey, see when you can block!”

The three protoss are dominated by King Wan Tao, and Qi Qi are sneer!

Hōng lóng lóng !

At this time, Bai Yusheng was slammed into the earth, and if it disappeared into the ground, the earth was also bombarded with a huge deep pit. If it was not full of XimonXth Layer, the land had already been destroyed!

“Hahaha, I caught the white feathers!”

The god who took the action before was very happy.


However, at this time, the earth had an arrow shot out, beyond the imagination, running through the god!


This arrow is extremely fierce, one arrow is to let the gods scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, before his proud laughter, did not expect to be a last word!

The volcano city suddenly disappeared!

Everyone looked at the deep pit on the ground. What kind of arrow is this, so it is so easy to kill a Middle Stage of the Holy Universe!

too strong!

“I finally came out, and really arrogant with the rumors, killing the gods the strongest arrow!”

At this moment, the leaders of the three Protoss are all pupils condense, inexplicably excited!

They did not guess wrong, Bai Yusheng really has a treasure!

After all, in the state of Bai Yusheng, I want to obliterate a Middle Stage of the Holy Universe, and I can’t do it without going through a few great wars!

And now, an arrow of Instant kill!

” According to legend, Hou Yi has nine arrows and can kill any universe. Now Bai Yusheng has only one arrow. This shows that the remaining eight arrows cannot be used. Otherwise, the people here can stop him!”

The king of Wan Tao squinted at his lips: “If you get the Hou Yi bow, these arrows are formidable power!”

At the same time, the deep pit is in turmoil, the earth is falling, and between the dust, a silhouette floats up. This person is full of blood and long hair, like a wolf surrounded by hunters!

His nephew swept the crowd, and they looked at each other, and everyone shuddered!

What they saw was an imposing manner!

Bai Yusheng, I have to work hard with them!

At this moment, the gods did not dare to act rashly, and the mortal people took a bite, they had to beware!


However, at this time, Bai Yu raised his arm and waved, and did not see any power fluctuations, but immediately had an arrow shot above the bubbles in the sky!

Hōng lóng lóng !

The bubble is turbulent and cracks appear!

“A good arrow!”

The king of Wantao expressed changed, his bubble is the universe of the sea, the defense is incomparably powerful, without the power of the god-level cosmic giant, it can’t move!

This time, he once again saw Bai Yusheng’s Hou Yi arrow!

However, Bai Yu’s assault was fruitless, and he again waved his arrows and continued to hit the air bubbles. He saw more and more cracks in the bubbles being shot!

“His purpose is to save the woman and stop him!”

King Wan Tao felt that something was wrong, and he shouted!

The gods also reacted, and Bai Yusheng knew that he could not escape, so before he died, he would save the woman!

“take action !”

“Break the charm of the brain!”

“Bohai World!”

A lot of attacks attack towards Bai Yusheng, and in his current state, he can’t stop it!

Seeing this scene, the woman in the bubble is constantly beating the bubbles, the tears are constantly dripping, the pain is shouting, but the sound can not be transmitted!

“Lin Ling, Bai Yu can’t stop it!”

Twelve phoenix gods bite their teeth and quietly sound transmission!

Lin Ling pupil condense, contemplative, suddenly take action, but released the attack, attacking Bai Yusheng like everyone else!

However, he is attacking through chaos and resisting more attacks from others!

Fortunately, there is a chaos, and all kinds of powers of God broke out, causing no one to see Lin Ling’s take action!

But even so, Bai Yusheng still can’t stop it, only to see the volcano side, terrifying roaring, countless Destiny is excited, if heaven falls and earth rends!

After the roar, the smoke, the flash burst, and then began to dissipate!

“Not dead, but also broken!”

The heads of the three protoss were upturned, and the white feathers that had been caught for so long were finally controlled by them!

“Bring him out!”

Wan Tao’s big hand waved, and immediately there was a powerhouse of the Holy Stage cosmic giant Late Stage flying over, to bring the white feathers out!

I saw the land above, the white feathers lie there, the whole body is blood, the earth is red, and the aura is weak, as if it is dead!

“Oh, you dare to fight with the Protoss!”

The person who walked past was coldly snorted, but at this moment, the white feathers that did not move suddenly became awkward, and an arrow shot, running through the god’s chest!


If this arrow is taboo, it is extremely powerful and kills the god!

I saw that Bai Yusheng still squatted on the ground, and the weak one could not stand up. The previous arrow was that he had tried his best strength, and after one arrow, he brewed all the power of the whole body and threw it toward the sky!


No one thought that Bai Yusheng had a sigh of relief, and eventually he could only witness an arrow hit the sky, and the bubble burst!

After a roar, the white clothed female wandered down. If Nine Heavens Fairy was under the dust, she fell to the earth and immediately rushed to the white feathers!


She screamed in pain and hugged Bai Yusheng!

“I finally saw you!”

Bai Yusheng smiled at the woman, and the smile was as relieved!

“Why, why are you so stupid, thousands of people are looking for me, why, we, can’t be together!” white clothed female said painfully.

“Because, I love you, how is the law of the universe, how is the Fate who dominates, and changed my life, I can’t change my heart!”

Bai Yusheng is getting weaker and weaker.

It can be seen that in order to come together, they have gone through thousands of labors, ten-thousand sufferings, and finally met here, but for the first time in hundreds of millions of years!


The woman suddenly hugged Bai Yusheng. She couldn’t say anything. She just wanted to hug her favorite person, so it was a short moment!

And seeing this scene, all around is still, many gods are ripple in their hearts, touched by their love!

Of course, there are also gods who are amazed at the firmness of Bai Yusheng, even if they die, they must save their beloved ones!

“We promised you, let you be together. Now, you are together too. However, this time together is very short and short. It is over. Someone comes, take them away!”

At this time, an untimely voice came and interrupted Bai Yusheng!

“Wanhai people, you are abominable!”

The woman looked up at Wan Tao, and the scorpion was cold!

Unfortunately, no one cares about her, there are three protoss people coming, take them away!


The woman kept shouting, but unfortunately there was no use!

The two were eventually separated!

Poorly, it is not easy for Bai Yu to see the most loved ones, but only for a short period of time!