Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4910

Hōng lóng lóng !

At this time, the volcano suddenly became turbulent, and the earthquake accompanied, and the crater spurted a huge mushroom cloud and rushed into the sky. Some of the volcanoes near the volcano were struck by the mushroom cloud, immediately scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, even The soul is also gone!

“Destiny will be martial, start!”

Everyone’s pupil is shaking, how come this time!

“Look at Bai Yusheng! Don’t let him escape!”

The leaders of the three Protoss were all angry, and then looked toward the huge volcano, and the expression became extremely dignified!

They can all realize that this Destiny is bigger than ever. If it is inspired, the whole city will benefit!

However, it is not the time that Destiny will come really!

It seems that they should have led the white feathers out before they started Destiny.

At this moment, Bai Yusheng is also looking at the volcano, the face of fortitude is turbulent, he came here, that is to know that this Destiny will be the strongest, I hope that through this Destiny will enhance the strength, and then bring back their own woman !

But he did not expect that the three Protoss have already laid the nets here!

He glanced at the white clothed female in the sky, biting his teeth, and wanted to save by chance, but he finally resisted!

Because he knows that such a rescue will inevitably fail!

The woman in the bubble, at the moment, both hands are placed on the bubble, as if touching the cheek of Bai Yusheng, she kept shaking her head, yelling constantly, letting Bai Yu rise away, but the bubble blocked her voice!

However, she is really beautiful, if the skin is cough, white clothed wins the snow, if at any time, the fairy is like a dusty drift!

“Are you ok?”

Bai Yu raised his lips and moved, silently said!

The woman is nodded, I can see that they have not seen it for many years!

And the twelve wings of the yang god are also watching Lin Ling, asking Lin Ling whether to take action now, after all, the three protoss are attracted by the volcano, is also a great opportunity!

Lin Ling contemplative, and ultimately did not intend to act, he and Bai Yu thought, the three Protoss seem to pay attention to the volcano, but as long as they are close to the bubble, the three Protoss will definitely take action!

Moreover, the bubble is a powerful universe, reaching the ranks of the five worlds, not easily broken!


Lin Ling sound transmission Go back!

Over time, the mushroom cloud of the volcano gradually disappeared and everything recovered as it was!

However, Destiny will have begun!

However, people are afraid to come out to fight at will, but look at Bai Yusheng!

“Let her go, I am going with you, what do you want, I will give it!”

Bai Yusheng looked up at the three Protoss.

“I ask you, is the Chaos Top Ten artifact Hou Yi bow and arrow on you!”

Asked the king of Wan Tao.

Hou Yi bow and arrow, known as the most powerful attacking artifact among the top ten artifacts of chaos, speaking of killing gods, it is second to none, more powerful than Donghuangzhong!

However, Hou Yi bows and arrows are just killing the gods, but other areas can’t compare with the East Emperor Bell, such as defense, etc., of course, with the second-to-none attack power, Hou Yi bow and arrow is enough to dominate the era!

Whoever gets Hou Yi bow and arrow, it can become one of the strongest gods of the era, and the nine stars of the universe!

Such a heavy treasure, who does not pay attention!

Of course, this is also the only known chaos in the 5th Layer!

For example, the ten artifacts of Donghuangzhong, if they appear, these protoss will certainly not let go, but this kind of treasure is still missing!

“On me, you let her go, I am going with you, as long as you refining me, you can get it!”

White feathers are as good as death!

“hehe, don’t think we don’t know, you only have arrows on your body, and there is no bow, but the bow is on her, right!”

However, the king of Wan Tao sneered, which is why they have been reluctant to hand over white clothed female!

Because they all know that Hou Yi bow is on white clothed female, but they can’t find a way to find it!

Hear this, Bai Yusheng scorpion flashed, said with a sneer: “You are in the opposite direction, I have already come out, you said that we will let us go!”

“That is the premise that you hand over Hou Yi bows and arrows, this will make your husband and wife reunion!”

“White feathers rise, let’s wait!”

The powerhouses of the three Protoss sneered and did not intend to let go of the woman!


Bai Yu rose and roared, the whole body imposing manner broke out, ready to fight the battle, and saw his cultivation base realm has reached the Holy Stage of the universe giant Late Stage!

“Whoever grabs him, there are many prizes!”

The leaders of the three Protoss are sneer, and under the big hand, many gods are ready to move!

And the tacit understanding is that the gods that are dispatched are the strengths under the Lat Stage of the Holy Universe!

This shows that they also want to stimulate Destiny by grasping the white feathers!

“So many people take action, this can also force Bai Yu to use that arrow. I heard that this arrow is extremely powerful, I have never seen it!”

King Wan Tao hands his arms around his chest and smiles at this scene!

“White feathers rise, also called Hou Yusheng, self-rename, but unfortunately, dignified Hou Yi reincarnation, but it is so sad, if death is approaching, maybe the woman can burst out of Hou Yi bow!”

The nine snail’s old man is also gloomy said with a smile.

They used various methods to investigate, but they could not mobilize the Hou Yi bow on the woman. Now, by the death of Bai Yusheng, it may not be possible to move!

Obviously, for this moment, they have already planned for a long time!

I got both Hou Yi bows and Destiny, and I got it!

The city’s powerhouse coffers white feathers rise, white feathers rise is undoubtedly like a sleepy beast, he looked up at the white clothed female, suddenly screaming, killing battle!

At this moment, he is unaccompanied and can only rely on himself!

The woman above the sky cried into tears, constantly shaking her head, hoping that the three Protoss could put Bai Yusheng, but unfortunately, no one looked at her at this time, the three Protoss were just sneer!

Hōng lóng lóng !

The world-shaking’s great war broke out, and a lot of invisible energy flocked to the volcano, constantly stimulating Destiny!

This kind of excitement is undoubtedly beyond the no-god!

Seeing that Bai Yusheng has repeatedly been in distress, the twelve wings of Yang Yang also look toward towards Lin Ling, expression is anxious!

Lin Ling shook his head secretly, and at this time, he could only wait!

Just wait until when, in fact, he has no bottom!

Bang bang bang!

On the side of the volcano, the fierce great war is erupting, and a large number of gods are besieging the white feathers. These gods have the king-level cosmic giants and the holy universe giants. According to their strength, they are all capable of inspiring Destiny’s gods!

“Give me to die!”

Bai Yusheng has already killed his eyes, all the power broke out! He is now the Holy Stage cosmic giant Late Stage, it is more difficult to inspire Destiny, but facing more opponents, so more or less can also stimulate Destiny!