Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4882


There is a god holding a huge chain of hammers, flying out, carrying a hammer in the air, forming a Wind-Fire Wheel, falling from the sky!

His Wind-Fire Wheel hammer suddenly appeared in the sun, the moon and the stars, the space debris, looks very powerful!

“Awesome strength, the holy universe giant, but the power of God has reached 10,000!” The gods in the distance are exclaiming, general speaking, the ordinary holy universe giant, the foundation of the power of God is The power of two thousand gods, the more powerful ones are three thousand, each lifting a large realm doubled, and the god holding the hammer is the giant of the universe

God Middle Stage, it is reasonable to say that six thousand is very good!

But he is 10,000. It seems that he has been stuck in realm for many years, and the power of God is constantly improving!

Hōng lóng lóng !

The huge hammer 恍 as if splitting heaven and earth apart, from the sky, roaring the earth!

Lin Ling looked up, Pangu was really urging, and an old wind blew from his body surface, and the whole land seemed to sink a point!

A punch was shot in the sky by Lin Ling!

“What, actually dare to hard, this Lin Ling seems to be only the strength of the king of the universe!”

“I guess the arm is going to break!”

“More than that, it is estimated that it will be cut into patties!”

A burst of exclamation sounded, and the god who provoked the hammer of the gods smashed, so it was so simple that it killed Lin Ling?

When he wants to come, Lin Ling should not be taken prisoner, full strength wants to escape, avoiding his edge only right!

However, Lin Ling’s own death is just saving their time!

Just, he wants to kill Lin Ling, what did he do?

Lin Ling Today’s fleshly body, where is he can imagine!

Hōng lóng lóng !

The seemingly small fist touched the giant hammer of the sky, and a loud bang came out. Terrifying is that the huge mountain-like giant hammer was actually blocked by a fist. The seemingly thin fist seems to have an indescribable formidable. Power !

Weng weng!

At the moment of the collision, where the boxing and hammering are handed over, a circular wave of air is also spewing in all directions, hitting the top of the eight major peaks, letting the mountain peak roar, and a large number of gravel fall down!

At this moment, everyone is squatting!

The god of the hammer is even suck in a cold breath, the forehead reveals the blue veins, the angry anger, this face, he lost!

Look at Lin Ling, he shoulders with one hand, looks very calm!

His Pangu body is powerful and unmatched, and trifling has the power of 10,000 gods. He naturally can easily block it!

Moreover, he has not broken out the power of all the fleshly body, otherwise he has already smashed the hammer of the gods. After all, in his opinion, these people are going to die, die early and die late, in fact, they are almost the same!

“I said, it is really not enough to kill me with you!”

Lin Ling calm and composed said.

“Kid, don’t be too arrogant!”

The god holding the giant hammer screamed and whipped up Divine Ability, forming nine sledgehammers in the sky, falling down in layers!

Bang bang bang!

The nine consecutive roars, the power of God exceeds 10,000, but when it falls on Lin Ling’s fist, Lin Ling is still completely motionless!

嗤chi chi!

People in the distance are all sucking in a cold breath, this is the king of the universe?

As for the gods above the eight peaks, they picked up their eyes and didn’t expect this Lin Ling to be so strong!

“Let’s go together!”

At this time, Lin Ling’s voice floated out below, although it was calm, but it fell into the ears of everyone, but it gave people a sense of irony. So many of them, can’t they achieve a uniform of a king-class cosmic giant?

“I come!”

There were gods floating up, hands dancing, actually moved out of the endless mountain, descending from the sky, suppressing Lin Ling and going!

“I am coming too!”

On the other side, there is a mirror in the hands of the gods, absorbing the light of the universe, turning into a light column and shooting at Lin Ling!

“take action together!”

More and more gods took action, bursting out a powerful power of God, killing Lin Ling and going!

Bang bang bang!

The sound of ear-splitting is also ringing. If the entire Heaven and Earth collapses, the terrifying shock wave is implicated in the distant gods. They are blown back by the impact, and their faces are extremely dignified!

“do you died?”

After someone stabilized his figure, he asked a question!

“There are so many holy giants taking action, it is estimated that it should be dead!”

Others look affirmative!

“too weak!”

But at this moment, the soft voice sounded, and then on the ground, the wind blew, a powerful force rushed toward the sky, causing all the forces that suppressed the earth to rush!

Then, a silhouette grows in madness and gradually becomes a giant. Looking at that huge degree, it is not much smaller than the mountain around all!

The gods who took the action before were all knocked down by the impact, but their nephews were all watched by the giant, and their faces changed!

So many of them joined forces and they were defeated by them!

“On the ants and other ants, I dare to kill me, it is act recklessly!”

At this time, the giant made a sound, extremely low, with Mad Tyrant and disdain, I saw his giant palm shot in the air, like a siege car in the sky, the first hand to hold the god of the hammer Being beaten by a hard shot!

Peng peng peng!

The hammer of the god in his hand first opened, and then the whole body exploded, turning into a blood mist and spilling the earth!

A king-class cosmic giant Middle Stage is so degraded!

“Don’t think there is a chance to reincarnate!”

More terrifying is that the giant grabbed another palm, and if it had magical power, it actually caught the soul of the god, and suddenly it was a grip, and the soul collapsed!

This time, it is impossible to reincarnate!

Everyone blinks, what is this ancient fetus, too powerful!

However, the giant did not close, the other palm grabbed it out, only to hear the voice of peng peng peng, those gods facing the giant palm are urging a strong Divine Ability, but the power of God falls on When the palms were all, they were all smashed!

Instead, the giant is like a sea of ​​sand. Under the spur of the harvest, more than a dozen gods are held in his hands. What means can’t resist!

“It’s the power of the fleshly body!”

Only an old man was yelling because he had previously provoked Divine Ability, but it didn’t work, so he ended up affirmed.

The power of fleshly body?

People’s faces trembled, what kind of fleshly body power is so freak, actually can ignore the power of God!

You must know that Lin Ling is only urging the body of Pangu, and there is no use for the ancient hit, Panguyi, otherwise they can know what is called terrifying!

Lin Ling’s promotion in the chaos world is the Ling Ling universe and the sword of faith, but after his realm breakthrough, the strength of the fleshly body is more or less improved!

Hua la la !

I saw Lin Ling’s two hands suddenly holding together, like a twisted towel, the god that he was caught in his hand was twisted into a twist, and was twisted!

Pā pā !

Large swaths of blood flow from the hands of Lin Ling!

“Don’t be fooled? How do I think, as if he knows what to do, deliberately counts!” The old man who deceived Lin Ling, witnessed the terrifying great war, his face was scared pale!