Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4881

“Hahaha, Lin Ling, I trust you have been well since we last met!”

On top of the eight huge peaks, hundreds of gods stand there, terrifying, they are all the strength of the medieval stage giant stage!

Even each mountain has a master oversee of the sacred universe giant Late Stage!

At the moment, they are sneer at Lin Ling in the mountain range!

For Lin Ling, they are all clear, from the 3rd Layer, who killed the Silver Moon, even Yin Wanguang died in his hands, and this Lin Ling was stared at by multiple inflation figures. Someone issued a wanted, if Lin Ling came to the 4th Layer, obliterate Lin Ling, the reward is rich!

“Can cause so many gods to care, I thought Lin Ling is what three heads, six arms guys, it was just a king-class cosmic giant Middle Stage!”

“Yeah, it seems that this reward is not for us!”

The eight stage-level cosmic giants Late Stage on the mountain peaks are lightly smile. They look at Lin Ling’s nephew and are disdainful. I didn’t expect Lin Ling to be so weaker than the rumor!

“What happened? A lot of gods gathered together!”

“I heard that I am encircling a person, it seems to be called Lin Ling!”

“Lone Ling, I heard that many people in 4th Layer want to kill him!”

In the distance, the gods of the route are also talking, and then the irony smile on the corner of the mouth, Lin Ling, where are these gods’ opponents!

Because, their eyes are roughly swept away, they have recognized many famous gods!

“That is the Tongshan old monster. It is very famous in the 4th Layer. It is said that when he first came, all the peaks were exploded by him, and the nineteen mountain owners were great war for a year, and finally defeated the mountain owners!”

“Except for the Tongshan old monster, the one over there is the Yokoyama god. It is said that his universe has reached the Seven Realms. He once faced the siege of 49 Zunshan, and lasted for three years without any problems!”

“What, forty-nine respects the mountain and is besieged?”

Under a conversation, many people are sucking in a cold breath. The mountain owner represents the masters of the 4th Layer mountains. They have been entangled in this for many years and have been looking for a way to the 5th Layer. The strength is extremely powerful. !

And besieged by the forty-nine Zunshan, this is only defense, the ordinary people have this strength!

This is also full of the strong defense of the universe of Yokoyama!

These powerful gods, a terrifying one, are now gathered here!

At this moment, no one even thinks that Lin Ling can still be alive!

“Master, why sell Lin Ling?”

The old man was leaving with the discipline, but his discipline was very dissatisfied. After all, Lin Ling saved them!

“There is no way, Lin Ling offended the corrupt family, offended the silver moon family, there have been some wanted orders on the top, plus a powerhouse called a funeral sword is also looking for Lin Ling, the powerhouse strength heaven defying The god of the 4th Layer 90% can be defeated. The Middle Stage of the Holy Universe is not enough to watch. Even the holy stage giant Lat Stage is not his opponent!”

“Even if we don’t sell Lin Ling, Lin Ling will die sooner or later. Let Lin Ling be cheaper!”

Old man sighed.


His disciples are still unbearable. This is not because they are all good people. They can usually appear in the gods of the Taoist tower. They basically hold life with their hands, but they are more principled. After all, Lin Ling saved them. They But selling Lin Ling violates their principles!

Of course, although they can’t bear it, they can see that Powerhouse is besieging Lin Ling. They also know that Lin Ling has gone!

“Master, who is the powerhouse of the funeral sword, the rot and the silver moon want to kill Lin Ling, this is normal, they have this qualification, but the qualification of the burial sword!” one of the discipline asked .

“This person is said to be the star of the nine universes. The strength is only the king-level cosmic giant Late Stage. The power of God is too much, and it controls a kind of powerful force. The strength of the battle is very terrifying!” Man said.

“The king of the universe, the Late Stage?”

The crowd is frequently sucking in a cold breath.

“Lin Ling, you are still waiting for it. If we take action, you may have to fly away and want to resurrect in the underworld. It is a dream!”

Finally, there was a voice that sounded. It was a single-armed old man who spoke, and this person also had the strength of the holy stage giant stage Late Stage!

“Lin Ling, give you time to think about it!”

The other seven strongest gods are also opening.

Look at the gods of the mountain all around, they despise watched Lin Ling, 3rd Layer is notoriously famous Lin Ling, but the 4th Layer is just a newcomer!

Lin Ling looked at all the gods, calmly said: “You are so confident obliterate me?”

“Kill you like killing clays and pottery dogs!”

The one-armed old man laughed, expression is full of pride.

Nowadays, among the eight mountain ranges, there are actually eight universes, which are connected end to end, blocking all the retreats. With so many powerhouses on the scene, Lin Ling will fly and not fly anywhere!

On the power of God, exploded Lin Ling!

On Divine Ability,exploded Lin Ling!

On the universe, exploded Lin Ling!

They are so confident!

Lin Ling stared at them. Among the group, the eight people were a bit more powerful. The others were paper-like. He said indifferently: “Who are you coming?”

“Tell you anyway. Before you come here in the future, there have been people who have been rewarded. It is the Corruption and the Silver Moon. Right, there is a powerhouse called a funeral sword. Of course, this person’s name is strange, 4th Layer I won’t give him face at all, but this person is very strong and exploded the entire 4th Layer’s powerhouse in less than a year, so everyone listened to him!”

“Lin Ling, Lin Ling, you trifling a little god from the lower bounds, you can’t get fat, you dare to provoke the rot and the silver moon, I tell you, this tower is very deep, many ancient protoss can scare you One jump!”

The powerful gods held their hands in the chest and reprimanded Lin Ling.

“You are right!”

Lin Ling nodded, the twelve protoss in the second half of the Daota, is really not what Lin Ling can win at the moment. Of course, this does not include these gods present!

“Since you know your depth, let’s wait!”

See Lin Ling nodded, and there was a shrine who immediately sneered and said that it seems that you can catch Lin Ling without any effort!

Of course, even if Lin Ling really wants to resist, it is only the case, it seems to them a little more time!

“With your gods of three-legged cats, it is estimated that you can’t subdue me!”

At this time, Lin Ling spoke again, and he also prepared the battle!

“Great tone!”

The gods of the eight gods are all angry!

The gods who are far away from watching the show are very surprised, because the gods above the eight peaks almost represent the strongest force of the 4th Layer. Although they are truly inn’t invincible, there are not many people who are stronger than them. !

This new little god Lin Ling, trifling alone, actually uttered madness!

“Look at me, don’t have to talk nonsense with him!”

The gods of the eight gods made a sound: “We have already agreed, the number is so many, who takes action, the reward is evenly divided, the eight mountain owners take the big head, take action!”