People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 325: The tea dolphin who came to the branch looking for trouble

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After everyone left, Sengoku began to think about another question.

That is, what will happen to the new world after the green pheasant goes to the South China Sea?

After all, the reason why Aokiji is here now is because he is responsible for escorting a group of pirates back, and he originally planned to leave for the G1 branch tomorrow.

But now...

He was sent to the South China Sea by himself, and only Akainu was left in the new world.

If it\'s normal, it\'s nothing.

But under the current situation, it is not safe to have only one general in the G1 branch.

Who is going to fill this gap in combat power?

Well, no one really.

This is really an era when the pirates are rising, but the navy is not connected.

Now the three generals are not too young, and in the next generation of the navy, there are still every existence with the potential to succeed.

Regarding this matter, the Warring States period is also heartbroken, otherwise the original work will not be done in the end, and the only way to recruit generals is to recruit generals from the world.

Think about it, after Aokiji left and Akainu was promoted, the two generals had to find talent from outside, and there was no one inside who could take over. This is a sad thing.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn\'t let Gion go!"

Sighing slightly, Warring States muttered to himself.

Thinking that more than a month ago, Taotu returned to the headquarters and wrote a transfer application and sent it over, and he was stunned on the spot.

It wasn\'t until later, after He gave the whole thing, that the Warring States finally understood why Taotu was not a good candidate for the headquarters and had to go to the East China Sea Navy.

Emotions are like this?

Of course, even if the cause and effect were known, the Warring States period would not let people go so easily.

Just kidding, there are only two general candidates in the headquarters, but they are a higher level of combat power than lieutenant generals. How could they be released to the East China Sea?

As a result, the Warring States period directly rejected Taotu\'s transfer application.


The next day, something that made Sengoku even more stunned appeared.

Taotu submitted another application.

And the title of this application is...

Retirement application!

As a last resort, the Warring States had to have a good talk with Taotu, and finally realized that she had applied for retirement because she saw that her transfer application was rejected.

After retiring, you are a free man, right?

That free man wants to join the East China Sea Navy, there is no obstacle, right?

Good guy, the Warring States period also sighed at Taotu\'s logic, it\'s really awesome...

However, there seems to be no problem with this logic?

In the end, there was really no other way, and the Warring States came to the crane.

Taotu can\'t listen to his own words, but he can always listen to what He has to say, right?

But the result?

Crane just said something to Sengoku...

You still let it go!

Is there anyone who understands Taotu\'s character better than Crane?

You really don\'t transfer her, she will retire, at least you let him go to the East China Sea, is she still in the navy?

For the Navy as a whole, there is no loss, is it?

Well, under the persuasion of the crane, the Warring States compromised...

Agreed to Taotu\'s application to be transferred to Tokai.

But now, the Warring States period has some regrets.

If Taotu is still in the headquarters, then I can let her go to the G1 branch together with the tea dolphin.

Although the headquarters can\'t come up with general-level combat power, but if two general candidates go together, they can be somewhat close to a general\'s combat power, right?

It’s good now, people have already run away, and it is estimated that they are almost reaching the East China Sea now.

Otherwise, tea dolphin will go to bear first, and then contact Li Yan and ask him to send Taotu and Nuoqigao to the new world to help?

If this is the case, it is also possible, and the combat power is enough.

"Come on!"


Hearing the shouting of the Warring States period, the navy soldiers outside immediately entered and shouted in salute.

"Go, recruit Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin for me, there is an urgent task!"

"Yes, I\'m going right now!"


In about ten minutes...

The messenger came to Sengoku\'s office again.

"Marshal, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin is currently not in the headquarters!"

"Huh? I don\'t remember what task was arranged for him to perform?"

"Marshal, I asked, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin took someone away three days ago, and the information registered in the military port is to go to the 18th branch of the East China Sea!"

three days ago?

The Eighteen Branches of the East China Sea?


Hearing this information, the Warring States immediately understood what this guy was doing.

Wasn\'t it when Taotu left three days ago?

Donghai branch, isn\'t it Li Yan\'s side?

Speaking of which, I have had too many headaches these days, and I really forgot about it.

Taotu\'s rioting about being transferred, and even threatening to retire in the end, has been widely communicated in the headquarters.

There were even a lot of rumors that Taotu had to run to the East China Sea because he had an affair with Li Yan.

Not to mention, there are a lot of examples in these rumors, it really seems like this is the case.

For example, Taotu went to the East China Sea several times a year, and took it with him for more than a month several times.

For another example, in recent major events, there are Taotu figures around Li Yan, such as the battle of the G8 branch, the battle of the G1 branch, or the battle of the 18th branch against Doflamingo, etc. .

In short, all kinds of rumors have noses and eyes, and most of the navies in the headquarters believe them.

What about the tea dolphin?

I still don\'t know where the Warring States period is. This guy is afraid that he will go to the East China Sea to find Li Yan trouble.

No, no, no, I have to tell Li Yan, if the tea pig is too much, you can beat it, but don\'t kill it!

Yes, the Warring States period never thought about what the tea dolphin could do to Li Yan, but he was afraid that the tea dolphin would make too much trouble, so Li Yan directly attacked...

After all, there is Li Yan\'s lair, Li Yan, Zefa, Yixiao, Nuoqigao...

You go there to make trouble, courting death, isn\'t that right?

Thinking of this, Warring States also immediately picked up the phone bug, for fear that it would be too late.


At the same time, the East China Sea.

Corona Island, Eighteen Branch, Office Building.

In Li Yan\'s office., who just arrived, is already sitting here.

"The transfer procedures have been completed, and I and the more than 500 female soldiers under my command will be affiliated to the East China Sea Navy from today!"

"How are you going to arrange us?"

Transferred from the headquarters to the East China Sea.

From a general candidate to a lieutenant general, and also a branch lieutenant general.

No matter how you look at it, it is appropriate to be demoted.


At this moment, Taotu\'s mood is extraordinarily beautiful, and a smile is constantly revealed on his entire face.

"Like a smile, what is the position of the deputy governor of the East China Sea? I think the Marshal will not approve it."

"Regarding the subordinates you brought, two large naval dormitories have just been built in the branch, and one of them is dedicated to you to house female soldiers."

"in addition..."

blu blu blu...

Just as Li Yan was halfway through speaking, the phone worm suddenly rang.

"I\'m Li Yan!"

"Li Yan, I\'m the Warring States period, the tea dolphin hasn\'t come to your side, right?"

"Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin, has he come to my side?"

"It\'s okay, it\'s time to catch up!"

Hearing this, Warring States breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that he would make a late call, and Li Yan had already started.

This person hasn\'t arrived yet, so it\'s easy to do.


Also at this time.

"Li Yan, the port said that Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin from the headquarters will arrive, and I want to see you by name!"

Ain came to Li Yan\'s office and said.

And these words also fell in the ears of the Warring States Period and Taotu.

The next moment, before the Warring States period could say anything, Taotu just stood up.

"I\'ll deal with it!"