People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 324: The Revolutionary Army's Asymmetric Battlefield Advantage

Popular recommendation:

This is the first time that people in the pirate world have really faced a submarine attack.

There is neither a corresponding positioning method nor an effective attack method, and it is almost only there to stare blankly.

"Commander, shall we evacuate now?"

"No, don\'t go first, temporarily maintain the depth of 100!"

"Commander, do you want to..."

"Yes, two of the three warships have been killed, and the remaining one has to find a chance to get rid of it, right?"

Well, Lindbergh, who has tasted the sweetness, is not going to kill the last Mary Joa warship now, and he is afraid that he will not leave.


after an hour.

North Sea, Revolutionary Army North Army Headquarters, Sherman Island.

In the room, Drago was thinking, it\'s almost time, should we let the South China Sea stop and replace it with Beihai.

The commander of the Union Army came in.

"Leader, there is urgent news from the South China Sea?"

"Is Lindbergh, what happened?"

"Does the leader remember what Betty said before, that Li Yan gave us three boats that can travel underwater?"

"Well, I remember this, what\'s wrong?"

"On Lindbergh\'s side, one of them is being used for sea trials in the past few days, but more than an hour ago, they encountered a combined fleet of 8 warships with Mary Joa and the Navy."


Hearing this, Drago also asked worriedly.

After all, it is just a ship going out for sea trials, and there is no other battleship to protect it.

Moreover, he has also seen the information on the ship called submarine. The entire ship is equipped with eight "cannonballs", and its combat effectiveness is simply incomparable to the surface warship given by Li Yan.

"No, according to Lindbergh, they have sunk all three warships belonging to the CP organization, and the other party doesn\'t even know who did it."

"Moreover, they are hiding under the sea, and even if the other party knows their location, there is no way to attack them."

"Boss, this submarine is very promising!"

Saying this, the crow\'s eyes lit up.

And as the leader of the revolutionary army, how could Drago not realize the meaning of this?

"It seems that we all underestimate this kind of warship called submarine, as Li Yan told Kerla to pass on, this is an epoch-making that can change the way of warfare and even bring asymmetric military advantages to the revolutionary army. weapon."

"Yeah, if Li Yan can give us another batch of submarines, we can definitely make a difference in the four seas!"

Yes, the crow is talking about the cosmos.

after all...

In the great route, there are too many sea kings!

Under the surface of the water is not as good as the surface of the water. If you encounter the attack of the sea kings, there is almost no way to survive.

Unless it is, use a lot of sea rock to make the hull of the submarine.

But the problem is that the revolutionary army does not have so many sea towers, and even the navy is not luxurious enough to directly use this thing to make the shell of the battleship.

"Well, indeed!"

"But it\'s not the four seas, the East China Sea can\'t move!"

First nodded in agreement, and then Drago said again.

East China Sea can\'t move!

This is the consensus within the revolutionary army today.

But it\'s just pity Betty, the dignified commander of the Eastern Army, who has nothing to do at the moment, and is directly acted as a trader...

However, Drago has already thought of an important position and is ready to let Betty take over, and arrange it after this period of time has passed.


a few days later.

According to Dorag\'s orders to Lindbergh, all three submarines were used, and they went around, launching multiple attacks.

During these attacks, Lindbergh\'s Confederate army

Of course, despite all the attacks, the basic principles were maintained.

Only attack Mary Joa\'s warships, not the Navy\'s warships.

And in these attacks, the reliability of the submarine was once again proved, which made Dorag more determined, and the new strategy thought in his mind.

Utilize the submarine to form asymmetric advantages, and continuously strike the surface power of Mary Joa.


Accelerates the separation of trust between Mary Joa and the Navy.

Not to mention, this trick really works.

In just three days, the Five Old Stars had already approached the Warring States period and asked him why the Revolutionary Army only attacked the warships of Mary Joa and never attacked the warships of the Navy.

Is there something elusive between the Navy and the Revolutionary Army?

In this regard, the Warring States naturally denied it.

But the problem is that once this kind of thing is raised, it is not so easy to lower it.

In short, according to the last five old stars, that is...

To prove the innocence of your navy, let me see the results!

This worried the Warring States period, so I had to call a few core navy executives to my office to discuss it together.

"That\'s roughly the situation, can you talk about it?"

"Marshal, this is obviously the intention of the revolutionary army to frame us and provoke a conflict between the navy and Mary Joa."

After Sengoku finished speaking, Kuzan was the first to speak.

Yes, not only he saw it, but others saw it too.

After all, everyone here is not an idiot.

So, what about the Five Old Stars?

Such an obvious Don\'t they see it?

No, they can see that too.

But that\'s how those in power can tolerate and threaten to exist.

Even if the Five Old Stars know that this 99% is Dorag\'s alienation plan, there is still a 1% possibility. It\'s not alienation but a fact, isn\'t it?

Even this 1% will gradually increase because of the suspicion of the five old stars.

It can be said that Drago\'s hand is a conspiracy, but it is also a conspiracy.

"Kuzan, I understand what you said, but if I understand it, I understand that the results that the Five Old Stars want are not so easy to get."

"According to the news from the South China Sea, the other party seems to have used a ship that can travel and attack underwater, and there is no way to start!"

Shaking his head, Sengoku said.

"Marshal, I can, why don\'t I go to the South China Sea?"


Well, the Warring States period was also in a daze, and only then did I remember that Aokiji did have the ability to attack underwater targets.

At least...

As long as the water is not too deep, Kuzan can attack.

And this is not too deep, referring to a depth of no more than 30 meters.

This can be tried. As long as Kuzan successfully wins, even if it is just a new warship of this revolutionary army, all problems can be solved.

"Okay, Kuzan, you immediately set off for the South China Sea. After you arrive, all the naval fleets over there will be under your command!"

"My request is only one, at least destroy one underwater warship of the Revolutionary Army!"

"Of course, if you can capture one, that\'s the best!"

Now there is no other way except to let Qingzhi go.

Immediately it was an order.